
6. Grey

The silencein the truck is starting to play with my head as it's also bugging the shit out of me. This drive home from Billings is so much different than the one from Timber-Ghost to my therapist appointment. And I know it's my fault it's so damn quiet, because when Spirit asked me what brought me up here to the Blue Sky Sanctuary and how my therapy was going, I closed up. Thank Christ she isn't pushing it, but I can tell she's losing patience with me also. Guess it's time to bite the bullet, so I decide to break the silence to speak.

"Spirit, shit, I'm sorry, still working on my conversational skills, obviously. My therapist explained to me that there is nothing to be embarrassed about but still I don't talk about that shit much anymore, if I have a choice. Before you throw one of your mean-ass punches, let me explain myself better, please? When I first got here, Ollie had to get me a whiteboard so we could communicate since I wasn't talking at all. Not sure if it was a mental block or my brain wasn't able to form the words. With the hell that went down with my team, it totally fucked up my head, not to mention my body. No one knew what to do with me. I'm guessing Ollie must have pulled the short straw when they—yeah, the military—were trying to find a place to dump my ass. And I'm beyond thankful because I have no idea where I'd be if I wasn't here. Maybe six feet under if I had to guess. Ollie has taken time with me while never putting any pressure on me to conform to whatever is in the forefront or considered ‘normal.' Plus, Paisley is an absolute doll. They have become like family to me, and I don't want to let either of them down. Can't say the same for some of the other people staying at the sanctuary. The main pain in my ass is Phantom, though not sure why he bothers me so much. Probably because of his ‘I don't give a fuck attitude.' Now, Crowbar sends every one of my spider warnings into high gear. Not sure why but something isn't right with that bastard, for sure. Shit, Spirit, sorry, you don't deserve or need to listen to my bitchy sob story. I truly appreciate the time ya let me work it through my brain without giving me tons of grief or asking a million and one questions."

Those eerie eyes of hers stare into mine. I say nothing, giving her all the time in the world to process what I just said. Then she shocks the shit out of me.

"First, Grey, you don't owe me anything. I've learned over the years that anyone can ask whatever the hell they want, it's up to me personally if I want to answer and how much I want to share. Didn't take any offense. Going to give you a bit of my background so you get the way I am. Our government trained me to be a killer by any means necessary. You heard about the Devil's Handmaidens MC's enforcer, Shadow, right? Well, we've worked together on a few ‘issues' her club has come across and, got to say, if anyone understands me it's that woman. The stuff she knows without proper training, fuck, if she had my training, she'd be unstoppable. I worked with the teams no one knows about. We did the things others couldn't do. When we got out my team lead, Stone, started his own business, which I was part of for a while, until my mind started playing games on me again. Stone heard about Ollie and Paisley with the Blue Sky Sanctuary and not sure how much it cost him, but Stone got me up here in Montana, and the rest is history. Now since I've been here, I've gotten close to Phantom. That son of a bitch puts on a good front, but believe me, that brother is suffering big time. Won't ever admit it, but get him drunk and, damn, he won't shut his trap. I totally agree with you on Crowbar, that asshole, there's something ain't right with him for sure. On several occasions I've spotted him outside my cabin with no reason to be there. I've talked to Ollie and now there's usually one or another guy on my porch, just sitting. Shocked Crowbar the first two times, but now, when he can, he calls me the sanctuary whore. And if I'm giving it away, why ain't he being offered any. You know, little dick shit. I ignore him for his own good. If he pushes me too much, I'll cut his tongue out and make him eat it. Though explaining that to Ollie won't go over too well, I'm sure. So never worry, Grey, you've got a friend here and, believe me, I'm not looking for anything but friendship. And before you ask like Crowbar did, I am not a lesbian. You just aren't my type. I like the California-looking surfer dudes. Ya know, long and lean."

We both laugh then the tension between us disappears and we continue with getting to know each other. I'm shocked at all Spirit has done in her life, and I know she's not telling me something because there is a time lapse in her story. If and when she's ready, she'll let me know, if not I totally get it. The drive back seems to be going really good and we just finished a quick bite to eat when my phone rings in the cab of the truck. I see it's Paisley so I answer it.

"Hey, Paisley, what's up, darlin'?"

"Grey, we got trouble, how far are you and Spirit? We are all heading over to Abigale's place as she's had some visits from ranchers, and they tried to burn down the pole barn with the animals still in it, but her little brother caught them. From what I'm gathering, this is after an incident that got reported to the sheriff. Her brother shot two of the men: one in the ass, the other in the calf. When the men rushed him, Abigale's mom, Trudy, who was running outside, broke one guy's nose and has at least three of the men by gunpoint. Abigale just got back from a rescue to this mess and called Ollie. Can you two meet us there? We need a show of force, plus need to transfer the animals to the sanctuary so they are safe. We are going to try and persuade the women to move here to the sanctuary temporarily, but not sure how that will go. Both of them are stubborn like mules, I tell you. Ollie doesn't think it's safe for the two women and the kids to stay there alone. Appreciate it, see ya there."

Before I can say a word, she hangs up. I swear then realize Spirit is sitting right beside me.

"Grey, problem I need to know? Please don't tell me you slept with Abigale and then met her during the rescue? You were pretty blunt with her and she was doing us a favor. I know you like women, saw you at the Wooden Spirits Bar and Grill with some of your ever-growing fan club."

I give her the stink eye as she laughs at what she thinks is her joke. Don't want to get into it, but I trust Spirit. So taking a breath, I give it to her.

"Spirit, no, I've not slept with Abigale, though don't think it hasn't crossed my mind. She's exactly my type but also, she lives in Timber-Ghost so not gonna go there. I have way too many issues to deal with to even think about starting a relationship. And she's not the type of woman you sleep with then ignore when you see them in town. Now, though I'm a hot-blooded guy, some of my injuries have made that part of my life interesting. And no, my dick is just fine, it's the massive burns on my back, kinda turns a woman off. Honestly, I'm sure she could do a shit ton better than a fucked in the head ex-Marine. Just sayin'."

"Grey, you're an idiot. Abigale doesn't seem like the type of woman who judges a person on their mental or physical appearance. And I mean, shit, she's taken on going against ranchers in rural Montana to save wolves. She's a one-woman show, and now she's taken in her mother and half siblings because their father was arrested, tried, and convicted with the Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood back where they lived prior to moving to Timber-Ghost. If you don't like her that's one thing, but to be a dick because you're afraid, then own it. From the little I've seen, and what Paisley's said about Abigale, she's real. But bottom line, it's your choice, though don't get pissed if Crowbar decides to hit on her, or if by chance she had a lobotomy and actually says yes to his request to go out together, well, it will be on you. Or worse Phantom can turn on the charm and before you know it he'll have her in his bed screaming his name."

At first, I thought I heard Spirit wrong until I hear her snort then burst out laughing. Yeah, I heard her right, smart-ass that she is. I start to chuckle as she outright cackles loudly. When she snorts for the third time, I lose it and join her, both of us laughing like hyenas. After we're done, our teasing back and forth continues as I make my way to the little ranch where we dropped the wolf family off. As we come up the driveway it's like rush-hour traffic there are so many vehicles to drive around. I smell it before we see it and when I do, my temper flares.

"Well, what the fuck happened here? If those asshole ranchers did this there's gonna be hell to pay for sure."

"Grey, try and keep your temper, not sure either Abigale or Trudy need it right at the moment. Let's see what's up and where we're needed. I'm right next to you so lean on me if you feel like you're about to blow, okay?"

I nod then stop the truck as close to the open area between the house and pole barn as possible. We both get out to hear some yelling up close to the house. Immediately, I start hauling ass until Spirit grabs my hand, telling me to breathe. She's right, so I take a few deep ones then together we walk up to the raised voices.

"Ollie, I appreciate your kind offer, but I'm not letting those asswipes push me off my land. So what happens when I come back and they've burning down my house, along with finishing the job on the outbuildings? What the hell is wrong with these people? Damn it, all I'm trying to do is make sure the wildlife has a chance, that's all. Most of the wolf dogs and wolves I've saved have been sent to preserves and wolf rescues. I'm not an idiot, not going to release them out here so they can have a bull's-eye on their backs. Damn, I'm so mad right now wish I could hit something."

Before I can do a thing, Spirit pushes me forward hard.

"Here you go, Abigale, hit Grey, he can take it. Give him a couple of punches, might help relieve the tension. I dare you, sister."

I turn to look at Spirit right before I feel a punch hit my side. Well, holy shit, can't believe she actually hit—no, punched—me. Turning, I see the second coming and it hits me in my gut. The third one I actually grab her little fist, holding it in my hand. Abigale's eyes get huge and she looks up at me like I am the one hitting her. That's when it penetrates that everyone around us is laughing or hooting and howling. Well, guess it worked though, so when I look at Spirit, I mouth "paybacks are a bitch." She just grins and winks my way. Then I look down to see Abigale's face is a pretty shade of pink. Her mom comes up to her give her a hug, while two young kids run up to her saying how badass she is punching an ex-soldier. I correct them saying ex-Marine which has their eyes almost popping out of their heads. Abigale's eyes never leave mine and when her tiny pink tongue wets her lips, I feel my cock start to harden and lengthen. Son of a bitch, not now with a crowd around. I pull my hand back like it's on fire and she also brings her hand to her chest. Great, now I'm checking out her rack. Don't need to get much harder or else it will become quite noticeable.

Now that the ice is broken, Trudy invites everyone to sit at their outdoor area where there are a couple of tables and a firepit with chairs around it. I stay toward the back while Ollie, Paisley, Noodles, Phantom, and Crowbar grab one of the picnic tables, all sitting down. Trudy grabs some chairs for her and Abigale. Spirit and I stand with a couple of others from the sanctuary. Without looking at her, I feel Abigale's eyes on me but I'm not going down that rabbit hole. Ollie starts talking so I try to pay attention to see what he's thinking is the plan."So, Abigale, like Paisley and I said earlier, we'd love for you and your family to come to the sanctuary. No, let me finish, will ya? Won't leave this place empty, we'll put a rotation of our staff here to make sure nothing happens. This way we cover everything as we are taking the wolves with us, so Paisley can keep an eye on them. Is this something you might agree to do?"

"Well, Ollie, though we appreciate your offer, the answer is no. We can handle ourselves so if you can take the wolves and the wolf dogs, though it's going to kill me, I've got to think of their welfare. Otherwise, we're staying here, right, Mom?"

Her mom looks at her daughter, then the kids, and finally at all of us. She takes a minute to think then pulls Abigale close to her, whispering in her ear. I see the anger and fear flare in Abigale's eyes before she puts her head down on her mom's shoulder. Then she raises her head, looking directly at me, then back at Ollie.

"If you are going to put our ranch on rotation, why can't we stay and have your people come out to stay with us? That way this works for all involved. The kids have to go to school and going to your sanctuary, it's too far for them. And I'm not comfortable leaving my home abandoned because Montana ranchers are assholes. No disrespect, Ollie, I know your family is made up of ranchers, but I doubt they are hunting down the wolves, abusing them, and either murdering them or leaving them to die a painful death."

I hear his voice and want to punch him right in the face, but hold back.

"Ollie, if you're looking for a volunteer, I'm up to staying here with the little ladies. Don't even have to switch out, I'll just move out here 'til this little episode is over. How's that sound, missy?"

Abigale actually shivers, and not in a good way, when she looks to Crowbar to see him checking her out. Spirit bumps her shoulder into me but I don't take the hint, so she one-ups me.

"No, I think it would be better if both Grey and I moved here. That way we would have eyes on stuff at all times and are able to let the other get rest also. And we can help with the rest of the animals out here. Abigale, you have what… a few horses and donkeys. Anything else?"

"Yeah, Spirit, we have goats, lambs, and a milk cow. Oh, and I don't know, a dozen or so cats and two dogs that roam the property but come in at nighttime. I like that idea, if you and Grey are up to it? Nothing against you, Mr. Crowbar, but I like Spirit's idea because I know her and would feel more comfortable. You know, another woman around. Thank you for your offer though. Very kind of you."

I'm not sure how everyone is able to hold in their laughter at Abigale's Mr. Crowbar, but he obviously doesn't find it funny. He loudly says, "What the fuck ever, just trying to be neighborly." Then he walks toward the driveway to his truck, starts it, and takes off after turning around. Then the entire bunch of us start chuckling. And once again I feel those eyes on me, though this time I look back and am drawn into her beautiful hazel eyes.

I'm so fucked, I think to myself as Spirit laughs even harder next to me while patting me on the shoulder in a very patronizing way.


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