Celeste: Does anyone know what all the commotion is about over by the pub? There’s quite a crowd gathered. I want to go over but I can’t leave the bakery until these sticky buns are glazed.
Isis: Komal found us a new murder to solve.
Celeste: WHAT? Who got murdered?
Maisie: Danny O’Hare. Komal found his body!
Komal: I did. It was awful. I was taking the shortcut behind the pub to yoga class, and there he was, sprawled out behind the bins. This is going to be terrible for tourism, and we have the Midsummer Festival coming up.
Beth: Hmmmph. The things Komal will do to get out of my yoga class.
Celeste: Oh, well, no need to solve his murder. Simply an act of public good.
Mina: Does he have a woman’s stiletto jammed into his eye socket? That’s always how I imagined he’d go.
Maisie: Nope, but he is wearing an expression of abject horror, which honestly looks similar to the expression most women in this village have after they had to spend any time with him.
Maisie: I’m on the scene now, trying to get some details out of the cops for the paper. They’re being awfully evasive, and there’s something strange and possibly supernatural that I’ll tell you about at the next book club meeting. We can decide if it’s worth our effort to investigate further.
Celeste: Maisie, do you need me to bring the coppers some sticky buns? That usually gets them talking.
Dora: You’re all going to hell.
Komal: As long as I can get Celeste’s sticky buns in hell, I’m fine with that.