“ I hope that’s enough for the journey,” Thora MacLeod considered the pack on her bed. She’d packed lightly - just two changes of clothing and some food - in the hope that she wouldn’t be gone all that long.
Deep down, she knew it wouldn’t be that simple. It never was, where her gift was concerned. Even so, she could no longer turn away from what she now knew.
With one last sigh, she shouldered her pack and went to the bedside table, to lay a letter on the surface, her brother’s name written in bold script across it. In it she kept certain details vague, for her family would know why. Certain things could not be put in writing, and they would understand well enough.
Tae Domhnall, and the rest o’ me kin,
I apologize fer leaving directly after Kai’s wedding, fer I ken ‘tis discourteous in the extreme. However, there is something that I must dae, and I couldnae delay, nae if I wish tae see it done properly.
I saw a way earlier today tae help our clan, but the time tae act is short and the path is nae an easy one. Unfortunately, ‘tis also one I must walk alone, or I willnae succeed in my endeavors. I cannae tell ye why, I only ken that it is so.
Trust that I am safe and will be well. I wish that I could tell ye more, but ye might want tae come after me, and I cannae permit that, fer I would fail surely if I was delayed or if someone accompanied me. Fer that reason, I cannae tell ye where I am bound, nor who it is I seek.
I will write with news as soon as I may, though it may be some time, depending on how things occur. In the meantime, please ken that I love ye all, and I wish ye well. I pray fer yer safety every day, as I ken that ye will keep me in yer thoughts during me absence.
I pray I will see ye soon.
With Love,
The letter wouldn’t keep them from worrying, she knew that, but at least it would ensure they knew she hadn’t been kidnapped by enemies of their clan. That was the best she could do.
A stab of regret hit her. She wished she could stay and spare them the concern they would surely feel upon reading her words. But that was impossible. If her vision was correct, then her actions now would protect her clan from falling to a terrible fate in the future.
She couldn’t let doubts, fears, or concern for her family’s reaction stop her. Thora took a deep breath, settled her pack a little more firmly over her shoulder, and turned away from the letter.
Moments later, she was outside the castle, saddling a horse. The guards paid her no attention, given that she was a member of the laird’s family and known for her occasional whims.
Within the candle-mark, she was on the road, riding toward a destiny that, as of yet, only she could see. A road that would lead her straight into the arms of the enemy.