Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Cookies were currently breaking Fernando's brain.
First of all, why were there cookies?
Second of all, why the hell were there cookies on his desk, on a napkin, sitting next to his coffee?
Third of all, cookies? Who would even bring him cookies?
Under normal circumstances, Fernando wouldn't have an existential crisis over sweets. He blamed the lack of feeding and sleep.
Still didn't explain the cookies, though.
For that matter, where was Noel? He wasn't at his desk. He was clearly in the building because Fernando had coffee, but he was currently missing said PA.
Joe came in, tablet in hand, and gave Fernando a smile. Nodding toward the cookies, he asked, "You haven't tried one yet? They're really good."
Maybe Joe had cookie knowledge? "Where did these come from?"
"Noel baked them. He said he felt bad he went home early yesterday while we were all stuck dealing with the warehouse mess, so he brought in treats." Joe pointed at them. "I think those are the last two in the building. Everyone else scarfed down the rest. It was like a magic trick you see on stage. Six dozen cookies—poof!—gone."
Noel had baked these? It felt like such Noel logic, to bring in desserts because drugs and violence had happened the day before. Why wasn't he surprised?
Intrigued, Fernando picked up one and bit into it. It was deliciously moist, the texture perfect, the flavor sweet but not overwhelming on his tongue. Fernando couldn't even remember the last time he'd eaten a cookie, and it felt like he was reconnecting with a lost joy in that moment. His Friday bingo card did not include emotionally charged cookies.
"Good, right?" Joe looked wistfully at the cookies. "I only got one."
Fernando leveled a look at his bodyguard. "You will continue to only have one. I'm not sharing."
"Figured. Anyway. Boss, I wanted to tell you not to worry about our boy. Crammer and I felt bad about what happened yesterday, so we worked it out. From now on, if we're going into iffy situations like that, we'll put a bodyguard right on Noel. Also, Crammer's got him down at the range for the next hour, teaching him some firearm basics. Figured we had better get some fighting skills in him."
That was smart, and Fernando was relieved to hear it. He didn't want a repeat of yesterday. He just had one question, though. "‘Our' boy?"
Joe stared back at him like Duh, this is obvious . "Boss, have you not realized what all Noel does around here? It's not just you that he helps. Of course we've all adopted him."
This was the first Fernando was hearing of such. He knew Noel was on good terms with the men, they were all smiles when they saw him, but he actively helped people? Fernando sat back in his chair. "Enlighten me."
"Well, I mean, I can just say what I've seen him do, or what he's done for me. There was apparently a processing issue with the insurance paperwork for some of the humans you employ. He chased them down, one by one, and helped them get through it all. Got them good packages and benefits for their families, stuff like that. He also helped out payroll last week by automating their system. Kid's a damn wizard with Excel. I swear, the program sees him coming and just bows down saying ‘Yes, Master.' Really, any computer issue and people ask him as readily as they do Crammer. He's leant a hand to every person in this building at least once."
Somehow, this didn't surprise him. Noel was kind by nature and damn efficient. Of course he'd take over if someone else was struggling. It made him smile. Fernando was proud of his little PA.
"So what you're telling me is that if danger comes near Noel, every person in this building will throw hands."
"You too, apparently." Joe grinned and waggled his eyebrows a little.
Yes, Fernando hadn't exactly been subtle yesterday. His reaction had surprised even himself. Apparently, he'd claimed Noel as one of his people without realizing.
Fernando wasn't the type to admit things like that out loud so instead said, "Noel is to do at least an hour of shooting every day until he gets good enough to defend himself. Put him on the schedule and make sure someone's there to teach him."
"Will do." Joe acknowledged his words with a knowing smile. "I'm here to report about where things stand after last night—"
Fernando focused on the report, noted a few things to follow up on, and issued a few more orders to Joe. The first warehouse had been such a mess, he hadn't been able to visit the second warehouse acting shady. He wouldn't, either, until he had this first mess sorted out. One problem child at a time.
Joe left with his orders, and it was only then Fernando realized he was cookie-less. Only crumbs remained.
Damn. All right, serious question. How did he ask in a casual manner for Noel to make him cookies? No matter how he phrased that in his head, he sounded like a five-year-old pestering for sugar.
There had to be a way to look cool while doing it.