Holeshot= The holeshot is a term used in motocross to describe or reference the first racer to get through the apex of the first turn. Getting the holeshot gives the rider a huge competitive advantage and some level of control in the race. Inmost cases, the rider who gets the holeshot also wins the race.
Heathen= Aheathenis an old-fashioned and offensive term used to describe someone who hasno religion. It can also be used to refer to someone who behaves as if they arenot educatedor cultured.
Apex= In motocross, theapexrefers to the point within a corner where the rider is closest to the inside of the turn. It is also commonly known as theclipping point.
Berm= Large banked corner on a track. Designed to help a rider turn much faster.
Bottleneck= Abottleneckon a racetrack refers to a localized point of congestion or restriction that affects the flow of motorbikes during a race.
Bowling fingers= Middle finger and ring finger, the fingers you would use in a bowling ball.
Braaap = A noise that comes from the sound a 2-stroke engine makes at high speeds. Brraaaap!
Clapped-out = Used to describe a bike that is a couple of years old and not well maintained.
Come a cropper = If you say that someone has come a cropper, you mean that they have had an unexpected andembarrassing failure.
Double jump= Two separate jumps with a gap between them, and the rider flies over the gap: jump, gap, land.
Endo/Crashing endo= Used to describe when a rider goes over the handlebars. In this instance, the bike is pitched forward, end over end.
Loop out= If you give your dirt bike more power right at take-off you run the risk of you and the bike overrotating backwardor ‘looping out'.
Moto = In motocross racing, a motorefers to one ofthe heatsorraceswithin a competition.
Nosedive= A nosedive iswhen the motorbike can no longer maintain the ability to level the rider.This is due to excessive power requested by the rider. The result is the front-end drops (‘dive') thereby abruptly stopping and ejecting the rider.
Tabletop= A tabletop is a flat, raised jump that is performed from the top to the down side.
Tank slapper= A tank slapper iswhen a motorbike's front wheel rotates in an unbalanced way, causing instability in the front region of the motorbike. This causes the handlebars to twitch violently from one side to the other, slapping the side of the tank.
Twink= "Twink" isgay slang for a man who is usually (but not always) in his late teens to twenties whose traits may include a slim to average physique, a youthful appearance, little or no body hair, flamboyancy, and general physical attractiveness.
Whoops= Whoops are a large group of speed bumps, and a part of the track riders will try to get across at a high rate of speed to prevent themselves from getting stuck. If they navigate the whoops correctly, it will help them pick up some momentum.