Two weeks after Veera and Deepak returned from Goa with their friends, Veera cut out a Mrs. W.S. Gupta article and fit it
into a frame that she'd purchased in India. Ignoring Deepak's exasperation, she set the frame on their mantel in their home.
Whenever their friends came over, the article reminded them of the love stories that altered their lives forever.
Indians Abroad News
To my loyal fans and loved ones. This is my last Mrs. W.S. Gupta column, and I'm so sorry to have to say goodbye to all of
you. I've had the privilege of writing to you for over five years now, and I've enjoyed each and every chance I've had to
share wisdom.
The intention of this column wasn't to trick your children into marriage, but to think critically about the way we encourage
our children to live lives better than the ones we've lived ourselves.
My last advice to you is this: Your children are the product of the insecurities that you carried when you raised them. Your
children are the hopes that you had. Your children are more complex and deserve the opportunity to make their own mistakes.
You've made yours. It's time for them to have a chance.
If they make a mistake, that's their problem.
Wishing you many happy matrimonies and joyous unions in your lives.
Mrs. W.S. Gupta
Avon, New Jersey