Glossary of Italian terms
Grazie, grazie mille - Thank you, thank you very much.
Grazie a Dio - Thank God
Bene - Good
Et tu - And you
Sprezzatura is an Italian word that refers to effortless grace, the art of making something difficult look easy or maintaining a nonchalant demeanor while performing complex tasks.
Come stai? - How are you?
Padrone - Boss
Merda - Shit
Cazzo - f$ck
Si - yes
Scusa - sorry, excuse me
Fratello / fratellini - brother, brothers
Ragazza - lass
Figlia - sister
Sorella - sister
Sorellina - little sister
Cara / Amore / Bella - dear, beloved, beautiful, terms of endearment
Buongiorno - Good morning
Squisito - exquisite
Buona notte - good night
Sempre - Forever
Dimmi - Talk to me / tell me
Te amo - I love you
Sei pazzo - you’re crazy
Cosa hai detto - what did you say?
Andiamo - let’s go
Molto romantico - very romantic
Molto bene - so good
Per sempre vostri - forever yours
Stronzate – bullshit
Goombah – a male buddy
Un/una saccente – a know-it-all or a smart ass.
Chiaccierone – chatterbox
Che bruta – how ugly you are
Carbonara – a classic Italian pasta dish combining a silky cheese sauce with crisp pancetta and black pepper.
Compleanno - happy birthday
Che peccato – what a pity
Bello – handsome
Cafone – loser
Amico – a friend who’s not a member of a mafia family.
Mortadella – an Italian bologna; however, it’s used as a ‘loser’ as well.
Chiudere il becco – to shut up (literally meaning ‘to close the beak’)
Fratellanza – brotherhood
Pazzo – crazy
Va fa napole - This means ‘ go to Naples’; however, in mafia lingo, it’s ‘go to hell’
Imbarasso – embarrassment
Vaffanculo - go fuck yourself
Pisolino - nap