4. Liam
Istudy myself in the mirror of the dingy bathroom at the gas station somewhere between Manhattan and the Adirondacks. I have a black eye, and I”m pissed that my opponent was able to get a punch in.
In my defense, it has been a while since I’ve had to fight hand to hand. Thankfully, all my martial arts workouts paid off. I walked away with a black eye. My opponent didn”t walk away at all.
I look down at my hands. My knuckles are bruised and raw and covered with blood. I turn on the water to wash away the remnants of my latest victory. I”m a little surprised at how easily I have fallen into becoming the cold, calculated, brutal man required for me to fulfill my goal, or what some of my men say is my destiny.
Perhaps they”re right.
Maybe I couldn”t escape the Bratva no matter how hard I tried to walk the straight path. Being Niko’s advisor all these years probably should have been a clue.
Perhaps if my father had lived, I would have stayed and followed in his footsteps.
But his death had been difficult for me.
Yes, he could be a violent, cruel man, but he”d been a good father. Nothing was more important to him than family. In many ways, Niko reminds me of my father.
My uncle took over the Bratva after my father’s death. I had no issue about that, and he had no issue with my leaving. He was surprised and concerned when I went into the FBI, but he used it to his advantage when he could.
It bugged him when he learned about the work I was doing for Niko, but I assured him that I was only protecting my childhood friend, which was the truth.
When my uncle was killed and Peprov took over, as far as I was concerned, it was business as usual. Even after I heard the rumors that Peprov had killed my uncle, I didn”t believe it. They were the best of friends. Brothers.
Now I know differently. Peprov always saw me as a threat. His mistake was in going after Kate instead of me.
How the fuck had he known about her? How did he figure out she was my kryptonite?
It was further proof that she was a danger to me, and I was a danger to her.
It became clear to me in the bunker, tied up by Peprov as he handed Kate over to Fiori, that the only way I could keep her safe was to either burn the Bratva down or take it over.
But while Peprov and his men were my enemy, I still had family, people who were loyal to my father and uncle, and I didn”t feel right about taking them out.
Then there was the call that suggested the FBI was suspicious of my dealings with Niko. At that point, the only answer was to take over. And so, after leaving Kate at the hotel, I ruthlessly and meticulously worked my way through the Bratva, killing Peprov’s men and assuring my place as the leader.
I haven’t killed them all yet. Until I deal with Dimitri Babichev, Kate is still in danger. But I”m determined that he is not long for this world.
A sharp knock sounds on the bathroom door.
“We gotta go, Boss,” Artyom, my cousin, tells me. The kid is only nineteen, but he is a good and loyal soldier.
I dry my hands and exit. I step out into a practical blizzard. Winter has come suddenly and brutally, sort of like me.
I lift the collar of my wool coat around me. ”Be there in a minute. I need to make a quick call.”
Artyom nods and leaves me standing in the cold. I pull out my burner phone and dial Niko”s number.
”Yes. I can”t talk long, but —”
”Are you safe? What the fuck is going on?”
”Yes. I”m taking care of business. I”m going to be away for a bit.” I step closer to the bathroom, preferring the stink of urine to the sting of the cold snow.
”We”re hearing rumors that the FBI is on to the work you’re doing with me.”
“Don’t worry. You’re?—”
“I’m not worried about me, friend. I’m worried about you.”
I sigh, feeling tired and a little guilty at assuming Niko’s concerns were about how my current situation would impact him. “I could probably convince the FBI otherwise.”
”Even though you were with me and Donovan as we took out Fiori, or I suppose I should say Lucy took out Fiori.”
”I could tell them I was there on a tip from an informant to save a witness that we had under protection.”
There was a pause. ”But you haven”t done that. We”ve been hearing about bodies dropping right and left in the Bratva.”
”Peprov didn”t give me much choice.”
”Well, there”s no doubt that you will be a good leader. I suppose that means I need a new consigliere.”
”I”m sure you”ll find someone.”
”I don”t know what you”re up to, Liam, but don”t forget that I”m here for you. Donovan and I are both ready and willing to help you, just as you have done for us. If you need anything, just ask.”
”Thanks.” I check my watch, and I need to get on the road again. We’re idiots for thinking we can get up to my cabin in the snowstorm, but after having Kate moved from the hotel to the cabin, I need to check on her before I complete my plan.
”Listen, Elena has been asking me about Kate. I”ve told her you got her safe. Is there any chance that she can visit?”
I close my eyes as I think of all the devastation my world has brought to Kate”s life. ”Not yet. But she’s safe.”
”I”ll let Elena know. And again, Liam, anything you need, just ask.”
I thank Niko and hang up. I make my way to the SUV, climbing into the front seat.
In the driver’s seat is Robbie, my other cousin. In the back is Artyom, and two other men who have proven themselves loyal to me.
”Let”s get going.”
Robbie puts the vehicle and gear and pulls out into the wind and snow.
”Next up, the safehouse,” Robbie says as he heads north.
I lean back in the seat, taking the time to recover from my fight and put together the final bits of my plan. When all is said and done, Peprov, Dimitri, and their followers will rue the day they were born, and Kate will be free to live a normal, happy life without me.