Home / Clan and Crave / Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

Conyod, age 19

A soft rumble and brush of fur on his forehead woke Conyod from a nightmare of being lost in the mountains, blood-streaked stone surrounding him, and the screams of a zibger ringing in his ears. He opened his eyes to find himself face-to-face with his yearling Dresk in the young kestarsh's stall.

"Did I yell or something?" he mumbled, sitting up and trying to shake the remnants of sleep free. "Sorry if I woke you."

Dresk rumbled again and mussed Conyod's hair by licking it. Then he curled his long neck around the youth's waist and closed his eyes.

Conyod peered at the nearby window and saw it was still dark. The clock in his head, honed by the rigorous schedule of a successful and busy ranch, told him he had another hour before his parents rose and began the ritual of chores and training.

He doubted sleep would return for him, but he snuggled close to Dresk anyway, pillowing his cheek on the animal's already large shoulder.

He loved the kestarsh, Dresk particularly, but it was Conyod's increasing sleepwalking episodes that had led him to routinely bedding in the yearling's stall.

His parents were worried, but Dr. Hupsan had reassured them Conyod was simply working through private "teen issues." They had to give him room to deal with his situation, the therapist insisted. Conyod would confide in them if he felt the need.

The youth had no doubt Vel came in to check on him, probably several times a night. The Nobek would have been up and down anyway, given the uptick in his son's sleepwalking. Lafec fretted and reminded Conyod damned near hourly she was there if he wanted to talk. Tuher and Sema let him be, but their worry was obvious.

They had reason. Conyod was aware as their sole heir he was expected to remain and work at the ranch once he reached adulthood. To take it over someday when they were no longer able to run it. What they didn't know was the thought of such a future made Conyod feel physically ill.

He loved the kestarsh. He loved Dresk. And yes, despite the anguish they'd suffered and inflicted on each other, he loved his parents. They would no doubt have been astonished to know the depth of his feelings for them.

Dwarfing his devotion to stock, Dresk, and family was his hatred of Mount Evar looming to shadow the ranch, however. He ignored it as best he could, but it was always there in the background, a dark reminder of the innocence and joy it had taken from his family. It pounced on him in his dreams. He was convinced he couldn't live in its shadow for the rest of his life.

Adding to his desire to leave Evar behind was his growing fascination with psychology. Having been a patient for a couple of years and witnessing the amazing recoveries Dr. Hupsan had led him and other troubled Imdiko youth to, Conyod found himself wishing to help those who'd been knocked senseless by pain and tragedy. For the last six months, twice a week, he'd been assisting Hupsan in the psychiatric center's youth group. He was also a mentor to two younger Imdikos, who also coped with issues related to their parents. His therapist had praised Conyod for helping the recalcitrant teens open up about the emotional turbulence they tended to hide from adults, including their doctors.

After thinking about the matter for a couple of months, Conyod had finally broached the subject of his studying to be a psychologist to Hupsan. Hupsan's response had indicated real pleasure at the prospect.

"You'd be a wonderful therapist, Conyod. You have the intelligence and compassion needed. Your own struggles would work to your advantage as a psychologist."

"I'm unsure if my parents would approve."

"Do you require their approval?"

Conyod managed a grim smile. "It would be nice, but no. I'd like to do it whether they agree or not. I was looking at the Klapel Psychiatric School. It's connected to the hospital in your district."

"An excellent institution. You're used to making the two-hour trip back and forth, thanks to meeting me here at the facility. Or would you move closer?"

Conyod noted the shrewd expression his therapist leveled at him. "I don't prefer it because of it taking me from home, though I'll admit it's a plus." It was also near Sletran's duty station. Sletran, who'd recoiled at Conyod's declaration of love the year before.

You're too young, and you have the wrong image of me, Imdiko. It isn't possible for us to have such a relationship.

The rejection stung, but after a few days of dealing with the pain of it, Sletran's words had solidified Conyod's determination to make him see him differently. He wasn't sure how, since the Nobek now refused to return his coms and responded only tersely to his texts…but he'd figure it out.

"What's your main criteria for considering Klapel?" Hupsan broke into his ruminations.

"In looking at their curriculum, I found they offer the widest range of disciplines and allow their students to find what best fits their personalities. As long as the student progresses steadily for the most part, they don't rush him through meeting the standards."

"I suppose you know that's where I studied and received my license." Hupsan's eyes twinkled.

Conyod grinned. "If your compliments for my work with Eroa and Piwa are sincere, I'm hoping you might write a recommendation. Competition to get in Klapel is fierce, and it'll take more than my basic studies scores, despite how well I performed on the tests. Maybe you could tell me what I should concentrate on studying for the entrance exam?"

Hupsan chuckled. "My praise has been sincere. I'll be glad not only to write you the letter, but coach you for the exam and entrance interviews. It's been a few decades since I went through the process, but I'll help as much as I'm able."

He had. As Conyod settled from his latest nightmare and lay in the curve of Dresk's neck, a thrill of eager terror chased through him. His parents had no idea he'd be sitting for the entrance exam and initial interview in two days instead of reporting to the psychiatric facility.

He saw no reason to forewarn them. He might not pass. If he did…well, they couldn't argue against him pursuing an important career at such a prestigious school. They wouldn't be happy, but they wouldn't stand in his way.

He'd finally escape those damned mountains standing deadly sentinel over his life.

"I'll still find plenty of time for you," he whispered to Dresk. "Two hours shuttle flight isn't far for me to come home every few days to train you. It'll help my parents cope if I'm in and out regularly. If I can get in Klapel, I'll make it work. It's my promise to you."

* * * *

Sletran, age 35

Sletran watched a deliciously naked Conyod click off the com, which had buzzed for his attention a couple of minutes after they'd made love that morning. He'd caught enough of the conversation his lover had had with a coworker to say, "You have today off, huh?"

Conyod yawned and stretched. His muscles moved in fascinating patterns as he did so, and Sletran licked his lips despite having climaxed quite satisfyingly not too long ago. Beautiful Imdiko.

Conyod smiled at him and returned to the bed, though he sat on its edge rather than crawling under the covers to snuggle. "Dr. Kivokan received word his nephew is graduating training camp with a ton of honors next week, so he wants to attend the ceremony. I'm the only therapist available to switch days off, so of course I said yes." He eyed Sletran speculatively. "I wish you didn't have to go to your station today."

"Me too. Hey, why don't you come along? I have to be on base in an hour, but there aren't any drills scheduled until afternoon. I can give you a tour. You can have a look around, meet a few of my friends. Perhaps spend the night? I'll get you home in time in the morning to make your shift."

Conyod blinked, a hopeful smile twitching his lips. "I can stay with you?"

"Sure. I'm a squad leader, so I'm allowed the occasional guest. I have my own private quarters."

"We won't be giving your troops a show, huh?"

"If that's what you're into, there's a pleasure club just outside the base a number of men from the base enjoy visiting."

Conyod laughed. "I'd love to stay tonight, but we'll skip the public sex…for now."

"Something to look forward to." Sletran kissed him soundly, then dragged him to the shower to clean up.

* * * *

"Where did Tall and Terrifying find such a hot Imdiko?"

Dramok Erybet glanced in the direction his fellow group commander Nobek Binmej was looking, then did a doubletake. He whistled low in appreciation before he could stop himself.

"You can say that again," Binmej chuckled. "Damn, I can't find a member of the breed to date, much less an Imdiko who looks like him."

A stunning young man, his face the open book of Kalquor's nurturing breed, indeed stood next to the imposing squad leader Sletran. He had a gentle aura but was no lightweight in the physicality department by any means: broad shoulders filled his brown jacket, and his thighs did the same for his black trousers. Next to the hulking Sletran he appeared small, but if Erybet subtracted the Nobek from his sightline, the Imdiko was physically impressive.

Erybet and Binmej watched as Sletran's squad performed targeting drills on the blaster range. Sletran's companion glanced at the Nobek often, smiling up at him in a way that said they were a pair. Committed, maybe.

"It looks as if he has the Nobek he wants. Oh well." Binmej shrugged envy off and studied Erybet. "Does Sletran have a Dramok?"


"If they're a package deal there, he won't want for one long."

"Are you hinting in an effort to matchmake? If you are, you suck at it." Erybet tore his gaze from the civilian and laughed at his companion.

"I'm just saying, Erybet. You're a Dramok, you have no clanmates, and you're rising in the ranks. Could be you have a chance to score a prize."

"Could be I'd make a fool of myself. I think that's what you're angling for, since you're aware I have little experience with Imdikos." He thought it typical of the brutish Binmej to refer to the rarest male breed as a "prize." At least his fellow commander was a good soldier. The thug, his brow bone overhanging his eyes like a shelf, needed a saving grace of some sort.

"Same for the rest of us, especially us Nobeks. Imdikos are few and far between for a soldier, except those in the medical corps. And they're all clanned."

"We only see them when we're dragged half-dead off the field," Erybet agreed.

Binmej's handheld's alarm went off. He glanced at it and grunted a stream of profanity as he quieted its summons. "I have reports due this afternoon."

"Paperwork, the bane of all Nobeks."

"I'll give you a week's pay to do them for me."

"I wouldn't do it for a year's salary. This Dramok doesn't enjoy filing either, and I have my own deadlines looming."

"Asshole." Binmej glanced at Sletran's guest again, rubbed his crotch, and sighed. "Goodbye, eye candy. I'll meet you in my fantasies."

He left, and Erybet relaxed. Binmej was okay in small doses. Very small doses. It was better to watch him going than coming.

Erybet regarded the Imdiko, who was laughing at something Sletran had said. The bright, happy features of the young man brought tangible yearning to the group commander, and not just below the belt. He wondered what the guy was like as a person and what had drawn him to Sletran. The Nobek was possibly Erybet's best soldier, but his stern dutifulness wasn't exactly an exciting trait.

Never mind. You have your own reports due, so get to them.

Erybet had every intention of obeying his better judgment, but when his feet moved, they carried him to the pair instead of his office.

Naturally, Sletran detected his advance while he was several feet away. The squad leader snapped to attention. "Group Commander, sir!"

"At ease, soldier. I see you have a guest today."

The Imdiko's purple eyes met his and widened. The young man's smile deepened.

Erybet was aware his features had a quality often derided by his fellow soldiers as "feminine." He personally saw his physical beauty as a detriment to overcome. It had taken a lot of fighting, cunning, and a healthy measure of brutality to prove he deserved the right to be a ground forces soldier and his rank as well.

For once, his pretty face wasn't an obstacle. The Imdiko Sletran introduced as Dr. Conyod, "a friend of many years," gazed at him in open admiration.

"I'm not getting Sletran in trouble for being here, am I?" he asked.

"We encourage significant others to witness the important work our soldiers do when it doesn't involve more dangerous training."

It was a blatant attempt to find out how involved the pair were. Neither Conyod nor Sletran debated the term "significant others." Instead, they shared a look. Conyod's grin was brilliant. Sletran's barely dusted his rugged mug, but the warmth was apparent.

"I'll be running explosives and combat drills later. Conyod won't be present for those," the squad leader assured his superior officer.

"You've proven you know your duty. I have no concern when it comes to you following regulations. Squad Leader Sletran is among my best, Doctor. Are you enjoying the tour?" Erybet wondered what branch of medicine Conyod had earned his title in.

"Very much." He dragged his gaze from the Nobek with obvious effort. "You're a group commander, I understand. And a Dramok, which is rare in the ground troops. Is it a difficult field for a member of your breed?"

"I welcome the challenge. For the most part, I enjoy working alongside our natural warriors."

"I imagine some give you a hard time, though. Don't Nobeks regard themselves as the rightful members of the ground troops, other breeds need not apply?" Conyod's twinkling eyes slid toward Sletran, who grinned outright at the teasing.

"They learn quickly I'm no pushover. I was actually misclassified as a Nobek when I was five and sent to training camp for a year before they realized the mistake."

Erybet's statement earned Sletran's full surprised focus. "I had no idea you'd been considered a Nobek at the beginning, sir."

"I had key characteristics, which led to the error in classification. The trainers at the camp noted after a few months I didn't quite fit the Nobek mindset. I was too scattered and unfocused. I questioned everything they told me to do, or I ignored them entirely."

Sletran laughed. "Not a good idea when it comes to training camp instructors."

"It was eventually discovered mine was a case of hyperactivity and an attention deficit, which led to my destructive rages."

"As many Nobeks of a young age tend to have. I can understand how a mistake had been made."

"Once I was treated for those issues, my Dramok qualities became obvious, and I was retested. I did enjoy my year in camp, however, especially the fighting skills I learned when I could settle down enough to pay mind to the training."

Erybet stopped speaking. Conyod and Sletran were listening, but their gazes constantly strayed to each other. They were wrapped up in their own world, though they allowed him to distantly orbit.

He drew himself up. "I must return to my duties. It was a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Conyod. I hope you'll visit the base again soon."

"Thank you, Commander. I'd like to."

He sounded sincere. Erybet couldn't help but smile as he bowed to him. He wondered if he'd have a chance to speak to the handsome Imdiko in the future. He hoped so.

Sletran kept his amusement under wraps until he escorted Conyod to his quarters around lunchtime. Once they were inside where no one might overhear, he finally chuckled. "You're making conquests right and left, aren't you?"

Conyod blinked at him. "Huh? What did I miss?"

"My group commander. Erybet was practically drooling over you. I can't say I blame him. You are gorgeous." Sletran pulled him close. There'd been plenty of admiring glances sent Conyod's way. Erybet's interest had been the most obvious. The Nobek couldn't help feeling smug to have Conyod as a committed lover.

Conyod waved a negligent hand. "Was he? It's probably the Imdiko classification. The ugliest of my breed get a lot of attention from Dramoks hoping to form clans and attract Mataras."

"I knew a couple of Nobeks who tried to seduce Erybet. He told one he was too dedicated to the military to bother clanning. Trust me, you made an impression." Sletran cupped Conyod's ass and pressed him close so he couldn't help but feel how impressed he was too.

"You think so, huh." He chuckled and moved seductively against him. "I must admit, your commanding officer is interesting. You wouldn't expect to find such a pretty Dramok keeping you hardass Nobeks in line."

"Oh, you think he's pretty."

"Don't you?"

"Of course. I'm not blind. Don't let those looks fool you, sweet man. Erybet is a hardass himself, and he isn't shy when it comes to proving it to any soldier dumb enough to challenge him."

"Not you!"

Conyod's disbelief delighted Sletran. "The thought crossed my mind when I first came under his command. I wasn't the only soldier who took being assigned a Dramok commander as an insult. Three of my fellow Nobeks tried to corner Erybet, and I got a first-row seat to watch him take them to the cleaners. He earned the respect of those of us who witnessed the fight."

"Respect, you say?" Conyod teased. "Just respect?"

"I might have entertained a fantasy or two about erotic battles to see who'd end up on top. He's never shown interest in me, so I haven't bothered." It was true. Erybet could have any number of Nobeks if he wanted, once they got past the irritation of a Dramok commander in their midst.

He was either discreet about his affairs or didn't indulge in them often. No one in Sletran's hearing had bragged about bedding Erybet, though there'd been rumors of him and a few fellow group commanders.

"He's definitely missing out if he hasn't noticed you." Conyod delivered a kiss that wiped Sletran's thoughts clean of his superior for an instant.

Lunch be damned. Sletran would rather starve than miss a chance to make love to his Imdiko, who'd been the focus of other men's desires all morning. Viewing him through their eyes, knowing how lucky he was to have gotten over his earlier misgivings, made him desperate to claim the younger man.

Sletran was indeed all Conyod could imagine wanting. Nonetheless, Dramok Erybet's beautiful features popped in his brain as the Nobek pushed him toward the sleeping mat in his two-room quarters that included a kitchenette, a small seating area barely capable of accommodating four, and shelves loaded with their resident's belongings and awards.

They roughly stripped as Conyod caught fire from his amorous companion's eagerness. Sletran was always demanding, but his insistence was at a new high as he yanked Conyod's clothes from him.

Was it jealousy driving him? The idea Conyod might have found Erybet or anyone else attractive? The Imdiko was tempted to allay Sletran's concerns…but the truth was, Erybet was appealing. Though Conyod was unclanned and Kalquorian society's standards allowed all the lovers he wished for, his devotion to Sletran took other Nobeks off the table as far as he was concerned.

Dramoks, however…

Just as a fantasy. Sletran owned Conyod's heart lock, stock, and barrel. It was his lips and tongue stealing Conyod's breath as he kissed him thoroughly. It was his hands, pumping Conyod's cocks as he goaded him onto the sleeping mat, that unhinged his knees and made him fall heavily. It was Sletran's muscled weight pressing him down so he was helpless. Sletran's fangs driving in his neck, delivering intoxicating venom to sap any will Conyod possessed to deny him everything he wanted.

It was all Sletran, except for a stray vision of Erybet joining in popping in his mind's eye here and there.

When his venomous bite had rendered Conyod unable to resist his hungers, Sletran eased off him to rake his hungry gaze over his conquest. "Everyone's thinking about this delicious Imdiko right now. They're wishing they were me because I get to enjoy someone so perfect."

Conyod's heart swelled. Lust might currently be ruling Sletran, but there was love behind the base longing for physical intimacy. He could sense it.

For an instant, Sletran let softer feelings show. He brushed a lock of hair from Conyod's face, the touch gentle as he gazed in his eyes. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Sletran," Conyod whispered, unable to say more.

As if a spell had been broken, the Nobek reared up and stepped back. He barked, "I'm running drills in less than half an hour. Roll over and put your incredible ass in the air so I can fuck it."

As the venom filling him sent Conyod spinning and assuming the position as ordered, he smiled. He wasn't fooled by Sletran's abrupt attitude change. His love for Conyod challenged the Nobek code of never insulting men important to them by speaking of it.

If the near offense made him harsh as he shoved his primary in and rutted Conyod's upraised ass, the Imdiko didn't fault him for it. Sletran's hard thrusts excited him, as did the ache of taking him. Sletran pulled Conyod onto himself, letting him know to whom he belonged as brutal friction on his hotspot sent heaviness to his cocks, which bobbed beneath him. The Nobek's groin slapped his buttocks in an exciting rhythm, adding to the rush of violent need consuming Conyod.

"My gorgeous ass to fuck," the Nobek growled. "My beautiful Imdiko. Mine."

Mine. As if they were declared clanmates. As if he'd assumed the same commitment Conyod had, the commitment that rendered it impossible to consider other Nobeks as potential lovers.

I love you, now and always.Conyod was unable to speak as Sletran's every thrust drove the very breath from him. As emotion choked him. As the Nobek's venom mixed in a heady elixir with passion and adoration, stealing his senses.

Sletran's thick forearm clamped across Conyod's chest, lifting him so they pressed tight together. He grasped the Imdiko's primary, pumping it as his pace increased. Ecstasy billowed. Conyod found his voice and shouted.

"Not yet," Sletran gasped. "Just a little longer. Wait for me, lover."

Conyod answered by yelling again as the venom clamped down on his will, forcing him to obey despite the vicious need to come. He flailed…Sletran hadn't ordered him not to fight. The agony of holding off made his struggles instinctive. The Nobek's muscled arm clamped to his chest had pinned his upper arms to his torso, however, leaving him helpless.

"Almost there," Sletran groaned over Conyod's desperate cries. "Almost…almost…coming…now, Conyod. Come for me, my Imdiko."

His gratified moans were a soft counterpoint to Conyod's bellows as climax ripped from his loins in near-painful bursts. He was dimly aware of Sletran pushing him down on the bed, of him riding his ass as he pinned the younger man under his weight until his cock had ceased jerking and filling Conyod's ass with hot cum.

Minutes later, Conyod began to come out of his post-orgasm daze in the circle of Sletran's arms. He rubbed his face against his lover's chest before lifting it to regard the Nobek's satisfied smile.

"You called me your Imdiko. Twice."

Sletran's brows rose. "Was I wrong to do so?"

"No. I just wanted to know if you meant it. It was spoken in the heat of sex, so…"

Sletran kissed the tip of his nose. "We can't make it official without a Dramok, but it's how I feel. I think of you as my clanmate."

"Same here." Conyod grinned. "I didn't look twice at the Nobeks I saw today. Not for a second. No one holds a candle to you."

"No other Nobeks, at least. There might have been a Dramok who caught your eye though." Sletran's eyes narrowed in pretend jealousy.

"Your Commander Erybet is pretty. And interesting. Don't worry; if I have to choose, you'll win every time."

Sletran chuckled and held him closer. Conyod sighed and soaked in the joy of their commitment.


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