Chapter 68
Mase Face
Merry Christmas, J.
Merry Christmas
Mase Face
Way got discharged.
Yeah, Will just texted me. That's a relief I'm sure. Have you seen him yet?
Briefly this morning. He was bitching about the food and blankets. Prob why doc released him LOL
sounds like Way
Mase Face
whatever happened to that benefit?
my parents decided to do it next year instead
shit because of me?
no…because of me
and there I go thinking the world revolves around me again
to be fair, it kind of all ties together anyway
Mase Face
Did Ivy send you the video?
She did
Thinking we'll keep doing acoustic covers til Way comes back
any requests?
my song
Mase Face
how was it?
you know it was perfect
and your fan club loves it, Blue Eyes
I bet Gabe's being insufferable about that
ohhh yeah. He wants it on record that he came up with that nickname
Mase Face
Your mom called. Way and I are going over for dinner next week
i heard
will you be there?
I can't get away from school
Mase Face
Way moved back in. Wonder how long it'll be before Will does too
I saw your new video
Mase Face
I like the song. It's catchy
my kind of music
Mase Face
your birthday's coming up
are you coming home for it this year?
haven't decided yet. I've been really busy
Mase Face
I miss you.
Mase Face
Ok can we just pretend I never said that? It was a weak moment.
Mase Face
Did you see the trailer for Age of Ultron?
I did! But I still haven't seen the first Avengers lol
Fr? Lol me neither
Yup. I'm behind.
We can watch it together
Like right now I mean. Not together together. Just at the same time
sure why not
Mase Face
I'm sorry I fucked all this up for us.
you're my best friend. Always will be
i'll do whatever it takes to get your trust back
i should've never crossed that line and put you in that position
you have every right to hate me, but I hope you don't
you know i don't actually hate you
sometimes I wonder how you don't, i really do
says more about me than you, I think
no, no this is all on me
Mase Face
This Frost guy might be onto something
Mase Face
How do you memorize poems like that? I'm lucky if I can remember a single line
you're a musician…
exactly. it's different, there's music to it lol
maybe there's music to poetry too
maybe you're just not listening hard enough
Mase Face
Jeremy came on the radio today while I was driving
I don't care what actually inspired that song
I don't care about the underlying meaning and metaphors
as far as I'm concerned, it's your song
it's you fighting back
it's you coming out on top