8. Morel
The sound of Agaric's ridiculous ball flowed through the kingdom, growing in volume as my men and I neared the outskirts of the palace garden. We had the luck of the moon guiding us as we traveled within the shadows and gained distance. The royal garden was within eyesight, the sound of people dancing and intermingling, carelessly unaware of what was hiding just around the corner, oblivious of what was about to occur.
"Sir?" Orion tapped my shoulder. I turned to retrieve the bag he offered, containing my costume. Nodding, I stepped around a corner and began to change my attire as my men did the same. The only way to infiltrate such an event without being noticed was to blend in, and I fully intended to do so.
"My king," Orion handed me a mask. We all had switched from our usual dark Grisset gear to elaborate, brightly colored costumes, fitting in with Agaric's court, the pastel and warmer colors making me sick to look at. We each bore elaborate masks, perfectly hiding our true identities. Unlike my men, I choose to remain dressed in my usual colors, wearing shades of blues and silvers adorned with diamonds and sapphires. The mask Orion had handed me was a personal choice, made of black satin with vibrant blue night caps branching off one side, glowing in the night. The same as my mother's favorite fungi.
"Remember, we are to slowly bleed into the ball, appearing as if we belong. Once we find Agaric, you are to circle him, cutting him off from those around so that I may make my strike. I shall pierce his heart with this," I held up a small blade, dipped in the poison of death caps, sheathed for my protection, "and if the stars allow it, we depart, leaving Dryade weak and mine for the reaping." My men nodded, ready to die in my service. I signaled quietly as we adjusted our postures and stepped from the shadows into the moonlight.
I shall avenge you, my love.