“Happy Birthday, Peony!” Zie grins at me.
“Sweet sixteen at last,” Kaiden teases. “Open your gift. It’s from all of us.”
I smile and rip open the delicately wrapped little box. Opening it, I glance at the small tri-coloured band inside.
“What is it?”
“It’s a promise ring,” Axel explains.
“What are you promising me?”
“Forever,” Kaiden adds with a wink.
“I don’t understand.”
“It means, Peony, that you’re ours. And we’re yours too,” Zie says, giving me a massive bear hug.
“No matter what happens, no matter how things seem, we’ve always got your back and your best interests at heart,” Axel finishes.
Carefully, he takes the ring out of the box and I see that it’s actually three interlocking plain bands. One yellow, one white and one rose gold. It’s pretty and delicate. He slides the ring onto my finger and the bands glide over one another seamlessly. It’s a perfect fit.
“It’s lovely. Thank you,” I stammer as my cheeks heat. The guys have never given me jewellery before, and this feels weighty on my finger. Heavy with significance. They’re leaving, but they’re promising not to leave me.