April 24
I had a whole other message typed up ready to post. It was about Persephone and Hades and symbolism, and a really great use of my Greek mythology minor, but my day and mind were hijacked by something unexpected. That’s the pattern with me—I have plans, I’m moving forward, and then there’s a roadblock and I stumble. A punishment from the gods.
I am Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill every day.
Albert Camus argued that only when Sisyphus accepts the absurdity of his doomed fate, can he truly be freed of it. Maybe that’s the key for me too. I have to accept that this will be my life from now on. I will think I’ve found my way out of grief, only to be knocked back into the middle of it. Maybe the fate of a grieving person is to never stop grieving, therefore I should stop trying. I only need to live my life day-by-day, giving in to it in order to accept it.
Is that the key to successfully making my way through this? Did I just win the game? I’m not sure. For now, though, I will continue to push the boulder. These ramblings have been brought to you by a confused, absurd antihero, The Myth of Cassandra St. George.
QOTD: Do you ever feel like Sisyphus? What’s your boulder?
#Grief #RaymondStGeorge #GreekMythology #Sisyphus #Persephone #ZeusSaveMe #IGraduatedCollegeAndAllIGotWereHighInterestLoans