8. Skylar
Staring at my screen for twenty minutes straight seems like a bit much. I can”t concentrate on a thing, my mind spinning over all the problems in my life.
The teachers are evenly split, half of them love me and are happy to have me here. Most of those are the new teachers or the old ones I didn’t torment too badly. The other half are dead set on seeing me run out of town with my tail between my legs. They challenge every decision I make and bring up my behavior as a kid more often than is needed.
Garrett has barely spoken to me since I moved here. He was supportive of me taking this job, agreed we could make our relationship work long distance, and insisted I couldn’t pass up the opportunity of a principal position. Almost every time I call him it rings once or twice then goes to voicemail. If he does answer, it’s all short responses and he’s quick to get off the phone. Something’s going on, but it’s hard to figure out what to do when I”m so far away.
Then there’s Tucker.
Since Friday night my thoughts have revolved around him more often than not. I”m questioning every decision I ever made when it comes to us. I”m starting to wonder if it was a mistake to leave him behind. I haven’t been whole since my foot stepped on the other side of the ‘Welcome to Maple Springs’ sign, and this past week has made that painfully clear.
This town brings back so many memories and feelings I forgot about. It’s like the second I moved away, I forgot about the time I spent here. Now I”m being forced to face my choices, decisions, and consequences.
I blow out a breath, dropping my head on my desk and banging it a few times. I’ve never been this unfocused before and it’s driving me crazy. I snatch my phone off the desk, dialing Garrett, hoping he’ll pick up.
“Sky? Are you ok?” Concern fills his voice instantly.
“Yes, I”m fine. How are you?”
“Aren”t you working? I thought something was wrong since you were calling during work hours.”
“I”m at work… but I needed to hear your voice. I hate it here, Garrett. I think I made the wrong choice.”
“I”m sure you’re just overreacting. Stop being so sensitive, you deserve how those teachers are treating you. If all those stories you told me were true, I don’t blame them for not wanting you as their principal. They don’t trust you.”
“Excuse me! I was a damn good teacher and I”m going to make a fan-freaking-tastic principal. I”m not the same person I was when I lived here and you know it. Why are you being such an asshole?”
“Because, Skylar, I don’t have time for this nonsense. I have a job and a life to deal with-”
“Well, I”m so sorry your life is too busy for you to worry about your girlfriend,” I cut him off. I don’t need to deal with this, not right now. I need someone who’s going to support and encourage me, not point out every flaw.
“Sky…” He sighs, but he’s not one to apologize for his actions. “Look, I know it’s rough, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I”m eight hours away from you.”
“Can”t you just let me vent? Maybe act like I”m not a total nuisance? That’d be nice.”
“I”m sorry, ok? I”m trying here.” A muffled voice comes through the line before Garrett comes back. “Hey, I gotta go. I’ll call you in a few days.”
The line goes dead. He doesn’t wait for me to respond or even say goodbye, he doesn’t care about me at all.
My life was perfect only a little over a week ago, but since I came back to Maple Springs, I swear it’s crumbling into microscopic pieces. I had the perfect boyfriend who loved me, paid attention to me, and put me before everything else. Now I have a voicemail to talk to, or at best a boyfriend who’s annoyed every time we talk.
I had a teaching job where my fellow teachers respected me. They aspired to be loved by their students as much as I was and asked me for help when they needed it. Now I have old witches talking about me behind my back, mocking every move I make, questioning and challenging every decision.
I had a bright and welcoming apartment I shared with Garrett. It made me smile every time I came home, making me comfortable and relaxed at the end of a long day. Now I have a big empty house. It’s lonely and cold, it doesn’t feel like a home at all.
Why did I move here? Why did I think things could be smart? Nothing good comes to Skylar Barren in Maple Springs. I should know this by now.
“Hey, Sky?” Leslie peeks her head in my door.
“I have a student who was kicked out of Mrs. Goods class. Do you want me to send her in?”
My brows furrow, what the hell? It’s the first day of school. How can she already be kicking kids out of class? Checking my watch, I let out a sigh. It’s only eleven, how could this first grader have done something horrible enough to be sent to the principal within two hours of meeting the old bat.
“Yes, you can send her in. I’ll let you know if I need a parent called.”
“Awesome! Be right back with her.”
I stack the files I was going through on the edge of my desk, trying to appear more organized… for a first grader. I roll my eyes at myself, what’s wrong with me today?
A little blonde girl peeks through my door, I tilt my head to the side, examining her. She looks familiar, but I can”t place who she is. Maybe I know one of her parents from when I was younger and she resembles them.
“You can come in.” I give her a genuine smile. She’s adorable, I”m sure she’s not nearly as bad as Mrs. Goods is claiming.
She holds her head high, her back straight, and marches right up to my desk. I expected her to be scared, just a little bit, to be in the principal’s office on the first day of school. But this girl isn”t scared of anything.
“I”m Ms. Barren. What’s your name?”
“It’s nice to meet you, Riley. Wanna tell me what happened in Mrs. Goods class?” I lean on the desk, bringing myself closer to her. My hands stay folded on the flat surface, trying to come off as approachable and kind.
“Billy kept touching me so I hit him.”
“Riley, you can”t hit people in school.”
“I know, but Daddy said if someone touches you after you tell them not to, then it’s ok to punch them.”
“Did you tell Billy not to touch you?”
She nods eagerly, big eyes staring up at me. She doesn’t look guilty in the least.
“Did you tell Mrs. Goods?”
“I did, three times! She told me to stop interrupting her.”
A frown takes over my features. No teacher should treat a student like that, especially on the first day of school.
“Where did you punch him?”
“In the nose, just like Daddy taught me.” She smiles up at me, the pride she feels is clear in her features.
“Did you make him bleed?” I wince, hoping and praying her daddy isn”t as good of a teacher as Tucker was.
“Oh yeah! Blood was pouring outta his nose… I don’t think he’s gonna touch me again.”
“I”m sure he learned his lesson,” I say slowly, attempting to hide my laughter. Riley reminds me so much of myself at that age. “You know I”m going to have to call your parents, right? You can”t hit someone, Riley, especially on the first day of school.”
“That’s fine. You can call my daddy.”
“What about your mom? I need to talk to both of them.”
“I don’t have one.” She shrugs, not bothered at all by the fact.
“Ms. Jameson? Could you call Riley’s dad please?” I yell loud enough for Leslie to hear me from her desk outside my door.
“On it!” Leslie yells before rustling of papers fills the air, then she’s on the phone.
“I gots a question.” Riley taps me on the arm.
“Yes, sweetie.” I turn my full attention to her.
“If I told Billy to stop touching me four times and I told the stupid teacher three times, what did I do wrong? I stood up for myself just like my daddy taught me. I”m not gonna let him touch me when I said no. That’s not how it works, Ms. Barren.” The confidence in Riley’s voice shocks me, she knows she wasn’t wrong and she isn”t backing down no matter what happens.
Letting out a sigh, I level her with a stare. I need to pick my words carefully and make sure she understands exactly what I”m saying.
“Riley, you’re right. You did everything you’re supposed to do. You asked him to stop touching you and you told Mrs. Goods, there was nothing else for you to do. Mrs. Goods should have stepped in and stopped Billy or sent him to see me. And Billy should have listened the first time you told him to stop. You’re not getting in trouble, not this time. But I do need to talk to your daddy about how violence won”t be allowed. I”m also going to talk to Billy, his parents, and Mrs. Goods. I want to make sure they all know you didn’t do anything wrong either.”
“Thank you, Ms. Barren.”
“You can wait outside of my office until your daddy gets here. I think Ms. Jameson has some coloring books.”
“Thanks, Ms. Barren.” She hops off the chair and rushes out of the room with a smile on her face.
“I”m here to see the principal about my daughter.” A male voice floats through my open door. I suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm my nerves before I come face to face with my first pissed off parent of the day.
“You can go right back, she’s expecting you.”
Footsteps come closer and closer. I glance up, letting out a loud gasp when Tucker walks through the door.
“Tucker? What are you doing here?” I struggle to stand, almost falling when I can”t get my foot in my other heel. Why the hell do I always take these things off?
Tucker’s brows furrow together, he glances over his shoulder before turning his attention back to me.
“Uh… You guys called me… Riley’s in trouble?”