The following are short descriptions of characters, places, phrases, and words used in the text.
Alsari [Al-sar-e]: Small island kingdom of Talwyn, south of Valzerna. Famous for their berries.
Ariake [R-e-ah-kay]: Ruling dragon shifter clan of Valzerna.
Balbinus [Ball-beh-noose]: Scorpion shifter. Uncle of dethroned King Decius. New king of Shadron.
Beyond Realm: Where souls go after they die to reside for eternity.
Caprina [Cuh-pree-nuh]: Dragon shifter. Jaega's first mate. Killed during the Necromancer War, along with her two daughters.
Decius [Deh-see-us]: Scorpion shifter. King of Shadron. Dethroned and killed by General Jaega.
Divine Realm: Where Powers and other Divine beings reside.
Divine Weapon: Weapon from the Divine Realm. Only weapon with the power to cause permanent damage to shifters by negating their healing abilities.
Enchanter: Shifters with strong command of magic to enchant objects in the Valzerna castle.
Fersen Rohesia [Fair-sin?Row-hee-shuh]: Last unicorn shifter. Jaega's new mate.
Fordani [For-dawn-knee]: City. Capital of Alsari.
Galinor[Gal-eh-nor]: Kingdom of Talwyn between Elyenbell and Quintox. Ruled by snake shifter.
Grisden [Gris-den]: Dragon shifter. Jaega's personal valet servant.
Heat: The week someone's pheromones are hyperactive to attract a mate.
Ishibiya[Ish-e-bee-yuh]: Necromancer. Leader of the necromancers during the Necromancer War. Rumor has it he escaped death and is still in hiding as the last surviving necromancer.
Jaega [Jay-guh]: Dragon shifter. Head general of King Tatsuki's army. Fersen's mate.
Jetunia [Jeh-toon-e-uh]: City. Capital of Morven.
Kalindi [Kuh-lynn-dee]: Town. Located in northwestern Kunushi.
Kisano[Key-sah-no]: Dragon shifter. King Tatsuki's bookish son.
Kitaro[Key-ta-row]: Dragon shifter. Youngest son of King Tatsuki.
Kizoshi[Key-zo-she]: Half-dragon shifter, half-Power. Only daughter of King Tatsuki and Arenthia. Primarily resides in the Divine Realm.
Kunushi[Coo-new-she]: Northwestern kingdom of Talwyn. Ruled by King Soseki.
Mitsuki[Me-tsu-key]: Dragon shifter. Oldest son of King Tatsuki.
Morven [More-vin]: Northwestern kingdom of Talwyn. Where Fersen is from originally.
Necromancer War: War in the distant past against the necromancers to stop them from using death magic in evil ways. Murdered all the unicorn shifters during that time except for Fersen. Only the leader of the necromancers is rumored to have survived.
Norkon [Nor-con]: Crow shifter. Lieutenant in Valzerna's army. Expert lock picker.
Norello[Nor-el-low]: City. Capital of Kunushi.
Powers: Divine beings. Deities who control everything in the Living Realm.
Reflorna [Reh-floor-nah]: Central kingdom of Talwyn bordering Arenvale, Balsimi, Kunushi, Morven, Odatam, and Zinnia.
Shadron [Shad-ron]: Southwestern kingdom of Talwyn. Ruled by scorpion shifter King Decius.
Talwyn [Tall-win]: Continent of kingdoms in the Living Realm.
Tatsuki[Tah-tsu-key]: Dragon shifter. King of Valzerna. Father of Kisano, Kitaro, Kizoshi, and Mitsuki.
Tiora [Tea-or-uh]: City. Capital of Valzerna.
Torval [Tour-vahl]: Jaguar shifter. Corporal in Valzerna's army.
Tyrian [Tier-e-on]: Dragon shifter. Jaega's only surviving child. Head of King Tatsuki's castle guards.
Valzerna [Val-zur-nuh]: Eastern island kingdom of Talwyn. Ruled by King Tatsuki, Jaega's oldest brother.
Venrik [Vin-rick]: Ruling wolf shifter pack of Kunushi.