4. Camila
Chapter four
August 10 th , 2018
"You're never going to beat him in the office, so don't even try," Vanessa warns, pulling my attention away from her dismal filing system and back to the handoff session she's been half-assing for the last forty-five minutes.
Nothing is ready. Files for active cases are mixed in with files for closed cases. She doesn't have any client numbers saved into her office phone. Her password to the firm intranet—along with all the confidential client files digitally stored there—is on a Post-It note under her keyboard. And her desk has so many knick knacks, there's barely room for the interoffice bin and a single, completely blank legal pad. How on earth someone so clearly incompetent earned a spot with a partner is beyond me. I can already tell I'll have to re-learn everything from scratch once she's out.
"Sub Zero gets here before 8:00am most days, but as long as I'm in before 8:15am, he doesn't fuss." Of course she doesn't even follow the firm's designated hours. If she can get away with it, kudos for her. Meanwhile, I have to elbow my way onto a subway car at 6:30am to get here on time.
I swivel in her chair— my chair for the next three weeks—and see her steeling mints from Mark's candy bowl. Hopefully my cube neighbor isn't as much of a ditz as Vanessa seems to be.
"Sub Zero?" I ask. She pauses her plundering to stare at me in disbelief.
"You don't know? Sub Zero is what everyone calls Henry. He's cold as ice. Be glad he's a lawyer, because if he weren't, he'd make an excellent assassin." I cough to cover my giggle.
"Is he really that bad?" She leans in close to whisper in my ear.
"He's way worse." She leans back against the cubicle wall and twirls her blonde locks around a pink pen with a feather on the end. "I have to stay late like three days a week because he likes to drop shit on my desk on his way out." I scowl.
"God, I hate that. If you don't want to do it today, neither do I."
"I hear you," she says, giving me a rueful smile. "I know the circumstances aren't great, so thank you again for covering my desk. Sub Zero made a huge stink when I told him I'd be out."
I return her smile, not letting on that I know she didn't give enough notice for her wedding. She's been planning it for over a year—it's all she can talk about at the paralegal happy hours—and still she forgot to let her boss know until three weeks beforehand. I'm the fourth person she had to ask to fill in, and Jonathan pitched a major fit when I agreed to help her. He'll be fine with one of the floaters, considering the Dannemann case just settled.
I open her desk drawer to sneak another look at the mess. Seriously, how does she find anything in this? I might stay late tonight so I'm not scrambling tomorrow. Vanessa taps me on the shoulder and jerks her head in the direction of the hallway.
"Look alive." I stand to peek my head over the divider, and my mouth goes dry.
Henry Park, Jr., or Sub Zero as Vanessa insists on calling him, is gorgeous . He was only ever a picture on the "Wall of Partners" before now, and it does not do him justice.
He's at least 6'2", with shoulders an action star would envy and a jaw that must have been sculpted. Dark brown eyes peer from behind horn-rimmed glasses—my kryptonite—and his mouth is so full and pouty, it's almost obscene. I bet his smile is glorious, though I can already tell he doesn't do it often.. A navy pinstripe suit covers a body likely built by CrossFit, and he moves down the hall with the poise and certainty befitting a newly appointed partner.
His shrewd eyes take in his surroundings before they land on me, freezing me where I stand. Under his piercing gaze, I can't seem to catch my breath. Finally, he comes to stand in front of us, eyebrow raised in interest. He turns to address Vanessa, breaking the spell.
"Hello, Ms. Davies. Did Judge Johnson call during the Russo deposition?" She stops twirling her hair and stands a bit straighter.
"No, Mr. Park." He nods before turning his dazzling eyes in my direction.
"And who is this?"
I've never been a fan of people who talk past a person, and decide to introduce myself. I extend my hand in greeting.
"Hello, sir. My name is Camila Sanchez. I will be your paralegal while Vanessa is out getting married."
He takes my hand to shake it, and I stand firm under his intense scrutiny.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Sanchez," he answers, still eyeing me intently. After a thorough once over, his expression relaxes. "I assume Ms. Davies is showing you the ropes?"
That would imply she knows where they are.
"Yes. She's brought me up to speed. I will do my best to provide seamless coverage while she's out."
I flex my fingers nervously and look down to find my hand still in his. He abruptly releases me.
"Very good," he says with all the warmth of a hitman. After a curt nod, he goes into his office, shutting the door behind him and effectively ending the conversation. Suddenly the Sub Zero nickname seems fitting.
Vanessa lets out a breath from beside me.
"See what I mean?! You have been warned. If you want to survive working his desk, make sure you have a thick skin and read this." She pulls a thick, blue binder from the wall-mounted shelf behind me. "Henry created these guidelines for anyone who works with him. If you remember absolutely nothing from our meeting today, but read that binder cover to cover, you will be fine."
"Don't worry, I got this," I assure her. I ignore the doubtful look pulling down the corners of her mouth and pat her on the shoulder.
"I promise. I'll read the binder and follow the rules so you can unplug in the Bahamas knowing I've got everything covered here. Just focus on saying 'I do'." At the mention of her wedding, she beams at me.
"Oh my God. I can't wait. I'm going to come back so tanned, you won't even recognize me." I smile, while inwardly cringing at the thought.