“What an amazing Christmas. Amazing gifts, even more amazing food, and a wedding for the ages,” grinned Gaspar, hugging Alexandra as they watched the great-grandchildren play.
There were nearly a dozen new babies being held by their parents, family members, or friends. Right now, all were quiet, but at any moment, they could let loose on them and show the world their lung capacity. The quads had been unusually quiet all day, so they were due for a screaming session soon, which no doubt would trigger all of the other babies.
“It’s always a beautiful Christmas, Gaspar,” she said, snuggling closer to him. “You did too much this year. I didn’t need more jewelry.”
“Said no woman ever,” he laughed, kissing her.
“You know what I mean. I would have been happy with us just taking a vacation somewhere, a little getaway with just us. No kids, no grandkids, no business.” He looked down at her, frowning. Of course, that’s what she wanted. It’s probably what all the wives would want.
“I’m sorry, babe. I should have known that.” He felt like shit for not realizing that would have made her happy. She didn’t want material things. She never wanted material things. She wanted time with him. They all wanted time with their spouses, not things.
“Don’t be sorry,” she said, shaking her head.
“What did the asshole do now that he has to be sorry for?” asked Miller.
“He didn’t do anything,” laughed Alexandra. “He bought me jewelry for Christmas, but I said I would have loved a getaway, a vacation somewhere with just us.”
“Funny,” smirked Miller, “that’s what Kari said as well.”
“Well, then, maybe you big idiots should take the hint,” she smiled, kissing her husband again. She leaped from his lap and walked toward the kids, laughing and singing along with Amanda as she played “Rudolph” for the fifteenth time in a row. She was a gem and didn’t mind doing anything that would keep the children happy.
“Kari and Alexandra weren’t the only wives to ask for that,” said Miller, taking a seat and frowning at his teammates. “The last time we did a family vacation was to Paris, and Ryan had his arm cut off.”
“I remember,” nodded Antoine, walking up. “I think we should think about doing something for the girls before summer hits. Maybe a Valentine’s trip somewhere.”
“Where were you thinking?” asked Nine, walking toward them. They all turned, wondering how he’d heard the whole conversation. “Every wife at Gray Wolf asked for the same thing. We just weren’t listening. I know I damn sure didn’t, and it pisses me off. What other things haven’t we heard from them? What else did we miss that we needed to hear? Where were you thinking of booking something?”
“Honestly, I wasn’t thinking at all, obviously. I think they’d be happy with anywhere we chose, but it would be nice to plan something different.”
“Well, we’re not stupid men,” smirked Wilson.
“Aren’t we?” laughed Baptiste. “Not one of us picked up on the hints of what they really wanted.”
“Hints? What fucking hints?” growled Ghost.
“Seriously?” frowned Trak. “Lauren asked for new luggage. Erin asked for a subscription to travel magazines. Grace and Faith both asked for ‘cruise wear’ and even sent pictures of huge sun hats and the specific type of sunscreen they wanted. If those weren’t hints, I don’t know what was.”
“Okay, wise sage, did you buy Lauren the luggage?” asked Zeke.
“Fuck you,” said Trak, looking down at his feet. “No. I didn’t. I figured it out too late, just like the rest of you. Besides, I thought she might use it to leave me.”
“Leave you? You’ve been married forever. If she hasn’t left your ass yet, she’s not going to,” laughed Nine.
“So, luggage, cruise wear, travel magazines. Sounds to me like they really don’t care where they go. They just want somewhere away from here,” said Rafe.
“I love you guys, but sometimes you’re idiots,” said Suzette.
“Do you know something we don’t know?” asked Gabe.
“Yeah. I do. In fact, everyone here knows something you don’t know, and the sad part is all you had to do was ask Martha, Yori, Nathan, or any of the other ghosts what they wanted, and they would have told you.”
“Okay, so where do they want to go?” asked Gaspar.
“Anywhere, you big idiot! Anywhere with their husbands, away from missions, death, cases, and chaos. It’s not that hard to figure out. Just take them somewhere and leave all the damn equipment at home. You’ve said it a million times. Anyone you would have fought in a mission is either dead or so old they wish they were dead. You won’t be recognized or chased out there in the big bad world. Give up the paranoia and start living your lives with your wives.”
“Do you have a suggestion for us, Suzette?” asked Miller. “I admit I’m not good at reading minds and especially not the beautiful mind of my lovely wife. I, for one, would appreciate any help you can offer me.”
“I have a few ideas for you. Somewhere romantic, full of history, beaches, beautiful scenery, and wonderful food.”
“Well, that narrows it down,” frowned Nine. Suzette shook her head and laughed at the men.
“Italy, Greece, Türkiye, Singapore, Australia. Pick one. Pick one and you plan it. All of it. Don’t make them do a damn thing. If you need help, any of us will help you. Sly and I won’t be going because we’ve been smart enough to take a few vacations together.”
“Thanks, Suzette,” smirked Wilson. “Italy would be cool. Great food, tons of history, ruins, it could be fun.”
“Or Greece,” said Ghost. “Athens is amazing. I know Grace would love to go there.”
“Nothing says that we can’t go separately,” said Antoine.
“No,” said Trak resolutely. “No. We go together. They might not say it, but the wives like being around one another. They need it.”
“Okay. Okay, Trak is right,” said Nine. “Tomorrow, let’s try to figure out some dates and see what we can come up with. Do we all agree a Valentine’s trip is what we’re shooting for?”
“Agreed,” said the men.
“Agreed to what?” asked Erin, smirking at the men.
“Oh, that we’re going to try and take fewer cases this year,” said Nine. Erin stared at them, then burst out laughing. “Is that funny?”
“Babe, I’ve known you forever. None of you are going to stop doing what you’re doing. Don’t worry. We understand, and we love y’all anyway. Oh, gosh, you guys are so cute sometimes. Fewer cases and missions,” she laughed. “That’s just too funny. Dinner’s almost ready. Please get washed up.”
Erin walked away, stopping to speak with Grace, Faith, Lauren, Alexandra, and Noelle. As she spoke, the women broke into laughter, shaking their heads as they stared at the men.
“They really don’t believe we’ll slow down,” said Nine.
“I wouldn’t believe it either,” said Gaspar. “We’ve made that promise a million times over the years and look at us now. We have more cases, more requests, more jobs than ever before. We lied to them. All of them, and I don’t like it one bit.”
“Same,” said Trak. “I always said I would be honest with Lauren about everything. This is the only thing I’ve ever lied to her about, and I didn’t even realize I was lying to her. I thought I was doing something that would protect her. She deserves this trip and so much more.” Ian nodded at all the men.
“Then I say we make this one helluva trip.”
“Emeralds. They’re beautiful,” smiled Erin, staring at the earrings Faith was wearing.
“Erin, I love you, but they’re almost identical to the ones he bought me five years ago.” Faith chuckled, shaking her head.
She felt terrible at not loving the gift, but she’d left so many hints it was pathetic. In his stack of reading material in their bathroom, she’d left five magazines about travel and cruises. On the coffee table were four books about ancient history. And twice, she’d turned on documentaries about traveling with your spouse to romantic locations.
“I know what you mean,” nodded Erin. “I feel awful for not gushing over the diamond bracelet, but I have seven diamond bracelets. Seven, you guys. It’s wonderful. They’re wonderful and beautiful and all the things, but I never once asked for jewelry. I feel like he’s just doing what’s easy.”
“Same,” nodded Lauren. “I had a travel show playing on the television for almost two weeks straight every time he came home, a travel magazine next to the bed, I asked for new luggage, and even bought a book on how to learn Italian and French.”
“And nothing?” frowned Grace.
“Nothing,” she frowned.
“I bought a case of Italian wine and told Pierre we should try a new bottle every week, just to see what we might like. I made charcuterie boards, played Italian arias, even tried playing French music. Anything, something!”
“Nothing?” asked Ella.
“Well, maybe we need to just plan it,” said Grace.
“NO!” said Erin. “No, absolutely not. They need to figure this out on their own and plan it all. If we do all the planning, all the reservations, all the packing, everything, like we always do, how is that a relaxing trip for us?”
“That’s true,” said Rose. “I love Baptiste more than anything in the world, but sometimes he acts like he isn’t the capable, powerful man that I know he is. Anything we’ve ever done together I’ve been the one that planned it. Dinners, movies, trips into the city. Heck, I plan trips up the road! This has to change.”
“Alright,” nodded Alexandra. “Then we dig in our heels and double our efforts. We could always ask for the help of the ghosts or Mama Irene, although that could backfire for us. You never know where Martha or Yori might tell them to take us. We might end up somewhere we don’t want to be. Maybe if a rock with a map on it falls on their heads, they’ll get the hint.” The women laughed, and Erin smirked.
“I doubt it. We’re dealing with the kings of hard-headedness, and I don’t think that any one of them is better than the others. They’re all equally hard-headed. But I’m willing to drop the rock if you’re willing to stitch them up.”
“More than willing,” laughed Alexandra. “More than willing.