Week 2 Confessionals
Sixteen women remaining.
Rodeo Queen
Bozeman, MT
I was really happy to receive the date ribbon after my time with Josh. I definitely think we got closer … [Blushes, giggles.] [Cut to shot of Krystin kissing Josh during paintball date.] Yes, he's a good kisser. [Hides face in hands.]
Singapore, Republic of Singapore
I was definitely bummed to be on a group date instead of a one-on-one with J—that's what I call him—but I'm confident I'll get that time with him soon. [Pause.] I mean. [Pause.] I was a little surprised when I didn't win that group date ribbon. Just, like—considering. Because I'm a real model. [Blinks.]
Graduate Student
Austin, TX
Being an academic, I take the honor code really seriously, you know? And cheating is a big accusation. [Pause.] But I swear I had that robe first.
Lauren C.
Content Creator
Pinevale, NJ
My whole life, I've struggled with confidence. Like, I was always the girl who made it to Homecoming Court, but I was never prom queen, you know? So for me, it was really empowering to open up about my insecurities and try to just be myself out there. Getting the group date ribbon was, like, exactly the kind of validation I needed. [Smiles.] And God, I can't wait to spend this gift card. I just wish I could get a cute outfit for my next date with Josh!