9—Other Worlds
1—Orion’s Belt. The world that Crew traveled to when he went to sleep. Also the world that Trent travels to when he goes to sleep, although he has no conscious remembrance. Dahlia was sent to this world for one night, in order to meet Crew. She named it Orion’s Belt because of three bright stars that reminded her of the scabbard in the constellation, Orion’s Belt, back home. Trent remembers those stars as the constellation of the Great Wolves: Orion, Cassion, and Passion. First introduced in book 3 (Crew and Dahlia) and revisited in book 10 (Trent and Rowan).
2—Dilmer’s World. This is the world that Heather and Graeme flew through during book 2, trying to get home quicker. Heather saw an injustice and she put a stop to it, leaving her pendant in the world with the boy, Caius. At the end of book 2, Trevor gave Ella her pendant and when she touched it, it sent her to this world for just a moment. In book 3 (Crew and Dahlia), Dahlia was sent to this world to get Heather’s pendant back and Crew followed her. First introduced in book 2 (Heather and Graeme), then revisited in book 3 (Crew and Dahlia). This world will be seen again.
3—McManus World. This is the world where Heather and Graeme found Dahlia’s mom during book 3 (Crew and Dahlia).