7. Seven
I'm going to be a wife in tomorrow. His wife. I'm going to be married to Callan fucking David and it can't feel anymore surreal than waking up in a decked-out suite with windows open up to the view before us. Beautiful snow-capped mountains sprinkled with greenery and accentuated with blues from the sky.
It's picture perfect. I absentmindedly find myself twisting the ring of my finger, loving how it feels against my skin.
"You ready to start the day?" Callan rolls over and wraps his arms around my waist as he snuggles his nose in the crook in my neck.
"Yes and no," I admit.
I can feel him sense my slight hesitation in my answer so when he spins me around to face him, I'm not really surprised.
"What you mean by that?" His question is sincere, and I can feel his worry as he positions me so that our eyes in line with each other.
"I didn't mean anything bad, Cal. You know I'm ready to be your wife, and I'm so ready to marry you and start this next journey of our lives. But at the same time, everything has been going to so perfectly that I'm worried something bad is going to happen on our wedding day." I know I worry too much. It's one thing Callan and I have been working on since being together. I think especially because I always expected the worst out of most situation seeing as the way we met was kind of unorthodox to say the least. And of course, there was the bad luck cloud that followed me most of my life.
But I did decide that I was letting myself self-sabotage a lot more than I wanted to admit and that I also did a lot more complaining than any normal person, so I've definitely toned all of that down which wasn't hard once I started feeling more secure with myself. But this is my wedding day, and I can't help but feel concern for the gut feeling that I have that gives off just enough of a bad juju for me to assume something is going to ruin this day.
"Little Rose, you know I will stop at nothing to make sure that this wedding is perfect for both of us. And even if something does go wrong, just remember that you and I are in this together and we're going to continue to have the best life a husband and wife could have. That's my word." Callan's attempt at reassuring me in my state of subtle panic does in fact ease my mind just a little bit.
I think what makes his words that much more believable is the way his hazel eyes dance between my blue ones with the hope that our love story will always prevail, no matter who or what would try to get in the way. Not that we've had very many obstacles but there still is the worry is still, no doubt, present.
"I know, I know. I just wanted you to know. Thank you for everything you're doing for us, and for me, and for this wedding. You really do make me luckiest girl in the world." I curl my toes and tangle my feet with his as I reach up and kiss him.
His hold on me gets tighter and our bodies mold together, naked and under the comforter. It feels soft and sacred and special because I know the next time we lay in bed together we'll be husband and wife. I hate that I decided we spend tonight apart, but I think it will allow for more surprise when we see each other as I walk down the aisle.
Callan doesn't know what my dress looks like and the first time he'll see it, I'll be walking down to take his last name. Just thinking about it makes me moan in his mouth as his tongue finds mind and his knees comes up to the apex between my legs. He runs his hand up and down the side of my body as he digs his other in my hair.
I can feel the moment get hotter and hotter and I decide I want to stop, because I also stupidly decided that we couldn't have sex the whole week up to wedding night. I wanted that to feel special and sacred as well. And though it's been hard, he's respected my wishes.
I pull away and playfully shove the covers between us. He groans at me as he rolls his eyes, pretty terribly I should say, and I giggle at his attempt to be annoyed with me.
"Have you met with Jax since he's gotten in? I can't wait to meet his girlfriend," I say as I roll off the bed, taking the bed sheets with me as cover.
"Umm…no I mean. No, I haven't met up with him yet, but I knows he's arrived and…" Cal trails off and I can't help but be aware of how weird he sounds as he talks to me.
I decide not to question it because I don't want to be the reason why I ruin my own wedding day. I still have a full 24 hours before I become Mrs. David. Tonight is the rehearsal dinner and I'm really looking forward to hanging out with all of our friends and family together.
"Whatever you say," I tell him as I give him a flirty smirk and prance off into the bathroom to change for the day.
"Sterling?" Callan's voice perks up in a tone of question.
"Yes?" I turn to face him as he gets up from the bed without attempting to cover his naked body, and I feel my cheeks burn up instantly.
"Promise me that no matter what, even if something ruins your mood tonight or tomorrow, that you know that I love you." I feel as though he's trying to prepare me for something. Almost as if my gut is right in telling me something is off. But I know Callan wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt me, so I smile at him in good faith.
"I love you too, Callan David."