Chapter 22
C olton kept pressure on the back of Andy's head. His eyes were fluttering open but then closing again as Cady pulled into Jace's. It wasn't Cady who opened the tailgate though.
"How is he?" Tandy Rawlings, attorney-at-law and co-president of the Keeneston Belles, asked anxiously.
"He's trying to wake up," Colton said, slightly confused as to why Tandy was there, but that wasn't the time to ask.
"I called his parents as soon as Cady called me. They're on their way." Tandy took Andy's hand as soon as Colton got him out of the SUV. "Andy, it's me, Tandy. I'm here. Can you wake up for me?"
Colton felt Andy move in his arms, but he didn't want to stop on the sidewalk to find out what happened next. Cady was already standing with the door open to Jace's office as Cody and Luke raced down the street from the station.
"Put him in exam room one," Jace ordered. He was dressed for the naming ceremony but already had his white coat and gloves on.
Colton laid him down as the room filled.
"How is he, Jace?" Cody asked.
Jace didn't answer right away. He was focused on Andy and examining his wound. "This needs to be cleaned. There's tree bark lodged in his wound." Then he pinned open Andy's eyes and waved a penlight in them.
"Andy, honey, can you hear me?" Tandy asked.
Tandy took Andy's hand and squeezed it. "Andy, I love you. Wake up and tell me you love me, too. Please." Cady put her arm around Tandy as silent tears streamed down her face.
Andy's eyes fluttered again. "Love. You. Too," he croaked out.
A sob erupted from Tandy before she kissed his hand. "Look at me, Andy. Look me in the eyes and tell me."
Andy's eyes opened fully with a groan. "I love you, Tandy. But I'm going to kill the asshole who hit me. I saw a truck parked in the clearing and was trying to see the plate number when I was hit from behind."
Colton took a deep breath. Jace cleared the room of everyone except Tandy. Ten minutes later the front door opened. Dinky and Chrystal, Andy's parents, rushed in right as Jace walked out.
"How is he?" Chrystal asked, full of worry for their only child.
"He has a concussion and a gash on the back of the head. I sewed it up and he's under concussion protocol for the next week. I gave Tandy all the information on it, but you can call me if you have any questions."
"Tandy?" Chrystal asked hopefully.
"He woke up to tell her he loved her," Colton told them, knowing Jace wouldn't.
"Hot dog!" Dinky grinned as he kissed his wife, who was now crying happy tears.
"I'll call Father Ben as soon as I see that my baby is okay." Chrystal and Dinky rushed into the exam room.
"I'm going to stay with Andy for a little longer, but it's fine for you all to make it to the naming ceremony. I'll be there as soon as I can," Jace said before turning back to the exam room.
"Oh crap, the ceremony! How late are we?" Colton asked.
"Thirty minutes, but I let them know about the burglary. They're waiting for us," Cady told him.
Colton took one more look at Andy, who was smiling up at Tandy as if she were his whole world. Colton smiled to himself as he glanced at Cady. He knew the feeling. He also knew he wasn't going to wait to almost die to make this official. Not that he was going to ask Cady to marry him to prove his father and uncles wrong. That was a stupid reason. It was because of this. He had a dangerous job and he didn't want one more minute to go by that Cady didn't know she was his whole world.
Just like that. Simple as that. Colton looked at Cady talking to Cody and Luke and knew she was his everything. He'd teased his cousins about getting married so quickly, but now it all made sense. It wasn't about owning a person or locking them down. That was juvenile. It was about not wanting to wait a minute longer than necessary to start sharing his life with Cady and hers with him.
"Cady, I'll meet you in the truck," Colton called out before disappearing down the hall for some privacy. He scrolled through old messages until he found the one he wanted. There, attached to a group chat, was a contact. "Hello. This is Colton Davies... yes, one of them." Colton smiled. Excitement and the absolute rightness of what he was doing filled him from head to toe. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt as he told her about Cady.
Five minutes later, he was in the SUV trying not to blurt his big surprise. After all, there was still family dinner to make it through. That would tell him if she really wanted this relationship or not.
Colton and Cady joined the crowd at the naming ceremony. Colton gave a quick update on Andy and Tandy. He wasn't stupid. He'd be eaten alive if he'd left that tidbit out.
Then the ceremony started. DeAndre's Aunt Deborah was a pastor and called them to the front where a small stage had been set up. Behind Pastor Deborah were seats filled with Father Ben, the Rose sisters, and Aniyah's Granny Louise and Auntie Bea. Matt, Cy, Ahmed, Jace—who showed up just in time—and Colton walked up escorting Riley, Gemma, Bridget, Evie, and Sydney.
"Names have meaning," Pastor Deborah explained. "They tell a story to be passed down for generations. Today, the new parents share the names of their babies and what those names mean to them. Then, Father Ben and I, along with their new aunties and uncles, will confer upon them our blessings for their future."
DeAndre and Aniyah stood up and approached the front of the stage.
"My little king is Nyezra Mueez Riley Drews," Aniyah told them. Colton could see Riley, Ahmed, and Bridget tear up. "Nyezra comes from my nickname Niyah. Mueez for my adopted family. Riley for my best friend and sister of the heart. I want Nye to have his name knowing love, family of blood and life will be here for him, bravery, and how special true friendship is."
Tears and sniffles filled the ceremony as DeAndre stepped forward, holding the little girl.
"And my little princess is, Andreyah-Rose Davies Drews," DeAndre told everyone as people aaww-ed their approval. The Rose sisters gasped and clung to each other as their eyes filled with tears. "Andreyah so she always knows her father is proud of her. Rose for the strength, beauty, and tenacity of our beloved Miss Lily, Miss Daisy, and Miss Violet, and Davies in honor of the family that welcomed us with open hearts. I hope we can pass on that kind of love and acceptance to our children."
At that, Father Ben stood and approached the couple as Pastor Deborah called the aunts and uncles, much like godparents, to join them. "Please form a circle around the Drews family," Pastor Deborah instructed.
Colton reached out and held hands with Riley and Gemma until everyone had completed the circle with their hands interlaced. Father Ben began with a traditional Catholic blessing before turning it over to Pastor Deborah who talked of family, love, faith, and the importance of the village in raising children. She praised Keeneston and those surrounding the Drews family with love. Then together they recited a prayer and the ceremony was over.
However, the party was just beginning. Colton kept checking his phone as the messages came in. Then the one he was waiting for came. He needed a distraction so he could do what was needed without any questions about him slipping away.
"So, did we ever figure out who that pregnancy stick Aniyah found belonged to?" Colton asked.
"Lord have mercy!" Aniyah gasped. "I have so many ideas."
That was all it took. The crowd was roused into a hot debate. Women were suddenly trying to look innocent even as their husbands began to question them.
Colton slipped from the party. He met her behind the row of parked cars. She rolled down the window and held out the box. "How's this?"
Colton grinned. "It's perfect. I can't believe you found it."
"Colton," his mother called out. "Where are you?"
"Go! Before she sees you."
"Call anytime! I do love my Davies men."
She drove off as Colton weaved his way through the cars to find his mom. "Hey, what's up?"
Annie looked at him and he knew she knew he was hiding something, but she knew better than to ask. And he knew better than to think it was over. She was the queen of finding things out that she never asked directly about.
"I was worried about Cady. Tell me what happened."
Colton gave his mom a recap of what had happened to Cady's office and what she thought they'd been after. "I want you to stay with her from now on. She's clearly in danger."
Colton almost laughed. Yes, his mother was concerned for Cady. But it was more about getting them together. She knew they could handle danger, but she didn't know Colton was already handling love.
"I mean, maybe, if she's comfortable with it. We're not that serious yet." Colton loved the look on his mother's face and almost cracked up.
"Not serious? You're bringing her to family dinner!" His mother's face was starting to turn as red as her hair.
Colton shrugged. "Not really, Mom. You're bringing her to family dinner. After all, you're the one who invited her."
Annie sucked in a breath and looked around. "I have to go. See you tonight and make sure you don't leave Cady's side."
Colton watched his mother hurry off to her sisters-in-law and her friends. They formed a huddle and there was a lot of arm movement directed toward him and then to Cady. This was fun. He should have messed with his mom long ago about marriage. One thing he wasn't joking about was loving Cady. Now, if she could get through family dinner.