Rose Beam’s Diary
Rose Beam’s Diary
19th April 1985
Is it frivolous to reckon that I’ve met the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with? Oh, I don’t fricking care if it is frivolous. My whole body is fizzing. Even my elbows. It’s 3 a.m. and I don’t know how I’ll ever sleep with this feeling. It’s not just lust. Maybe a little lust, but mostly it’s a connection. I actually felt it like it was a physical thing! I sound so silly, I know, but I’m allowed to sound silly here, aren’t I? Let me tell you about him − I need to get it out onto this page so that I don’t forget. Ignore the scrawly handwriting!
So … his name is Thomas Truman. Thom. And I met him just five hours ago. Thom Truman. Isn’t that like the coolest name? I was at the Blue Canary with Victoria and we were dancing to this daft, energetic song by Whitney Houston. Then a tall, eccentric-looking guy strode across the dance floor and, of course, I assumed he was heading for Victoria because, well, they always do. But he came straight to me and leant in close. He said:
‘I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t dance with you tonight. Even if it is to this horrible song.’
Which is a tad excessive, I know, but he said it in such a non-sleazy, genuine kind of way. He had a northern accent, which I think helped with the sincerity. He’s not my usual type. His hair is dark and wavy and down to his chin! And he was wearing a patterned cravat, which I would normally loathe on any man, but on him it just looked cool and stylish. I would say he was a cross between Rob Lowe and Adam Ant, with a dash of David Bowie. But much better, if that makes sense? Of course I said yes, and we danced for the next three songs while looking at each other’s faces constantly. Later, Victoria was chatting up the DJ and so I sat down for a drink with Thom Truman. And you’ll never guess what? He’s an actor. I know! And not a jobless/resting/wannabe actor like me. He’s playing the part of Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet at The Old Vic! He’s invited me to go and see him next week, and I don’t think I have ever been as excited for anything in my life. I hoped he would kiss me before V and I left for home, but he didn’t and now I feel like I will never have a good day again until I know how his lips taste.
Wow, listen to me. Probably in years to come I’ll look back on these diaries and think myself such a loser for getting so caught up with a man just five hours after meeting him. But I hope not. Something tells me I’m going to be seeing a lot more of Thomas Truman.
My arm is aching now so I shall leave you and get to bed where I will dream of TT’s dancing green eyes and try to get the Whitney Houston song out of my head.
R x