Chapter 45
No rain yet to speak of. Should I ask someone to hold a water hose in the air so I can pretend? Kidding. Mostly.
You said something in our last letter: you worry someone might only stick around because of magic. Is that how you think magic works? Is this why you wrote me to prove the mailboxes wrong?
I think if someone has to hold a water hose; it defeats the purpose. You need that spontaneous moment to experience the ‘I’m free’ moment.
Isn’t that how it works? You’re not getting to choose. The magic is. How do you tell what’s real and what’s not ?
I think you’re somehow giving magic too much credit and not enough at the same time. I like to think of the town’s magic like the wind. It exists. Sometimes it gets a little out of hand, but it’s not out to alter people’s lives. (Severe weather is excluded from this example.)
I’ve always imagined it as more of a nudge. Like when two people find each other, it helps take out of some of the guesswork. The tendencies we have to overthink.
Sometimes, I wonder if I’d recognize you on the street. Is that how you think magic works? Souls recognizing souls?
In a way, yes. I’m sure there’s plenty more to it, but isn’t that how these letters work? Somehow, it recognized a connection between us and allowed us to get out of our way and be ourselves with each other. If we passed each other on the street, do you think you could do that?
You pose an interesting theory.
I’ve said before that it’s easier to be honest when it’s in a letter instead of face to face.
So no, I’m not sure I could be as open with a stranger.
Even with a nudge.
So two things then.
You admit you still can make your own decisions even WITH magic nudges? Interesting.
And what if you were around someone you knew, but felt a connection with. Could you be open and honest with them?
This is an oddly specific question.
I read a lot of romances and watch a lot of romcoms.
It’s not that serious. :)
- L.
I bet you love You’ve Got Mail then. You’re not writing to me because you want to—you love the trope. I’ve been reduced to a romance trope.
- Patch
I love You’ve Got Mail. Sharpened pencils. Fresh crayons.
And writing you.
- L.