Chapter 6
Chapter Six
Torben wished the three men well and followed through with his offer to clothe, feed, and provide them with some coin. Despite Leif’s grumbling over the cost, it was no real concern. Their own wealth was plenty, their trade successful, and their lands had prospered well in their last harvest. He did not dismiss Leif’s concerns lightly, he had a shrewd mind for business, but being humane would always come first. And despite his grumbling, Torben knew Leif was less disapproving of the gesture than he seemed.His cousin did have a kind and giving heart.
Wynflaed stood slightly in front of the remaining freed captives, who huddled together and showed their deference to her as their voice. She stood tall as he approached, flashing a bold, amber-eyed gaze that spoke of decision. A Northumbrian Wynflaed may be, but she had the strength and spirit of a Valkyrie. As was her beauty. He stopped a short distance before the group and offered a small smile to the youngest woman who trembled in what he hoped was not fear.
“Wynflaed, what choice do you make?” He hated the fretfulness being displayed in his voice for all to hear.
“We shall go with you, my lord,” she said. She followed this up with an awkward curtsy as did Hilde, while the young man gave a bow. Torben was confused by the sudden formality. He did not like a meek and mild Wynflaed.
He had no reasonable right to feel the relief that spread from his fingers to his toes when she gave him her answer. He had not wanted to sway her free will before their decision, but now he opened his arms wide in invitation to share more of his life.
“I am very pleased to hear this. And yes, I am what you would call a Lord, I am Chieftain to my people. I have laws but I am fair. As I said, we have no thralls, everyone chooses what they will do with their life and is compensated. We live mostly in peace but will battle anyone who comes to do us harm. My land is in Norway, a place called Klavik. It is a bay settlement where my ancestors have lived for centuries.”
“Do we need to decide now what work we will do?” Wynflaed asked, and he shook his head.
“There is time for you to consider this, we have the journey back and you will need to see our lands. I assume you all have a skill of some kind?” They all nodded except for Wynflaed who blushed at the comment. Strange. Not wanting to cause any embarrassment, he changed the subject.
“Let us find you clothing and food. We will need to go to a trader who caters to women, as I am afraid that what we have will all be too big. But first, what are everyone’s names?” He looked first to the young man. He is scrawny, but he has a large frame he will likely grow into , Torben thought with approval.
“My name is Cola, milord, and this is my sister Cynewin. I am grateful to you for saving us. We already know what we can offer. I am a skilled hunter and butcher and Cynewin here is a fine weaver.”
“Those skills are always most welcome, thank you Cola and Cynewin. Cola, go grab your clothes and footwear from Leif and we will set off,” he said, knowing the siblings would not want to be separated for too long. Their youth made them even more vulnerable then Wynflaed and Hilde. He was relieved they had also decided to come with him.
“And of course, I know your name is Hilde.” He spoke in a kind tone to the older woman Wynflaed had defended. Her hair was a shade of grey, but her face remained unlined. Only when she smiled did her skin crinkle at the corners.
“It is, indeed, and I am also grateful for all you have done for us. I can be of use as a minder of children, as a washerwoman or as a weaver.”
“A person with many skills is always welcome, Hilde.” He could see this compliment pleased her as she beamed a smile. Of the group, she seemed the most at ease in his presence.
“And I know you are Wynflaed, but Cola is returning so we can discuss your skills at a different time.”
Torben saw the relief wash over her face.
Why was she embarrassed by this subject? What profession had she had? Was she a whore of some kind back in her homeland ?
The thought of other men touching her caused a wave of jealousy. Searching her soft profile, he decided against it, she looked too innocent.
They found a trader from the East who sold women’s wear. Their goods occupied many rows of tents and stalls and included clothing, fabric, and shoes for men, women, and children. It was still light of day when the chill in the air eased slightly as more sunlight shone through the clouds. The shop owner gestured the women to a tent they could use to change. Torben stood directly outside, feeling obligated to protect their modesty.
Torben outfitted each with a pair of sturdy leather boots, thick woollen stockings, and dresses to go over the linen shifts they wore. The ill-fitting shifts hung loose, giving the women no shape and he wondered what Wynflaed hid under the garment. They would be provided with proper clothing tailored to their bodies when they returned home. Last, he gave them heavy cloaks. The cloaks and his pelts would ensure they kept warm on their voyage home. It was clear they were not seafaring people and their journey thus far had been an unpleasant experience.
The seas were cold at night, and they could not light fires on the ships for warmth. The group, now clothed and warm, looked considerably happier and it made his heart glow with the satisfaction of helping them. If only the idea of Wynflaed was not warming my loins, it would be a selfless act , he thought ruefully, as it was her that his mind kept coming back to. He watched her smiling face as she pulled the cloak tight and sank into its warmth. It was a drastic change from how he had found her, fighting for her life.She revelled in her freedom, and it was glorious to witness. He would never understand the slave trade, the way humans dehumanised other humans. Freeing these people was fate and, in a way, his own atonement for the part he had played in the bloodshed of their people. When I return to Klavik, I will make a sacrifice to Odin for honouring my path.