32. Daniela
When I get to the kitchen, Victor is putting together a mid-morning snack for the vineyard workers.
“How was your meeting?” he asks, carefully wrapping Bolo Levedo, sweet flat muffins, that smell delicious.
“Fine,” I mutter. “Let me wash my hands, and I can wrap while you do something else. I want to be in a good position to sneak one.”
He chuckles. “Help yourself. There are plenty.
“It’s so quiet here without Valentina,” he murmurs, turning his attention to preparing coffee. “I don’t like it.”
“I don’t like it either. But I video-chatted with her last night, and she’s having a wonderful time. Lydia is spoiling both girls rotten.”
“I’m sure she is, and why not?” Victor beams. “I’m looking forward to seeing Senhora Lydia. She’s such a lovely woman.”
“Always has been.”
“Tell me about your fine meeting.”
I glance at him, and he smiles. Victor knows it was anything but fine.
“Do you think it’s a mistake to involve Paula in the party preparations? Is it too much for her?”
“I’ve changed my mind about Paula. She’s quite anxious when faced with a new task. But once she gets comfortable, she’s very capable. If you have the time and patience to teach her, you’ll have someone who will assist you for years.”
“That’s what I think, too.”
“And unlike Lara, who came well-versed on everything,” he says in an exaggerated tone, “Paula will learn your tastes. It’s a trade-off, but one that will serve you well in the long run.”
“You’re not a fan of Lara?” I ask, gauging his reaction.
“It doesn’t matter if I’m a fan of Lara. What matters is whether you’re a fan. Don’t let anyone get too close who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.”
“Anything in particular I need to be concerned about?”
“No,” he shoots back. “But you’re a young woman without a lot of experience running a large household alone. Your assistant needs to be someone you can trust implicitly.” He pauses. “I hope I haven’t overstepped.”
“Never. And you’re right. After my mother died, I was in charge, but I always had Isabel at my side. She was very experienced at running the house.” She learned at my mother’s hand.
“Do you imagine that you’ll ever be able to trust Lara as much as you trusted Isabel?”
Well, no, but that’s hardly a fair comparison.
“Trust your instincts, senhora. Always trust your instincts. I’m certain your husband would tell you the same thing.”