Chapter 18
After we finish eating, I’m greatly relieved when Kameer announces he must attend to some duties on the Jansonna . I walk him to the door and bid him goodbye while trying not to appear too happy he’s leaving. Once he’s gone, I rush back to the dining room to find Mom and Tasha clearing the table.
“Guys, please, you don’t have to do that. Really. Put it down. I’ll clean up later.” I motion for them to follow me. “Let’s go to the living room and talk. I hope you can both stay awhile.”
“Sounds good to me, sweetheart,” Mom says as she sets a stack of plates down. “And yes, we can stay for a while. I cleared my schedule today of all appointments, and Tasha got the entire day off work.”
“Perfect.” Though I’m still worried about my father and a thousand other things, including whether I should try to escape Kameer (if that’s even possible), and whether I should tell him about the message on the info screen, my heart feels lighter as we take our seats on the plush chairs in the living room.
“All right, sis,” Tasha says, wasting no time. “Spill the beans. When did you first meet Chief Kameer and what exactly happened? He told Dad he met you during the brief uprising on Selection Day. Is that true? Is that why you acted like a weirdo when we ran into him on Deck Fifteen later that day?”
I give a slight nod. “Yes, it’s true that I met Chief Kameer during the uprising on Selection Day. He was walking by the salon when he saw me. He came inside to ask if I needed assistance.” I don’t admit that he grabbed me, smelled me, pressed his hardness against me, and announced then and there that I would become his mate.
Tasha puts a hand on her chest. “Oh, that sounds romantic.”
I stare at my sister as though she’s lost her mind. “Romantic? You do realize Chief Kameer paid Captain Warren a bribe for me, don’t you?”
“Yes, I was eavesdropping when he admitted this interesting fact to Dad,” Tasha says, “but I also overheard Kameer promise to always protect you and take care of you and any offspring you might have. He also promised to bring you to the human continent on 58-Z for visits, which is why I’m not sobbing my heart out right now.”
I groan and cast a pleading look at Mom. She at least doesn’t appear as entertained as Tasha. In fact, she’s displaying a rather deep frown that makes her appear much older than her fifty-two years. “Sweetheart, please tell us the truth. Has Chief Kameer mistreated you? Has he hurt you?”
I hesitate to answer. Kameer bosses me around and he’s spanked me twice, but he hasn’t truly hurt me or frightened me. Not yet. Will he ever do so? I think about the strap he acquired, which he plans to use on me for serious instances of misbehavior . But I can’t let Mom fret, so I say, “He can be controlling at times, but he hasn’t mistreated me. Please don’t worry.”
Mom gives me a dubious look. “You’ve been mated for two weeks now, and he hasn’t allowed you to leave his quarters. He’s holding you prisoner.”
“That’s because they don’t share a heartbond yet, Mom,” Tasha says. “Remember those markings Leona has on her arms? The markings signify that she shares a heartbond with Doctor Zahhn, and it’s my understanding that this heartbond prevents unmated Darrvason males from trying to claim her. I’ve heard rumors that Darrvason males sometimes challenge each other for mates, and they have fights to the death, but this challenge won’t occur if a heartbond is in place.”
I glance at my sister. “Mandy’s right. Chief Kameer doesn’t want me to encounter any unmated Darrvason males in the corridors.” I swallow hard. Strangely enough, the heartbond I’ve been trying to prevent would grant me more freedoms that I have at present. Am I doing myself a disservice by constantly fighting it?
Thankfully, Mom doesn’t press the issue further. I’m quick to ask about the salon and Tasha’s job, and for a few minutes we converse about safer topics, though our apprehension regarding Dad hovers in the background, the reason none of us can hold a smile for more than half a second.
After a long silence, I decide to reassure them. If anyone can get Dad out of this quandary, it’s Kameer.
“Guys, please don’t worry about Dad. I’m certain Chief Kameer can work some magic with Captain Warren. When we were in the kitchen earlier, he promised to make sure Dad isn’t mistreated, and he also promised to make sure Dad was freed by the time we reach 58-Z. That’s less than two weeks from now. I trust Chief Kameer to keep his word.” It’s true. Kameer might be many things but he's not a liar. Not being able to keep a promise would be an affront to his pride, and I believe he’ll do whatever it takes to see my father released from the brig.
“Worst case scenario, he’ll have to do a few years of hard labor on 58-Z,” Tasha says, “but it’s a comfort to know Chief Kameer thinks he can get him released earlier. I hope it works out.”
We chat for a few more hours over numerous cups of tea and replicated pastries. They catch me up to speed with the latest gossip on the worldship, and Tasha and I also pull up the list of two thousand women to see which of our friends were selected.
Nearly every woman in the nineteen to twenty-five age bracket was chosen, and though I expected this would happen, it’s still shocking. Pretty much all our friends will be living on the Darrvason continent of 58-Z.
“Sometimes I regret that I wasn’t selected,” Tasha says, and I’m shocked to my core by her confession, especially considering the scandalous arrangement she made with Frederick to keep herself off the list. “Don’t get me wrong; I want to live on the human continent with Mom and Dad, but I don’t want to say goodbye to all my friends. I don’t want to say goodbye to my sister either.”
Mom gives her a sympathetic look. “I’m sure you’ll marry a nice human man soon and start a family, so you’ll be busy with that. Before his incarceration, your father was already looking for the next prospect, darling, and I’m pleased to inform you that all the candidates are closer to your age this time.”
Tasha’s expression darkens, and my heart goes out to her. I know her well enough to know what she’s thinking. She’s wondering when the hell she’ll get to make her own decisions. She’s also wondering if she could get away with refusing to marry. I don’t blame her. If I were in her position, I would be entertaining the very same thoughts.
“Maybe Tasha won’t have to marry,” I say. “At least not so soon, and not unless she wants to. I realize Dad probably has alliances with specific families in mind, but as you know, Chief Kameer is a wealthy male, and he’s offered to help. I’d planned to speak with you both about this after we knew more about Dad’s situation, but Chief Kameer offered to have a house built for you on the human continent, and he also mentioned transmitting galactic credits into Tasha’s account if Dad still won’t accept his money. So you see, Tasha won’t have to marry to ensure the family’s survival on a strange new planet.”
You will soon be free of Chief Kameer.
God, I hope I’m not giving them false hope. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut until I know whether my union with Kameer will last.
Mom and Tasha share a cautious look. I remain silent as I await their thoughts, praying they’ll view it as positive news.
“Your father would refuse to live in any house built by Darrvasons,” Mom eventually says. “Even though humankind would have perished by now if not for their help, he doesn’t have a high opinion of the aliens.”
“You don’t have to live with Dad on 58-Z,” Tasha blurts.
Mom appears scandalized by the very suggestion. “Of course I do. He’s my husband.”
“The husband you have to tiptoe around, lest you inadvertently send him into one of his moods that lasts for days.” Tasha takes a deep breath and shakes her head. “I love Dad, I really do, but he’s gotten worse over the years, and we’re all suffering for it. And now we’re talking about forgoing help we need just to satisfy his ego? It’s not right.”
“We don’t need the Darrvason’s help,” Mom says. “Well, aside from Tasha’s medical treatments. But we can survive on 58-Z just fine without any assistance from the aliens.”
“Would you rather Tasha enter an arranged marriage just to benefit the family?” I ask in the gentlest tone I can muster. “Mom, your marriage to Dad was arranged. Your own father pushed you into it, and you had very little choice. Don’t you want something better for Tasha?”
“I wanted something better for both my daughters!” Her eyes fill with tears. “I wish I could change things. I wish families weren’t forced to make alliances just to survive. But if your father can arrange for Tasha to marry a Founder, a younger one, our standing on 58-Z will be better. We’ll be safer.”
“Dad has always wanted both of us to marry Founders,” Tasha says, “but I’m not convinced that’s the best plan for survival on 58-Z. The Founders are wealthy, but most of them aren’t accustomed to hard work. Can you picture them trying to grow their own food or build their own houses? I can’t.”
“A lot of Founders look down on regular citizens like us,” I add, thinking of Ned. “It’s possible the Founders will have a difficult time finding non-Founders willing to build their houses and tend their crops, even if Founders offer fair wages. Where would the non-Founders spend their money, anyway? There aren’t any outposts nearby. And having goods imported on chartered vessels will be ridiculously expensive. Furthermore, the unrest that’s brewing against Captain Warren and his command team very well might affect the Founders. Something big is going to happen once the Jansonna lands on 58-Z. I can feel it.”
“Well, you might have a point there,” Mom says. “I have wondered just how long Captain Warren would hold on to his power once we reached 58-Zallnanis.”
“The whole ship is buzzing about Dad punching him in the nose.” A smile plays over Tasha’s lips. “A lot of people are calling him a hero and they don’t even know why he did it. I’ve also witnessed several people in the corridors jokingly reenacting the punch. The resentment is growing, and I think it would be smart to hold off on making any alliances until after we reach 58-Z and see who comes out on top, and I’m not just saying that because I don’t want to get married.”
We continue the discussion in a much calmer manner than before, our emotions no longer running so high. I’m glad Mom’s in agreement about biding our time, though I’m still a bit shocked that Tasha suggested she live apart from Dad on 58-Z. I’m also shocked by Tasha’s confession that she sometimes regrets not being on the list.
“Well, it was lovely seeing you, Mandy, but we really ought to leave soon,” Mom eventually says. “Doctor Zahhn is coming early tomorrow morning to give Tasha another treatment, and she needs to get plenty of sleep first.”
“Of course. Thank you both for coming. It was so good to see you. Please tell Leona and Doctor Zahhn I said ‘hello.’” I stand and escort them to the entryway, and Kameer returns just as we reach the door.
I catch a glimpse of the Darrvason guards in the corridor, and I can’t help but wonder why they’re really here. When Kameer informed me of their arrival the other day, he’d muttered something vague about keeping me safe. At the time, I felt he was holding something back, and I still do.
Is their presence related to the message on the info screen? You will soon be free of Chief Kameer. I swallow hard.
“Did you happen to see the captain?” Mom asks Kameer in a hopeful tone.
“I tried, but he’s sequestered in his quarters while a physician tries to fix his nose. But I can assure you that I intend to speak with him as soon as possible. Also, I visited the brig where I bribed several guards to make sure Carl Benton is fed regularly and treated well.”
“Thank you for your help.” Tasha smiles and seems more at ease in Kameer’s presence than when she first arrived for lunch.
“Yes, thank you,” Mom says.
Before we exchange farewells, Kameer invites them over for dinner in three nights. I’m touched by his acceptance of my family. He’s not trying to keep me isolated from them, like I’d feared Ned would. This realization makes my heart soften as I watch him wave goodbye to Mom and Tasha before he closes the door.
You will soon be free of Chief Kameer.
Oh, God. What should I do?
Maybe I need him. Maybe I need him as much as he needs me.
When he turns to face me, my upper arms start tingling.
“Pretty human,” he says in a deep rumbling voice that incites my desires. “I’ve missed you.” But just as he approaches, his wrist comm beeps and buzzes.
He pauses in his steps and glances down with a growl, then he issues what I suspect is a Darrvason curse.
“What is it?” I pray nothing is wrong. Well, nothing new.
He closes the distance between us, takes me in his arms, and kisses my forehead. “The environmental controls on the lower decks are malfunctioning, and I must help my crew with the repairs.” He kisses me again, and this time it’s a lingering kiss to my lips that leaves me breathless. “I will return to you as quickly as I can, pretty human.” His eyes darken. “Perhaps you should rest in my absence. I intend to keep you up very late.”