36. Chapter 36
Chapter thirty-six
Session Transcript June 5
Dr. Liu: When was the first time you felt unloved?
Kelsey: I don't know. I know when I knew for sure, though. Recitals are a very long day. The time I realized Mom wasn't going to see me anymore because she could run the pills over to Maryland, that's when.
Dr. Liu: How did you figure that out?
Kelsey: I tracked her google maps location by signing into her email.
Dr. Liu: How old were you?
Kelsey: It was last year. This one time, two years ago, Miss Juliette put me on a merit scholarship. She made it all up. She gave one to me and one to a boy. When my mom found out she stormed into the studio with a wad of cash in her hand—drug money. She was screaming at Miss Juliette, who just stood there, trying to calm my mom down. My mom was screaming, ‘I don't need your charity!' and she threw the bills in Juliette's face. Juliette just stood there, letting the bills fall to the ground at her feet. I don't know how she kept her cool. Mom hated that. She hated Miss Juliette because she never reacted. She used to love getting in huge fights with me until I stopped fighting back.
Dr. Liu: Did anyone else witness this?
Kelsey: No. Whenever my mom came in, Juliette would close the blinds on the windows and either turn the music way up or send us into the other room to dance while she handled Mom. Everyone knew what was happening, but they couldn't see it.
Dr. Liu: It must have been hard for you.
Kelsey: Juliette protected me like that.