


"My Lady, my name is Whitney," the first of the two female knights introduced herself as they came in. "With your permission, we'll excuse the officers and conduct the exam of your injuries to report against your husband."

"Oh, I was not planning on filing charges, simply having it for my divorce proceeding," I admitted.

She exchanged a look with the police captain before focusing back on me. "May I be candid, My Lady?"

"Yes, please, I welcome any advice," I said immediately.

"The grand duke has been involved in many cases such as yours. They might not have involved a woman of your rank and officially filing for divorce, but simply removing them from their circumstances. But I have been involved in many of them. You have an uphill battle in front of you. If your family will not support you—"

I snorted.

She nodded. "You need to fight with everything you have. The driver is a witness. The bruises you have are older. It's all evidence. Use it. Even if you do not take the case to trial, have him arrested now and use it to get free and not be destitute."

"Get what you deserve from that monster," the other knight said but kept her gaze on the floor.

I thought that odd, but then I saw she was shaking and it hit me—this was personal to her. She knew someone or had gone through something like I had. I slowly nodded before looking to the captain. "And you are of the same opinion?"

"Yes, and I am always of the opinion that people who commit crimes should be arrested, My Lady," he said firmly.

I considered what they said. "Thank you for your advice. I thought going that far would make things worse for me."

"Men like your husband will fight with everything and fight dirty. You have to be ready to fight with everything or run," Whitney said gently. "I am sorry, My Lady, but those are your options. If you are to come out of this in one piece and have a chance to findpeace when you are alone, those are your options."

I took in a slow breath and let it out before meeting her gaze. "Then I will fight with everything I have and become my own woman even if I have no idea how to do that. Thank you for helping me find the courage."

She gave a firm nod. "Then let's get started."

The police left and the other knight sat to record everything as Whitney helped me undress once the doors were locked.

"I am sorry for the pain you are in," she whispered, her voice rough. "The grand duke will help you punish this monster."

"I-I did not come to him for help. I came to the police," I argued.

"Of course, My Lady," she agreed. She was diligent and detailed, examining every inch of my body, starting with what was visible and newer before moving to what hurt me. "Give me a rough outline of a female form. I want to mark every scar I see."

"Yes, ma'am," the other knight agreed. "There seem to be many on her inner thighs. That will not show on a flat drawing. How would you like to handle that?"

My cheeks flushed fire hot. "My husband's mistress is partial to cutting me there in case he ever wanted to bed me. She wanted to make sure he would be too disgusted by the scars so he never had me." I wanted to melt into the floor at not only admitting that but blurting it out like that.

"I hope she dies," the other knight bit out. "The only thing worse than men abusing us is other women doing it."

I quickly lost my embarrassment. "I agree." I let out a slow breath. "Thank you."

They figured out the best way to handle the situation and made profile diagrams, labeling them along with simple arm and leg drawings for the inside and outside. Whitney was diligent and moved me closer to the light as she went over every inch of me.

"More than recording all of the markings, we need the history to them, but that would take more time than we have before the grand duke needs to leave," she said when she was satisfied she had them all. "Plus, we need to list the wounds you've had that aren't visible, times you've passed out and—"

I winced. "I faked that a lot during beatings because I learned he would stop."

"He did not know that though, and that's strong evidence for you to admit in court, to be willing to say in an affidavit, My Lady. Please, please trust me that we can take your story on the ride back with Count Follan. He is a good man and can get you the right attorney to truly help you and not let you get tricked."

"Do you know the count well?" I checked.

"No, but he's good to the knights. We all respect him and he's loyal to the grand duke at the sake of his own health," Whitney said firmly, smiling when the other knight snorted. "He does not travel well. He's been sick the whole three months we've been inspecting the police stations in the kingdom. It's bad. He vomits and—he's that dedicated and believes in what we do."

I opened my mouth but then closed it, glancing between them. They were doing a lot to help me already. "There should be an herbalist a block over. The officers will know if it's still there. If the count has problems traveling, I can tell you what to get to help him."

"Do you know herbs, My Lady?" she hedged.

I gave a slight nod, letting her see in my eyes it was more than that. "As thanks for the advice, I would like to quietly help. Mix them in his leather flask of water and it will help him immensely in the correct amounts."

"Thank the goddess because I cannot deal with him vomiting again, and now we have to head to the capital before the duchy," the other knight said. "Please, tell us how to make it stop, My Lady."

I wrote it out for her, the exact amounts even for several doses and told her about how much it should be from what I remembered. I warned her prices might have changed depending on the seasons, but that was the range so no one would swindle a visitor.

Though if it was the owner I used to know, they would never have.

It worked and Whitney told the count that one of the officers said the local herbalist could help his travel issues and handled it. I agreed to ride with him if she was in the carriage and would record "my story" as she kept saying it. I knew she tried to phrase it that way so it was more detached, but there was no detaching myself from the hell I'd survived.

Death wouldn't even bring me peace from my abuse it had been so bad.

"Whitney, you are my favorite person for at least a week," Count Follan said when we stopped for the night. "I feel better than I have in months. Thank you so, so much for having done this."

She shot me a guilty look but accepted the thanks when I gave a slight shake of my head. I didn't need the attention when I was going to already be in the spotlight. My family hadn't ever listened to me that I was useful and my husband hadn't ever cared.

Now wasn't the time to try and change that.

I stared at Count Follan as he kept praising the knight, completely taken aback by him. I couldn't believe he was the same rank as my father and husband. He was so different from them. He was… Well, nice for one, but considerate and not demeaning to anyone. When there was a problem, he handled it smoothly and without throwing a fit.

How nice to be around people who acted that way. Truly.

He was also very compassionate. It was uncomfortable for him to know everything I'd been through, but he made it clear that he wanted to be my witness. His rank would prove useful and he seemed truly torn up about what he heard, telling me to take my time and offering me his handkerchief when I teared up.

I looked at him several times and wished any of my brothers had a fraction of the compassion for me that he did… And he was a stranger. Why couldn't he have been my family instead?

I was ridiculously grateful to him for arranging it so I rode with him instead of the grand duke. Being around him made me nervous. I might not have been worldly, but I knew my father-in-law was a huge problem for the royal family.

Or the king more specifically. He wanted to make the grand duke his puppet and take over the kingdom. It was obvious from being around both men only briefly that it would never happen, but it made things incredibly awkward for me.

But he was extremely polite and kind to me. I saw him several times when we stopped to water the horses or for meals. He was quiet and kept to himself, but I noticed that everyone had a good opinion of him and showed him respect. Not out of fear or because they were required to, but it was obvious that they truly felt that way about him.

I had never seen it before. It was such a difference from how I'd grown up and how my father had been with his subordinates. He was always so above them and my husband's underlings always feared him.

This was… Nice.

I found my gaze on the grand duke often as I watched it all.

And not because he was handsome. Though he was.


Very handsome.

He was honestly the most handsome man I'd ever seen. I hadn't noticed that before, barely having looked at him after David had pulled such a ridiculous stunt and talked down to me right in front of others after we'd been married. The whole ball had been an excuse to meet the grand duke, and when it hadn't gone as he wanted, he'd beaten me horribly.

To him, it had all been my fault and not his stupid plan to trip his wife into one of the damn royals. Plus, David was not a good actor and I'd not hidden my upset well. The whole thing was a disaster and somehow it had been my fault.

I shook off my thoughts and got lost in the grand duke's looks, anything better than thinking of David.

Yes, that is the reason I gaze on the man when I am a married woman.

I doubted that I was the only one. He was tall with broad shoulders and a muscular chest. It made me think he could do a million pushups like I'd seen our family knights do at the training ground to fill in their arms and chests. I'd only seen a few have the muscles he did and none were as attractive.

He was fairly tall as well, six feet and a few inches, maybe three. It was perfect for his build, the very aura of him. A shorter man could give off authority, but it just fit him.

His pretty blond hair was short and always perfectly styled in a no-nonsense way that made me want to mess it up. Clearly, I had lost my mind amongst my life falling apart, but thoughts like that made it obvious.

But his violet eyes were soft, comforting. They were a gift from our Goddess Violetta and proof he was born of the royal bloodline. Only the royal family had that color eyes in the kingdom—on the continent from what I knew.

The trip was much easier after the healer even if it was uncomfortable discussing such personal issues. Whitney and the other female knight stayed with me at the lodging since there weren't maids. I waited until we were alone and promised them that I was fine and hadn't had maids in years.

They looked relieved since it wasn't a role they knew how to handle but were very nice and offered to help with whatever I needed.

At the last stop before the capital, the grand duke pulled me off to the side and made sure we had a chance to speak alone.

"I cannot remotely understand what you must be going through, but I will say that there are people willing to help you, My Lady," he said gently as I stared at my hands. "If you find the courage to ask for help as you have already, people will help you through this difficult time."

I flinched at his words, biting back several of my thoughts. "I appreciate the words, Your Grace, but you are a man in this world, and that means it's very different for you. Also, you have much to offer, so people are quick to offer you much because of it. The same is not extended to the rest of us."

"You are right and I meant no offense," he muttered after a moment. "But you offered nothing and I still helped as I should, as was right."

"You are the rarity, so is Count Follan under you." I hurried on when he went to say more. "I went to my family who put me in this position and my father told me he would rather me dead than divorced, Your Grace. My brothers mocked me. It's not courage needed in this moment but prudence that I do not make my situation worse."

Again, he didn't reply immediately. "You are very wise to understand that. Much wiser than most. I am glad for it because you will need it to survive the fight you are undertaking. But I know I am not the only one willing to help you because it is what's right. I do understand your distrust of men because of what you have been through, but the kingdom does have powerful women."

I went to snort but then blinked at his chest. He was giving me a clue.

Not powerful women, but woman… As in one.

One he would know well since it was his cousin's wife.

"Thank you, Your Grace. I will take what you said under advisement. Truly."

We separated from his carriage and most of the knights once we reached the capital since he was heading to the palace and us to the main police station. It was mostly a blur for me along with meeting another handsome man who was a bit too interested in my situation when I didn't think he should be. It made me nervous because I was in a vulnerable spot.

I found myself glancing at Whitney several times, glad when she wasn't worried and seemed to know of the man. After we left, she told me they'd worked with Commander Andre Lessa several times on issues and he was one of the most honorable men she'd ever known.

That eased some of my tension, but a lot of people thought the same of my father even if they thought him overly strict… And he was anything but honorable.

She'd also managed to talk me into staying with Count Follan as a guest at his townhouse. It was only after she'd promised his younger sister Kathy was in residence there as well that I relented. The last thing I needed was rumors of my staying with an unmarried man alone to circulate and start more trouble for me.

I was settled in a guest room, the count seeming to understand I was at my limit and needing some space. I thanked him for not only having me as a guest but understanding that. The stars seemed to align when the room had a desk stocked with everything to write a letter next to where my suitcases were put down.

The grand duke's words replayed in my mind as I stared at everything laid out as if the last guest had left it all out waiting for me, knowing I would need it. Or the maids. Someone. I had no idea, but it was all ready for me.

And even if the grand duke hadn't been correct in how he'd seen my situation, he was right that I had to be brave.

For once.

I sat down and let out a slow breath as I tried my best to compose my thoughts… Except I couldn't.

Fine, I could write multiple drafts, but everything was racing in my brain too fast and I had to get it on paper before I lost the points I wanted to make.

To Queen Louisa, Mother of Areca and all her people,

I beg your forgiveness for this breach in protocol in reaching out to you and your mercy in how you respond, Your Majesty. Please understand it is the desperation of my situation that has led me to act in such an improper manner, but it is with good reason and my faith in the leaders of our great kingdom, mostly in you as our queen.

Specifically, as your title as Mother of Areca. I know you have no children yet, but I am a woman in need of someone to act as a mother should and help her. Not as my mother would have, but as I believe our goddess would want her children to be strong and do what is right.

I know both Your Majesties believe in punishing the wrongs of people and holding the nobles to higher standards. That is all I ask you help me with. I ask you help balance the scales for the daughters of the kingdom at my divorce hearing.

Judges are all men. The attorneys are men—even mine. Their side will be men. Everyone in that courtroom who will "count" besides me, and we both know that they will not allow me to say what is truly fair and needs to be said. Please, Your Majesty, help me change that. Help me and those in my situation have hope that we do not have to suffer as we have.

Help change the way things are in the kingdom so we have more power in our marriages and a voice in how we are treated. No one holds the men accountable for their roles in marriages and the women are shamed when they fail. Is that truly what the great Goddess Violetta would think righteous and fair for her daughters?

I know this is too much to ask, but I promise that I am the right person to risk this upset on. I am the horror story every woman fears when she is sold off into a marriage for her family. I did nothing wrong. I did nothing to deserve the abuse I received. No woman deserves to be abused, and if I do nothing else in my life, I wish to change that mindset.

But I cannot do that alone. I need to borrow your strength. I know I will be humiliated when people learn what has happened to me, but I am willing to bear it all so people stop sweeping us under the rug. We deserve better and I believe you feel the same.

The grand duke's aide, Count Follan, was there as I detailed exactly what happened from the moment I was "inspected" for my sale until my husband beat me for not signing divorce papers full of lies and putting the blame solely on me. If my reputation will be ruined to the point of never recovering, by the goddess, let it be by the truth instead of more of his lies.

I promise helping me become free and independent is beneficial besides breaking the cycle of abuse wives in the kingdom suffer. I am of value to you and the king, and I will pay the debt I will owe you three times over. By the goddess, I swear it to you on my life.

If I do not, I will donate whatever divorce settlement I am granted. I will sign my name to those terms. I am worth the investment and have more value than either my father or husband ever saw in me. If you doubt it, part of the proof is in your possession already, as tax filings from the Sunde family from a decade ago will match the handwriting of this letter, not my father's.

That is all I will say until I have my freedom as we both know there are ears everywhere and even that will risk my life if this letter falls into the wrong hands.

Please give me the chance to spread my wings and fly as the men of the kingdom have, Your Majesty. Please help the daughter of the kingdom that her parents failed. Please restore the faith I once had in the place women have in life.

Faithfully yours and always loyal subject to Areca,

Countess Mabel Matthais

It took two drafts before I was able to piece together my rambling parts into something cohesive and intelligent enough to be in front of the queen. I reread it three times to make sure it was clear and of the right tone before I folded it up and put it in the envelope. I didn't have a personal seal, but that was probably better for the moment.

Glancing at the clock, I saw it was almost time for dinner and decided to find the count. He was in his study working and did a double take when he saw me.

"What can I do for you, My Lady?"

I swallowed loudly before stepping inside and closing the door behind me. "The grand duke urged me to ask for more help given my situation, and he hinted that the queen might be open to lending her power."

He let out a large sigh. "Of course, he would. Yes, that is exactly something Ian would do and he's not wrong given… The past. Things you aren't aware of. She would be a powerful ally to have in this." He licked his lips as he focused on what was in my hand. "You realize her help will come with a high cost, yes?"

"Yes, and while I might not be able to pay it in the way that she wants, I will pay it and be worth it."

"Forgive me, but if you involve me by asking me to deliver that letter because I have access to the palace, I believe I have the right to know some of that, My Lady."

I opened my mouth and closed it, before trying again. "I was going to ask you to deliver it to the grand duke since it was his suggestion and he's part of the royal family. I believe you could get it to her, but he could hand it to her."

"Yes, and no matter what she's doing, and with his hope she listens to you, but I will still be involved," he pushed.

"What would you ask of me? What do you think they will ask of me?"

His answer was immediate. "Go on the record for any crimes you know of that Count Matthias and Marquis Matthias have committed even after they offer you a settlement for your divorce to silence you."

The smile I gave him was genuine. "My Lord, I would have done that even without the queen's help as long as a deal is made to keep me safe. It is my duty as a citizen of this kingdom, and I have never broken the law or aided in crimes in any way. Part of why I am fighting is my husband wanted me to sign that divorce decree—"

"Where you got nothing and had no way to protect yourself," he muttered, bobbing his head.

I blinked at him. "Did you read the full thing, My Lord?"

He frowned. "I skimmed it. I apologize, I have a lot on my own plate. What did I miss?"

"The whole section that was a wide open door to leave me liable for any illegal activities that might be discovered during and after our marriage." I nodded when his mouth dropped open. "That's why he was so angry that I was going to speak to my father. I did not understand that at first, but I read it on the ride to my father's estate.

"He wanted to not only blame me for the marriage failing and publicly, but leave me as the mastermind if he was ever caught for anything. And once he knew I would discuss it with my father, he offered seventy-five percent of the current financial assistance he gives my family to keep that out for himself. You were the one who said there was no mention of their business—"

"The business contracts are separate," he promised me. "They're filed with the Minister of Finance and the grand duke has seen them. You know how the marquis is a threat to the royal family."

"I have only met the man twice and he's never spoken to me directly but yes, I am aware. Of much."

"I understand. I will take your letter to Ian directly after dinner and tell him what you told me. Have faith, My Lady. The goddess clearly smiled upon you today that you showed up as we did. There could be no better network of help for you to have stumbled into than the grand duke's. If you can help him as well, then I believe it was fate."

I nodded and let him pass me so he could lead the way to the dining room, handing over the letter as he did.

He paused with his hand on the doorknob before turning to look at me. "You know luck has been on your side and the police so far were honorable. You had the upper hand of moving in secret, but that will change now and they will strike fast. Others will be in their pockets. This will be messy and painful."

I nodded. "I was beaten, abused, my food messed with, and more for so many days in the six years I was in that hell, My Lord. I can endure any amount of words from them or anyone. No matter what they say about me, what bile they spew at me, it's still an improvement and probably not as bad as I have already endured."

"I hate that is the truth, but it also lessens my anxiety Ian is involving himself. There is a lot at risk if you do not see this through."

I understood what he was saying, but the one at risk most if I didn't finish this was me.


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