10. Emile
“Dammit!” I groan when I see her running away around the corner.
“What the hell is your problem now?” Coach grumbles.
“She was in here. She heard what you said.”
“I bought a ring. I’m asking her to marry me. She’s the one. The woman that I’ve been waiting for all this time. And now she just heard you telling me to fuck her and forget her and I didn’t say a damn thing.”
He winces. “I didn’t know you were that serious about the girl. You just met her.”
“I know. But I also knew as soon as I saw her that she was the one that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I’d have screamed it from the rafters if I could’ve. She’s it for me. And now she thinks that…” I can’t even finish the thought, running my clenched fingers through my hair.
“Just explain it to her. I’m sure she trusts you.”
“She got picked on when she was in high school by jocks. She doesn’t trust them. I guarantee she’s gonna think the worst.”
“Then let her go.”
I want to punch him in the mouth but I clench my fists and push that anger down. “I can’t do that. I think I said she’s the one.”
He shrugs. “So figure out how to make it up to her. What’s in all those damn rom-coms? A big gesture?”
I grasp my hair and groan. “I don’t know what to do though.”
He pushes up. “I don’t know. But you’re shit to me right now. So go home and tomorrow you’re gonna need to go see the therapist. In the meantime, if you want the girl, figure out how to get her. You’re an athlete. Surely you can figure out how to win one girl over. It’s not like there’s a whole team you have to beat.”
I sigh and push out of the chair and then out of the office. “I guess I’ll have to figure this out myself.”
I walk out the door and see one of the third-stringers, Casey. “Whoa, man. That chick that was in there looking for you came out really pissed. What did you do to her?”
“I didn’t do anything to her. She misunderstood something Coach said.”
“Well, she was crying. Her friend took her home and was threatening to kick your ass. I think I’d be scared of her if I was you.”
“Were you talking to her?” I ask.
“Yeah.” He grins. “I like the crazy ones! I got her number and I’m gonna call her.”
“You’ve got her number? Can I get it?”
He glares at me. “Hey man! Just cause your girl is pissed at you doesn’t mean that you can have mine.”
“I don’t want your girl. She must be the one that’s friends with Sassy. I want to ask her some questions about her. To try and fix this shit if I can’t get her to answer me. That’s gonna be my last resort. I have to try and talk to her first.”
He nods and hands me the piece of paper that she jotted her number down on and then grunts when I put it in my phone and give it back to him.
“I’d make sure that’s a last resort. She really was pissed. I think she might actually hurt you, man. We’re big guys but she scared me.” He grins again. “I like them like that. Keeps things exciting!”
I roll my eyes and walk to my car, hitting the button to call Sassy. But it goes to voicemail. By the time I get to my car I’ve called at least ten times and she’s sent it to voicemail every time.
I sit in the car for a minute. Then I sigh. I’m sure her friend is there right now and they’re probably trashing jocks and figuring out which of my body parts they want to cut off first.
But I think I’m gonna have to go to phase two with her friend. I’m just gonna have to be patient and hope that I can get this figured out because there’s no way I’m gonna be able to let her go. Even if I have to kidnap her and tie her to my bed, I’m gonna get her to listen to me.
The next morning, after the worst night of my life, pacing and picking up the phone to try and call her about fifty million times, I call her friend.
“Hello?” she asks, wary as hell.
“Hi. You don’t know me but I’m Emile LaCourt.”
“Oh hell no! I know exactly who you are, asshole! You hurt my bestie! I’m going to crush your nuts!”
I cringe.
Shit! That’s quite the picture.
“I’m sorry about that. She just misunderstood what the coach was saying. I would never say that about her. As a matter of fact, I told the coach that I was going to ask her to marry me. I spent the other day looking for the perfect ring for her. Found it too. I’ve got it already to give to her. But right now she won’t even speak to me.”
“You want to marry her? Really?” Her voice is still wary but there’s a bit of hope in it too.
“Yes! I love her! I told her that!”
“Men tell women that all the time,” she scoffs.
“I’ve never told any woman that. Only her. But I need to find that big, romantic gesture that’s gonna get her to at least let me explain what happened.”
“So what do you want from me?”
“If I can get things together, can you get her back to the ice rink that’s in the middle of town? The open air one that the whole town goes to?”
“Sure. But why?”
“I don’t know exactly yet. But I think I have an idea how to get her attention. I just have to try and get my shot lined up.”
“Okay. Just don’t fuck this up. If you do love her, I’d hate to have to neuter you.”
I close my eyes. “Jesus. Yeah. Let’s try and avoid that.”
“What can you tell me about that Casey guy?”