Chapter 30
S tupid people.
Why couldn’t they just leave things alone?
My life was so much better—so much simpler—before they showed up.
I’d seen those two go into the secluded, rundown cabin.
I’d been watching. I knew what they were thinking, what they were planning.
They wanted to find me. To stop me.
Too bad for them that won’t be happening.
Foolish idiots.
I knew I needed to send a message. So I had.
Then I’d left.
I couldn’t be caught.
But if these people didn’t start backing off soon, I’d have to up my means of scaring them away.
They did it to themselves. If they’d minded their business, none of this would be an issue.
Now I needed to make sure they left.
People could be such obstacles sometimes.
I knew what the most important thing was. My mission was all that mattered.
If these fools got on my bad side, I wasn’t above killing them also.
Hunger began to stir inside me at the thought.
No . . .
I tried to push it away. I couldn’t let the hunger continue. The hunger, after a while, would begin to control me. Then it would make me do things I didn’t want to do, to behave in ways I didn’t plan.
I liked to be more in control.
But sometimes, the urges were like animals clawing at my insides.
Once they were unleashed . . . everything was out of my control.
That wasn’t my fault. I didn’t care what people said.
People have been telling so many lies. Lies were the fuel some people run on.
Those people deserve to die also. Was there anyone honest out there anymore?
If there was, I haven’t met them.
I ran my hand over my face, and a thought hit me.
A beard . . . I hadn’t used a beard on my snowmen yet. Maybe that would be a nice touch.
It just so happened that both of the men inside the cabin had beards.
They weren’t a part of my original plan. But people were always telling me I should be more flexible.
Maybe this would be a good start.
These men had practically given me the idea themselves.
Now I just needed to rearrange a few things on my plan.
My lips curled into a smile as I pulled my hat down lower on my forehead and hurried through the woods.