Chapter 3
I ’d gotten to the club late. My old friend, Dan, called at the last minute to meet for dinner and we lingered.
“You going to the club tonight?” Dan asked.
“You’re not too dressed up.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I feel like jeans and a cotton shirt are more the real me.”
He shrugged. “I caught my daddy while wearing short shorts and thigh high stockings. There’s someone for everyone.”
I couldn’t help but be a little jealous of him.
I knew the Christmas party would go late. My little self was looking forward to seeing Santa. That was always fun.
Dan refused to tag along. His daddy was away on business, and he wasn’t allowed to go to the club alone. Plus, they were homebodies now, totally married and monogamous. They didn’t really do club scenes anymore. I had to admit he looked happy.
I arrived at Club 99 late, around eleven, hoping Santa was still around.
The club was in full swing. Christmas decorations flickered all around. Men jumped and swayed on the dance floor. The bar stools were all taken, as well as the more shadowed booths. But through the chaos was a truly magical path that led to the music stage.
There he sat. Santa himself in all his glory. His throne was huge, with red velvet padding and wide wooden armrests. A spotlight shone on him from above, making him look even more enchanted.
The pathway to the stage was created by temporary partitions with velvet ropes, like in movie theaters or playhouses. A red carpet was laid out and sparkled with glitter.
But the most amazing thing was Santa. His outfit wasn’t the cheap kind worn by window mannequins or department store Santas. It looked heavy and thick, the red velvet dark like something you could sink right into. The white trim looked like super soft wool. He had on knee-high leather boots over thick velvet pants, and a wide leather belt. With his cap and shiny white beard, he really did look like the real deal.
It took me back in time to when I was very small and Christmas was the most fantastical, magical time I’d ever known.
A cute guy with curly blond hair was just sliding off Santa’s lap as I approached. Santa handed him a little stuffed dog and a candy cane, his laugh low and sexy.
Another guy stood in front of the step leading up to the stage but was suddenly distracted by a friend and waved me ahead of him.
I approached Santa slowly. Behind his beard peered soft brown eyes. The eyebrows were dark, and I saw the tiniest strands of dark brown hair peeking from under his white wig and cap.
When I got closer, I saw the buttons on his coat were gold coins, and the fur ended at the neck. The rest of the edges from throat to thighs were trimmed in ornate gold brocade. He had little bells on his cap and at his wrists which made him jingle as he moved.
“Come on up, little boy.” Santa spoke low, from deep in his throat. He held out his arms to me.
I couldn’t resist the command and immediately bumped up against his knees.
“Would you like to sit on Santa’s lap?” he asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“You can set your little toys right here next to me on the throne.”
I did as he said and held my arms out so he could help lift me up. In a flash, there I was before the entire club, a little with a sort of bad reputation sitting directly on Santa’s lap.
He was warm against my tush, the muscles of his thighs pressed against me. His body and the yards and yards of velvet seemed to absorb me. For a second I got dizzy.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” Santa asked.
“Um. Um.” I had a seriously blank moment, which embarrassed me.
He chuckled, and his pillowed belly jiggled against me. “It’s okay. Don’t be scared. I’m not human, that’s true, but I’m from the North Pole and I love Christmas and gifts and decorations and most especially sweethearts like you.”
“I’m—I’m Kit.”
“The perfect name for the perfect boy. I think I have you on my list, Kit.”
“Oh?” I heard the tone of my voice sink. “Which one?”
He chuckled again. “What do you mean? The good list for sure. You look like you would never get into any real trouble.”
So, he hadn’t heard about my reputation. Maybe he didn’t come here. Or he visited on nights I didn’t play. Maybe he wasn’t into kink at all. Yet, he knew I was a little. He said all the right daddy words that he couldn’t know if he hadn’t played that role himself at some point.
“I did get into a teensy bit of trouble here a year ago. But I have been so careful since then, Santa. I promise I’ve been very good.”
“I have no doubt of that. Remember, Santa knows all.”
My eyes warmed. Little tingles of pleasure shot all over my body. My smile lifted all the muscles of my face. “Really?”
His voice went soft. “Yes. Really.”
“Can I touch your beard?”
“I’ve said no to that question all night long, but for you, Kit, I’ll say yes. But only if you are very gentle.”
I reached up and petted the soft white hair that rippled over the front of his suit.
“Aren’t you awful hot wearing all this, Santa?” I asked.
His head leaned forward. His breath brushed my cheek. “I’m from the north where it’s always cold. I welcome a little heat.”
His voice was beautiful, completely revving up my heart rate. It was also lovely that he stayed in character.
I glanced to my side, seeing there was no one else in line yet. That made me happy because I wanted to sit in this guy’s lap for as long as I could.
I decided to flirt. Just a little. “Santa, is there a Mr. Claus or are you single?”
His laugh rumbled up, making me a little hard. “You’re a bold little one.”
“I’m sorry, Santa. I just wondered.”
“Christmas should be full of wonder,” he said. He leaned forward again, voice almost a whisper. “For the record, there is no Mr. Claus at the moment, but please don’t tell anyone I told you. It’ll be our secret.”
“I promise. I’m good at secrets.”
“Now,” he began. “Are you going to tell me what you want for Christmas?”
“Hmm. Is it okay if I think about my answer for a minute?”
“Sure. There’s no one waiting. Take your time, sweet Kit.”
I leaned my cheek against his soft beard as I spoke. “I already have a lot of toys. And peace on Earth seems like an impossibility when we’re dealing with humans.”
Santa huffed out a low, startled laugh.
“What I really need—want—” I cleared my throat. “I just can’t seem to find the right daddy. I need guidance but I haven’t found that yet. Not rough, but not easy, either. I got into trouble because my daddy at the time left me alone. He had other partners, which I knew about, but I’m pretty little, like five at most, and I needed more attention.”
“Yes, little ones get into trouble when they’re not properly watched. But Santa knows it’s not always their fault. Santa knows baby boys need guidance. Not to cage them, but to protect them.”
“You understand, Santa. That’s what I need. But I don’t think I’ll find that in my stocking this year.”
I bowed my head. “I just hope I don’t get coal.”
“Coal? Oh my. We cut out coal in stockings at the North Pole at the turn of the twentieth century.”
“What?” I couldn’t hold back a grin.
“And did you know that legend comes from something very different than the meaning people know today? Back in time, winters were hard. Some people didn’t have enough fuel to warm their homes, and not enough money to buy it. Coal was considered a good gift. A rich gift. Coal meant many people could have warmth in their bellies and hearts.”
“Wow. That’s a great story, Santa. I never heard that before.”
“But the elves and I don’t give out coal anymore. So don’t you worry.” He lifted his hand, which had a large gold band on the middle finger and bopped me on the nose.
My face heated. “I’m glad. I was worried.”
Who was this guy behind the beard? I needed to know. I also realized it would be rude to keep asking. Santa was everything I’d dreamed of. I would have loved to have met him outside of his job.
“And now, unfortunately, our time is up.”
I looked over my shoulder and saw a couple of guys standing in line.
“Would you like a photo, sweetheart?” Santa asked.
“Yes, please.”
“Coby, photo please?”
A guy who’d been sitting nearby at the bar jumped up. He snapped a picture of me smiling with Santa’s arm around me.
“The photos are free. You can grab it off the Club 99 website in a couple days,” Coby said.
“Thank you.”
I slid off Santa’s lap. He bent over and grabbed his red gift sack. It hung limp from his hand.
“Oh, Kit. I’m sorry. I gave away the last toy and candy cane to the guy ahead of you. I truly apologize.”
“I understand.” I wanted to pout but forced a smile.
“Next time.” Santa winked.
Now my smile bloomed for real. “Yes, sir!”
Would there be a next time? I crossed my fingers and hoped it was true.
I grabbed my toys and jumped off the stage, turning and waving goodbye. Santa waved back and my heart did a little flip in my chest.
I hung out for a while, wandering into the littles room, watching the boys play with their stuffies from Santa’s bag and talking excitedly about Christmas. Two guys hit on me, but I couldn’t even think about that. My mind was filled with Santa. Only Santa. His voice. His velvet coat. He smelled like peppermint.
I left the club an hour later and drove home, continuing my Santa fantasy in my own bed.