Chapter 35
Ty: I can't believe you left me with twelve little screaming children.
Indie: Hey, I never promised I'd be there for the party. How bad is it?
Ty: The party is not so bad, but the moms . . . Two of them want to exchange numbers—for playdates.
Indie: I mean Myra could benefit from more playdates.
Ty: No, honey, they want adult playdates. Like the one you owe me.
Indie: I don't owe you anything, but seriously, they're hitting on you?
Ty: Yep. It could've been great if you had come to give me a hand—to keep these women away from me.
Indie: Or I would've made a schedule so everyone could take turns. :wink: emoji
Ty: It's twelve forty-five and I'm not amused, Walker.
Indie: Sorry, Brynes, but . . . you're going to have to defend yourself today.
Ty: Why are you not here?
Indie: I was there yesterday morning—bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Myra loved my present and . . . the special pancakes too. Plus I accompanied you to deliver the cupcakes to the school.
Ty: Which I really appreciate you for that.
Indie: Also, I took her for dinner and we played board games with Harper before she went to bed. See, I did all the things, no need to join the party.
Ty: Okay, now you're just gloating while I'm still getting insinuating glances from these women. One of them has a pretty big ring that screams "married."
Indie: Yeah, but you're a hot hockey player. Maybe one of them has you on their list.
Ty: What list?
Indie: Of people they're allowed to sleep with given the chance.
Ty: That's not a thing.
Indie: Some people do have it.
Ty: Do you?
Indie: I would need to be in a relationship to even consider it, however, I don't think it's something I would do. I'm not judging but it's not my thing.
Ty: Good—I'm what you like to call possessive.
Indie: Ugh, I see where you're going and I'm going to have to stop you right there. Enjoy your party and . . . don't collect too many phone numbers, stud.