33 (Texting Interlude 5)
July 29th
Lucas: thanks for the mirror horse. you suck at puns though lol :p was gonna knock on your door earlier but didn't want to wake you from your coma
Armand: wish you had
Armand: You feeling better I hope?
Lucas: if by better you mean still wanting to die then yes
Lucas: I'm sorry I ghosted you for a while btw
Armand: Yes, that is unforgivable. Who would do that
Lucas: A monster, clearly. ;p
Armand: Sorry I monstrously didn't respond for a while. Had to go to bed.
Lucas: You WENT TO BED at 9am?!!!
Armand: Early night.
Lucas: party animal huh?
Armand: If by animal you mean I curl up in my den and hibernate then yes.
July 30th
Armand: Still want to die?
Armand: I mean do you feel butter
Armand: *better
Lucas: yes I feel butter. In fact I can't believe I'm not butter
Armand: Glad to hear it. Sorry about your fish.
Lucas: that one's on me. they deserved better
Armand: Seems like you do too.
Lucas: maybe
Lucas: thanks for cleaning up after me. you shouldn't have had to see that
Armand: Right, how embarrassing to leave a mess for your flatmate to tidy
Lucas: :)