A second before the siren goes off my eyes open. "Firefly."
She jumps with the siren. "I'm up."
We're dressing before the voice starts. Fuck. California. At least it's northern.
She's ready fast and runs to the Training Center with me instead of her office or Ops. Pres is running with his phone to his ear.
When he gets to the Center the Brothers close around him. "Team One, Two and Level. Anchor can you run the room?"
"I never did it before, Pres."
"Level?" Pres asks.
"You have three teams going out. I'll take your back."
Stan nods. "I asked for VP the first time because I didn't get the plans for the dam until the supplies showed. I needed to see what we had, how the dam was built and someone watching the Brothers working while I did."
Level smiles. "I saw it, Pres."
He nods. "I figured you did. You see everything. So One, Two and Anchor. You heard house collapse down an embankment. It took one more and they're expecting more to go down. Firefly, get multiple crates readied, help to drop them and make it high and no choppers close. County Rescue is there but they have shooter issues. Make sure Ops gear is loaded. Have more climbing gear and boxes to tote rock back up."
Firefly runs and Pres nods. "The Brothers going need Op gear. K-9s and Security in Flight Suits. Active shooter isn't normal for rescue so be prepared."
I look at Racks, KC and Wolf. "Ops gear with the MPs. Nike get Bowser on your gear and the K-9s readied."
"Roger." Nike chuffs. They all stand at attention making me smile.
I run with Pres to the office and change then get to Ops.
He's on with Cort. "One team in the jets can calm them the fuck down." Cort's eyes swing to me. "You're running Ops?"
"No, Boss, but shooters were part of our job. We deal and get to rescue. Pres can start the setup, coordinate so they aren't burying our teams and make it down once we're clear."
Stan looks at me. "You're covering me?"
I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah, I did mention I don't want your fuckin' job, right?"
He nods then turns to the board. "That's the plan, Boss."
Cort is smiling. "I like it. Go, the jets are at the airfield. They can fit only the one team."
"I need the K-9s, two gear boxes and six Brothers, Boss."
He's surprised. "Gear boxes instead of Brothers."
My eyes catch the time. "Yeah, handlers to dress or change gear for them and rope."
"Go, you've got another jet. Get what you need on it."
We run. Stan pulls Mann, Manuel, Lopez and Kemper with him and a gear box of ammo and sends Anchor to switch out with Nike so he gets our plan.
The jets get us to California fuckin' quick.Nash flies the jet like it's a car and has us on the beach and unloaded before his spacecraft lifts, points straight up and takes off. I'm glad he moved slow or slow for a jet I guess.
I shake my head. "We're a half a mile out. Double-time it."
"That's more like a UFO than a plane." Racks isn't wrong.
"Yeah. Level, is Pres down yet?"
"Landing now. They're setting down on the road like a chopper."
"Roger." It's all I can think of to say. I've seen the jets but never like this morning. I guess chopper fits but Nash turned it and lowered the front down for us to get out.
"Anchor, get with Keylan for what he needs while I get what's going on. Their Rescue team isn't here." Pres sounds disgusted.
"Pres, there's a county rescue truck behind all the PD and SWAT. Anchor and the K-9s are coming by it now."
"Thanks, Level. We may need it. I need what the fuck is going on. I'll get back when I know."
Everyone rogers.
"Commander, what can I do to help right now. We have no gear." Anchor has me smiling.
"Improvise Badass style, Brother. Commandeer the Rescue truck. Send the K-9s down on Alert and Stealth. Move SWAT back and start lowering cables and lines for when Pres gets back on. We're on the beach and have to climb to get to the broken …what the fuck?" I duck.
"KC, Racks, climb the ridge here. Level with the house and run sniper and surveillance."
They roger.
"Anchor to Command, I have the county truck, it's fully stocked and I'm using it. I'll get us moving while someone waits for permission."
I smile hearing Wolf laugh.
"Roger, Anchor. Move fast. I see bodies on the ridge."
"Roger, Commander."
Racks or KC let a ‘fuck' out. Casualties are the cause.
I start singing. "I don't know where I am going, only God knows where I've been. I'm a devil on the run, a six-gun lover, a candle in the wind."
My Brothers settle and sing the familiar song. It keeps them on what they're seeing and what's needed. Music has always focused us. They cut in and out and I know they're getting close. Anchor is my only consistent singer in between his orders to the climbers to keep the lines moving.
Nike is moving toward me crawling over rock. The Brother is fuckin' good. I put a hand out and shoot the ass climbing out of a sideways window opening with a gun.
"Shot down in a blaze of glory." KC picks it up with Anchor. Two shots and Racks is back in, continuing with perfect timing.
I move closer on a crouch. "Nike, Stealth, infiltrate, disarm however you can, Brother."
He chuffs and moves.
A shot comes my way and I'm looking for it. "Cover Nike."
A shot from close has me running as I shoot hearing another then wood breaking to my side.
"Clear, Commander. What the fuck is in the house besides injured?" Wolf has good questions.
Why shoot at rescue from a house that fell? It isn't even a whole house anymore.
They keep the song up as we get closer to the house, then everything in my ear stops. "Going in." I drop and roll into a missing corner of the building.
Flipping the switch, I shoot the idiot trying to pick up money. "Nike, don't step in white powder. Get that to your team."
He makes a noise so I look for him. "Coming from your right, Brother." He's a floor above but the stairs are gone. I climb and see him on a dick's neck. When I'm up, I see another off to the side with tremors running through him. I shoot him again and get to Nike with cuffs. He hits his board until a shot close has him running.
"Wolf in."
"Racks in, on the west. I've got a room of injuries, Commander."
"Wolf, triage. Racks, cover him. The house isn't clear." I stand from the second dick.
A bark and high-pitched scream has me running. "Jesus. Level, get this to Cort. PD will need whatever is going on and the dicks I cuffed." Bags of money and pills were being piled on the side of the wall where I shot the dick coming out the window. They're not even securing it for transport, the shit is thrown haphazardly.
"He just got back on, Commander. He's getting who is a pickup for you." Level isn't helpful.
"Pickup isn't PD? SWAT is up there somewhere."
"I'll find out." Level must be lost too.
"Anchor, I need boards and I need them fast."
"Coming down now. I've got two cables coming down." Anchor is so good at this shit.
"Commander, I'm up from the piece you're in. The dogs have three but I need them out of here. The whole place is swaying in the wind and you're right below us. This and the one on the side are clear of everything but cuffed pussies and drugs. All kinds of drugs."
"Roger. Cuff the dicks to something stable and move down out of the path of that piece. Nike, I need K-9s to move whoever can walk out of this piece. They're waiting for your team to bring them out. Anchor, get me a stable line or have them use the cable as an anchor for civilians on the east."
Everyone rogers, Nike chuffs and I see him flash by me. Wolf and Racks are moving civilians out. "What do you need, Wolf?"
"Boards but you've got them coming. There are six casualties. Some gunshot wounds. We're moving who we can right now."
"Anchor on, Commander. Your cable on the west is your injury anchor. I have eight boards coming down now with EMT boxes. You've got three to transport up from the east."
"Roger, Anchor. ‘It's in the way that you use it.'"
They start singing. I help clear the house and get beaten bodies on boards.
"Keylan. The house you're in was a suspected dealer that you outed. When we get injuries up, we'll bring the dealers up. We have another full house down. They're in contact with 911. One casualty and injuries. It's a kid so nothing is detailed. The team just got here and Anchor stole us some rope so we're going down to pull them up. Are you clear?" Pres sounds pissed.
"Dicks cuffed to something stable. We have an anchor line but no harnesses. K-9 guarding injured and walkers on the east by the anchor. Boards moving now on the west with EMTs or something. The piece above us is teetering so we need to move out now."
"That's where the drugs are?"
"Yeah, Stan. Money too in this one."
"Move civilians. They're pushing for content. We have a job and it isn't theirs." I like that he's following our protocol.
"Roger, Pres. Last board going out now.K-9s, Brothers, stay clear of the two lower pieces. They're clear and in the path from the top. A team is moving to them now."
Racks yells. "Get to the line! They're clearing the top house."
A chopper is getting close. "Level! Fuck. Stay alert! Cover Pres."
The piece above us falls and Wolf pulls me over. "Level." I stand and look for Nike. He's safe.
"Anchor has him, Commander. He's pulling him back up." He's so calm. Calm is good.
"Thanks, Brother. The chopper."
"Pres is in someone's face and Cort is on with someone. Neither is talking to me."
I hear rubble falling. I shoot at the chopper hitting the bars. It moves away. "Anchor, get Security on keeping choppers away from us."
"Roger, Commander. Our gear is here. I'm going down with Pres and Lopez. Your team is coming down and build is looking for options. They don't want Pres down without a check but he's going before the kid loses more of his family. Kemper is Lead."
"Go. You got a team, put them to work keeping that house there and Pres covered."
"Roger, Commander. I've got it."
I can tell he's smiling. He starts singing.
Wolf laughs. A bark has us turning. We're up a good fifty feet from the piece that fell and everything is happening down at the bottom, almost to the beach. "Who the fuck has guns readied coming from the beach?"
"SWAT, Commander. I guess they found a way to help. I don't know why they're armed."
I look at Wolf. Fuck. Drugs and money. "This has got to be the worst movie of the week." He's not wrong.
"Getting Security on the possibly dirty cops. Nike, get your team away from them." He's good in the room.
"Thanks, Level. Nike, your team is guarding the injured on the cable. Team 2 is coming down."
He chuffs and barks once. I leave him to it and make the climb. We find four casualties and pull them out of the path of the house.
I move to a body that has a pulse. "Board, Wolf."
"I got it, Commander."
I look up and see Valley coming down. "Harnesses, biners and rope." He drops it from his shoulder and gets the board down by Wolf. I get a harness on and hook a line onto our cable so I'm not hooked through Wolf.
"I need a board brought up from the east and two clean lines down."
"Kemper on, Commander They're coming down with Buster. Anchor has teams working together. Pres said he's coming up. They have four coming up and a boy without a scratch. He'll takeover when he's up."
"Roger, Kemper.Level." I look for more intel.
"He shut the other teams out. Build can use help. The house to the west lost some ground. There's an unoccupied cottage below it that has debris close. City and county are arguing all over the place at the top and Security is covering SWAT."
"Tell Security to mention cams as they walk through with SWAT. Get my team on with me and we'll work build. Injured."
"Moving pretty quick now. Pres is up, Commander." Level stops then laughs. "Anchor said to give him a minute. He's holding a gun on the PD. They're moving so just help for build, Commander."
Wolf laughs taking the lines from Bret. She keeps going down. We head up. It sounds like Pres is out of patience.
"Let's sing a song for the broken hearted." I start and listen as the team is connected to me. The Brothers drop it here and there but it works well when more come on and I realize we have Team One and Anchor's team on with us.
We make the top and head right for Kemper. Stan points to the east so I take west. Looking over, I see him bend to hold a line. Anchor and Kemper are with him. I get to work. I laugh when a new song starts.
I'm surprised when Pres starts, Authority by John Cougar. It's a good song everyone knows so time moves and work seems to move faster. It could be KC and Racks showing with Nike but I'm sticking with music against Racks, ‘the calvary has arrived' announcement.
Six hours in, dirt and mud covered, I make it up to see Kemper showing Pres the laptop. My core team follows me. "We're clear, Stan."
He nods. "We added to the outside houses too. Good job. They'll need inspections but we added cable and I don't have the specs."
"Firefly has them. What's the inspections? They're secure."
"US has the county, city, insurance and whoever else can charge get inspections for work."
I shake my head, "International was happy to get civilians alive and a place to sleep."
Racks laughs. "This wasn't in my book so we're not waiting for inspections?"
Stan smiles. "We're done, Brother. The crates are packed on this side. We're being trucked out with the crates or on a flatbed. No choppers close and they don't want heavy equipment coming up until the road is inspected."
I walk away. Their fuckin' rules are nuts. Two tractors are sitting right here. "Get the crate readied. We're on a truck. ‘Gonna hitch a ride, head for the other side, leave it all behind…"
The Brothers move faster singing Boston.
My shoulder is hit so I stand by KC while he points. Holy fuck. "Stan, do you know why we have a crowd gathered?"
He's up so I move from the door to give him room.
"They've been dropping since before you lifted off in California. No one has told me. I don't get Flight here, but Locke is giving me heads-ups, Commander."
"The party is here again." Stan sounds like he doesn't care one way or the other.
I'll go with that. "I need a shower and to clean my gun."
The Brothers on the chopper agree I stink or for the plan. I don't care which it is.
We lower and hear a cheer when the doors open. Stan looks at me. I shrug. "Maybe they do this all the time."
Wolf laughs. "Ops does. It took some getting used to."
"Do we need to do anything for the Op for Badass?" I ask because the city and county wanted reports we never had to do for cities and counties. I don't think some countries even had counties.
"Clear bullets fired but I don't know if you clear it with Level. We don't do Ops." Wolf doesn't have many answers.
Stan shrugs. "It's not in my book. We only had bullets in Ohio and no one cared in Kentucky." He doesn't have answers either.
I roll my eyes. "I'll ask Cort."
Stan smiles. Bastard. He laughs. "I love having a VP."
I peg him a finger and walk to Cort.
"Boss. Wolf said this is normal for Ops. We don't have procedures for Ops."
He smiles. "Good job, Brother. You ran like you have the procedures. The shots get cleared through your cams."
Raid shoulders Brinks aside. "He told me to but I gave it to Brinks. All your shots are cleared."
I look down. He pushed Brinks to tell me Brinks did it. I breathe and look up at Cort. "Pres said the reports aren't on us. Anything else I need to do?"
"We have Prospects we trust to clean guns. I take care of mine. You do whatever the fuck works for you."
"I take care of anything I carry."
"You don't need anything else but the BSC procedures." He makes this easy.
"While I'm doing that, what is everyone doing here?"
He laughs. "You just got back from an Ops job that took you less than a song to clear with four Brothers and your dog, saved thirty-one civilians, got seventeen injured to a hospital, moved casualties, saved two houses, stabilized two more and babysat SWAT from taking cash and or drugs until the FBI got there. You did all that in six hours and eight minutes while singing the whole time. They're impressed, Brother."
I smile nodding. "They lost the chat app?" I use a line from Asa.
He laughs. Okay, so they're here for the party. I'd sing it but I think I'm done. I look for my girl but don't see her. "Nike, find Firefly."
He chuffs. Cort shakes his head. "She's getting dressed."
I turn but don't get a step away. The Brothers are getting hit and congratulated all around us. Stan, Wolf, Racks and Anchor stay close. KC and Level come running toward us.
"Brothers, you need to give the Brothers a minute." Cort has me turning back.
"Shower and my gun was the plan, Boss. Food is next."
That smile that's a warning shows.
"Fuck." My head falls forward hearing him laugh.
"I brought Banks with me. This is the first time I didn't have to threaten Brothers to claim their women or do the matchmaker thing. Food is here and being set up. The jeweler is taken care of. You and Wolf can't go home so you're showering and dressing here. Prospects got you clothes and your moms made cakes."
Wolf hits my back laughing, then I hear everyone laughing.
I shake my head. "I claimed her, Boss. We were doing a small wedding when I find…"
"Banks does the weddings." He's got an answer for everything.
"Okay." I have no fuckin' clue how to stop this.
"The moms…"
"Everyone has the jewelry their supposed to. They love it all."
I get it. "I'm not talking to Firefly and you're dogging me the entire time?"
They're laughing again.
"You're lucky you claimed her. He'd have been parked here until you did." Bishop hits my shoulder. "Come on, I'll get you two to the shower or he'll follow."
"Roger, Bishop, but the team needs a shower too. If I'm getting married, my Brothers are with me."
"Let's go. It's the only way I'm eating and getting home tonight."
Cort hits my shoulder laughing and I move. Jesus.
Pres peels off to shower at his house. Bastard.
Clean, in a blue button down and black jeans I think this wasn't so bad. Wolf is in a white shirt with gray stripes. I'm glad we're not in the same clothes. With our cuts on, Wolf, Anchor, KC and Racks walk out with me.
Bishop is waiting by the door and hands us rings. "Cort said to give you these."
I open the box. Anchor takes it out of the box. "This is nice, Commander. She's going to love it."
I take it from him so I can see it. "She is." I love it but hand it to Racks before he snatches it away. Level pushes in so he can see it.
KC gets it while I look at Wolf's ring. "Nice, Brother."
He smiles. "It's like Firefly's but with the Rescue on the side."
"It's nice."
He hands me the box. "I want you to hold it."
Racks gives him mine. "You'll have to fight over who holds mine but tonight it should be this way."
Level agrees then Anchor and KC do.
I hold his arm. "I'm honored and would be honored."
He throws chin.
Bishop is in a hurry. "We need to move before he comes looking for you again."
All we've done is shower. Level cleaned our guns for us. "Is this normal?"
Bishop gives me a look. "Nothing with Cort is normal. It's not as crazy as some of the shit he does but everything he does is over the top."
"This is true but I meant everyone showing."
Bishop nods. "Valid question. Cort put the call out and had feeds running in every Club. If we're not working, we're here is what I got from it. Some Brothers would show anyway. Most would send a message or email. Marli wanted to be here for the wedding so we're here. It was an impressive Op then rescue." He shrugs. "Worth the crazy to show for it."
"Thanks, Brother. We weren't ever noticed in the military. Even commendations were just sent," Wolf tells him.
"Cort appreciates the skill his Brothers show and makes it known. I doubt it will happen this big every time, but it will happen or he'll land you at Phoenix for a gathering. The feeds that can be, will be shown in the other Clubs so you'll hear it from the Brothers."
I nod, hitting Brothers shoulders as we pass them. "Thanks. I'll read the procedures."
"They're military, you don't need them. Laser and live is based on Op orders but Cort always leaves the call to us."
Stan comes from our side and walks with us. "Moms love the jewelry, Firefly and Bret are getting ink but it's quick and I'm told painless. Raiden has new ink with a tracker."
We all stop and look at him. Bishop laughs pulling me and Wolf. "Alder." Is all he says. My question would be the white skin's ability to take ink but Alder would know.
Okay. Pres goes on. "There's a feast prepared, games and weddings together planned and staffed. If the siren goes off, I'm volunteering because Ginny said it's a weekend of party and tents are set up here and at Sentinel." Bastard.
I deep breathe seeing a crowd that didn't include the Brothers we passed. Holy fuck.
"He's fuckin' crazy." Stan finally sounds like he gets the magnitude of that crazy.
"Pres, I'm here for life." Racks goes first.
"I'm in." Level takes second.
"Ditto, Pres," KC adds.
Anchor has me smiling. "If you're staying, I know who's showing for work tomorrow. I'm in, Pres."
"I'm in. Our team works best together." Wolf has me swallowing hard.
I take a second. "Fuckin' Brothers. Pres, you're not leaving us behind. The siren goes off, we're with you. It doesn't, you're with us. Adjust, adapt and improvise the fuck out of this weekend shit show, party, wedding, whatever. Hooyah!"
They cheer then laugh at me.Bastards.
My girl is dancing with Pres. She's gone through Kristos, Barry, KC, Racks, Anchor and Level. They're honoring her. Wolf took off as soon as he kissed his girl. They'll be back when it's calmer if it's calmer. Firefly's eyes are dancing with her jewelry that sparkles in the Christmas lights.
Cort hits my back. "There are a couple of Brothers that knew Paddy here. They brought her pictures and video of him they left at your house."
He points. "Hemy was his President, Andrew his student, Finn a close Brother. He lost his wife the same year Paddy died but he wanted a minute to tell her about her father, his Brother."
I look from them to him. "Why are you telling me now?"
"They're going to dance with her. The music will last however long that takes."
I shake my head. "You set this up because they were showing for her."
"Finn said they were on their way. I didn't plan fuckin' houses falling and dickasses shooting at the non-rescue dickass cowards. Then Banks call saying he's bringing the jewelry and doing weddings, or moms calling Seren to get the ol' ladies here, or Troy playing matchmaker now."
"No, he planned everything around that shit. It's shopping day and he's had me working all fuckin' day."
Cort pushes Raid away.
I laugh. "It's been a hell of a month. My girl here, at my dream job, with my team and Stan standing with me, has always included you and Badass behind the scenes, Cort. Behind you are thousands of Brothers helping make it happen. It's an honor that comes with loyalty and respect for life, Brother. Know that, but you don't have to answer it. Hemy, Andrew and Finn are her connection to the father she should have grown up with. It's another miracle I can't give her, but she'll live happier getting. No words, Brother. It's an honor that chokes me."
"You better fuckin' find the words, the song is over and Hemy is cutting in." Raid has me laughing.
Cort pushes him again. "He answered. "Klappe zu, Affe tot."
I laugh some more. Raid walks away mumbling about dead monkeys and German idioms.
I love the fuckin' Brotherhood.