Chapter 27
A week later and Eddie found himself in a huge conference centre in Manchester. He was surrounded by stalls telling him how flexible bamboo could be in the construction industry or the benefits of concrete made with hemp.
"This might not have been my first choice," Eddie said, taking Billy's hand. "But it is interesting."
Billy snuck a kiss on Eddie's cheek. "Thank you for doing this. Just think, this time tomorrow we'll be in Barcelona. I'll make it up to you."
"No, you won't," Eddie replied. "You'll drag me around every Gaudibuilding."
Billy chuckled. "I can go on my own."
"Not a chance. We're spending every waking minute together for the next seven days."
"Sounds perfect."
They wandered on through the vast hall.
"What time are we meeting Crystal?" Eddie asked.
He loved being a we. It hadn't happened to him very often in his life. He was absolutely making the most of it.
"Six," Billy replied. "I want to be in that deep bath in our room by nine."
"You'll get no argument from me."
"Oh wow," Billy said, pointing to a stand. "Aerated concrete."
Eddie allowed himself to be dragged over. A smarmy man in a questionable mustard suit greeted them.
"Good afternoon, gentlemen," he said, clapping his hands together. "How can I help you?"
Billy set about talking about insulation and fire resistance. Eddie zoned out. He swiped a few pens and packets of jellybeans for Crystal. He'd done enough shows like this to know the salesman would be grateful to him for depleting his stocks.
Under any other circumstances, he would be climbing the walls by now. Instead, he glanced over at Billy who was animatedly telling Mr Mustard Suit about a project he had that would really work with this wonder cement.
God, he must really be falling for this man. Just being near to him was enough for Eddie.
What the fuck is happening?
He caught Billy's eye and winked. It was a wink with a lot of intention. Something that hadn't been lost on poor Billy, who stumbled over his sentence.
Now this was more fun.
Eddie sidled up to him. He stood unnecessarily close. Billy carried on as best he could.
Eddie reached down and entwined his little finger with Billy's.
"So maybe I'll get in touch with you when I return from holiday," Billy said, shooting Eddie a death stare.
"Ah, there's a problem there," Mr Mustard Suit replied.
"The discount is for the show only. If you can't commit today, I'd have to charge you the list price."
Well, this is awkward.
Eddie stepped forward. "If you want the deal bad enough, you'll give us your card and wait a week."
"Sorry, who are you?"
Eddie looked at Billy and smiled. "I'm his boyfriend."
A rush of heat flashed through him. He liked the sound of that.
"I'm also a salesman. Which means I know you'll relent, so let's cut the crap and get to the point."
Mr Mustard Suit sighed and handed over a card. "Call me."
As they walked away, Billy put the card in his bag.
"My hero," he said.
"I figured that was my area of expertise."
"I think even I know not to take the first offer now," Billy replied. "I've been taught by an absolute shark."
Billy silenced him with a kiss.
"Now, do you want to go to a talk about passive solar power or shall we nip back to the hotel and get naked?"
Eddie had thought they were going to be there for hours.
"Really. You make me so fucking horny, you know."
They set off toward the exit. Eddie already had a semi and had no intention of revealing his own personal bamboo at a conference.
As they walked, Billy squeezed his hand. "I'm happy."
"Me too," Eddie replied. "So very happy."
They grinned at each other as they headed through the big double doors and out into the Manchester sunshine. As they descended the steps, Eddie took a breath. At the last one, he jumped off.
Now he'd see what came next.