Sometimes, Duty Places You Where You are Meant to Be…
"I told ye that she saw the lantern."
Hamish glared at Peadair. "Now what are we going to do?"
Peadair offered his friend a shrug. Hamish opened his hands.
"She's on her way up here!" Hamish exclaimed.
"It is but one wee little lass," Peadair tried to shame his friend into settling down. "Hardly a threat. Are ye no' just a bit impressed with the fact that she's not afraid of the night? I am."
Hamish grunted. "Are ye daft? We have a well to dig. The Chief made his wishes clear. Dig this well and make sure no one sees us doing it."
"Aye, I remember what he said," Peadair muttered. "And we're here in the dead of night to keep our word."
Hamish pointed at Rhona. "She is not going to help us keep this project a secret."
"I am still fascinated by her," Peadair remarked. "She has courage, that is for certain."
"The only thing certain is that we will be getting no more work done tonight," Hamish said with disgust. He snorted before turning and grabbing his shovel from the ground. "Let's go. We cannot be spreading rumors of this being a magical place if anyone sees us digging the well."
"I suppose ye are correct." Peadair picked up his own shovel.
Hamish didn't wait for Peadair. The other man turned and began hiking back into the forest. Peadair paused at the edge of the meadow, unable to resist the urge to see the girl from a little closer.