Rose Beam’s Diary
Rose Beam’s Diary
8th June 1985
I can’t remember if I mentioned that Mum and Dad are renewing their marriage vows . . . Anyway, they are, and as the party date draws closer, Mum is in full Good Woman mode. Anyone would think she wasn’t busy enough, what with her official Matilda Beam WI appearances and the endless interfering in MY life. As much as her fussing-about annoys me, I can’t help but feel excited about it. They love each other so, so much and there’s no doubt that it will be the most stylish event anyone in London has seen in a long time. If there’s one thing I can’t deny, it’s that Mum knows how to throw a gorgeous party. They’re holding it in the private gardens opposite our house on a dusky summer’s evening. Dad was fitted for his new suit today and he looked so handsome and excited. I wish I could tell them both about Thom, but it just feels too soon and they’ll probably wig out about the whole thing. I know they can’t forbid me from seeing anyone, I am an adult after all. But I couldn’t stand it if they were unhappy with me in any way. Despite my moaning about them, they dote on me. I don’t know. Maybe I’m underestimating them. Maybe they’ll see how happy Thom makes me and know that it’s the right thing for us to be together.