15. Wren
Me: Since we left ISG yesterday, I’ve been thinking. If you want your gallery in a house type of setting, we should start looking at Beacon Street or Gloucester Street. Those types of places sell quickly.
Daddy Wilson: Good morning to you too, baby girl.
Me: It’s almost seven. You can’t claim I woke you.
Daddy Wilson: You did not.
Daddy Wilson: But I do agree.
Me: I’ll look into the zoning of the area. But there’s a possibility we can purchase something in a more commercial location and build a space with a home-type vibe. I’ll put out some feelers that way too.
Daddy Wilson: Look at you hitting the ground running.
Me: After walking through ISG and talking about your vision, I’m excited.
Daddy Wilson: Me too.
Me: Did you send me lunch?
Daddy Wilson: You skipped it two days in a row. You need to eat.
Me: When did I tell you O’Hannigan’s Green Goddess was my favorite?
Daddy Wilson: You don’t need to tell me. I just know things.
Me: That sounds awfully creepy, Daddy Wilson.