20. Francesca
My hands shake and sweat while I wait for the video call to connect. I finger comb my hair.
Robert Anderson's face pops onto my computer screen.
"Good morning, Doctor Francesca." He holds up a Frostwolves coffee mug and takes a swallow. "How are things treating you in Miami? It's great to hear from you."
"Thanks. You too and thank you for taking my call."
"Of course. What can I do for you?"
I let out a sigh. "Things aren't going so well here."
His brows furrow. "Yeah, Dick said it's a disaster and the new owner has made too many changes too quickly."
I give him a quick summation of the changes in staffing and coaching, and my new job duties with the team.
"I'm not sure what this new owner is thinking."
"Exactly." I take a deep breath. "I'd like to come back to Colorado and work for the Frostwolves."
"You don't say." He lets out a boisterous laugh. "I'm not surprised." He turns away from the screen and grabs a folder on the credenza behind his desk. He opens the folder. "Let's see what we can do about that."
"I have a contract here that we can discuss if you're serious about coming back."
"A contract?"
"After Dick told me he was leaving the Ravens, I was wondering if you might reconsider the Frostwolves." He nods as he thumbs through the paperwork. "I had legal write up a contract in hopes you'd come back."
He looks into the camera. "We like you, Francesca."
I lick my lips and take a deep breath. "Before we talk anymore, I need to let you know a few things." I wipe my sweaty hands down the front of my jeans. "While I was with your team, I got involved… romantically… with one of the players and although?—"
"I know…Thompson…he already talked Coach Sullivan about it last week."
"He did?"
"Yeah, and I had Coach Sullivan in here yesterday. Thompson's turned back into a problem." Robert shakes his head. "Fights on the ice again."
I frown. "Oh no."
"When you were with the Frostwolves, I saw a real change in Theo. He was focused, he wasn't fighting, Coach Sullivan said he was making every single practice and giving it his all. He was even less of an asshole." Robert lets out another boisterous laugh.
Robert clears his throat and thumbs through the paperwork. "There was nothing in the contract you signed with us about relationships with the players. Ethically, was it a good idea? No, probably not. As far as your representation in a medical capacity to the team, we did check your medical interactions with Theo and you only saw him on two occasions— once for an initial consultation to review his medical records, and a second time to remove a few stitches." He pauses as he reviews the paperwork. "The managers and owners aren't concerned about it and everyone is onboard with your return."
My bottom lip quivers and I have to choke back the tears. "That's great news."
"When would you like to rejoin us?"
"There's also another thing."
"I doubt it's anything serious but go ahead. I have no worries."
"My name is Francesca Russo, no Messina?—"
"I'm going to stop you right there." He shakes his head. "We owe you an apology."
"You do?"
"We had no idea we had someone in our Human Relations office that was misusing the access she had to our staff and player's personal information. This was cause for an internal investigation." He takes another drink from his mug. "Rest assured, the situation has been addressed and the person… I'll just go ahead and tell you everything. Tonya Richards was terminated. Besides this breech of the team's personnel files, she's also facing criminal charges for stalking one of our potential recruits."
" What ?"
"Yeah, it's been a mess. Our legal team has been working day and night along with public relations to get this matter behind us."
"I feel responsible. I brought a lot of baggage to your team."
"Oh nonsense." He shakes his head. "You got a bad rap in Miami with your ex. The tabloids find a way to exploit good people with their garbage and you just happened to be in the middle."
"I promise I'll work hard," I assure him.
"I'm not worried. Also —just so you know— Megan Petersen was reprimanded for her role in the personnel breech as well. She was punished with some lost salary, and she's since quit the team and moved on." He grins. "Looks like you've got a fresh start with us, Francesca."
"I'd like to put in my notice with the Red Ravens as soon as possible— once I know I have a secure position with the Frostwolves."
"I'll email you a copy of the proposed contract. There's really no difference in it from the initial contract you signed with us. Your pay and job duties will remain the same, however, Dr. Mitchell would like you to travel with the team for away games and assist her in their medical care. Is that something you're agreeable to?"
"Absolutely. I would love that."
"Wonderful." He turns the page in the contract and skims it. "We'll provide you with a partial reimbursement for moving expenses and?—"
"Oh, I can't ask you to do that."
"No, it's fine. It's what was agreed upon." He hums as he continues to look at the contract. "We'll still provide an apartment at the same complex, but I can't guarantee you'll get the same apartment you had before. It would still be in that building, but it may be a different unit. I'll have my gal talk to housing… How does this sound to you, Francesca? Are you ready to leave that Miami sunshine for the artic?"
I laugh. "I am."
"One more question… would you like the signature line on your contract be for Francesca Messina? Is that correct?"
"I'd like it to be for Francesca Russo's signature… and you can call me Fran, by the way."
"Congratulations, Fran Russo... I'll email you this contract. We can't wait to have you back."