Rose Beam’s Diary
Rose Beam’s Diary
5th May 1985
I spent every day this week with Thom. Mum and Dad think I’ve been doing extra hours at the gallery, but really I’ve been visiting Thom at his flat near the theatre. He lives with three other actors and he does not live well. There are no curtains at the windows and it’s as if no one has emptied an ashtray in a month. But there’s a scruffy energy about it, you know. Lots of expressive artwork on the walls and always hip music playing. Thom’s room is in the eaves of the house. Mostly we just lie in his bed, guzzle red wine and talk about what we hope for. He comes from Manchester, and has always dreamed of being an actor in Hollywood. I’d like that too, I reckon. Perhaps one day we’ll get to go together and become movie stars! Impossible, I know, but it’s nice to dream, isn’t it? On Thursday night I told Mum I was going to a Bach concert with Claire-Marie, but really Thom took me to a casino. I’ve never been to a casino before. It was brilliant fun until Thom lost one hundred pounds on the roulette. Luckily I have more than enough money in the bank to help him out. Of course, he hates the idea of taking money from me, but he only lost it because he was trying to show me a good time and I know he’ll pay me back. Money means nothing when you’re in love.
R x