Chapter 29
How do you feel after the second dose?
Like hit by a bus
A double-decker bus?
More like a VW microbus
Not a 10 ton truck either
Never too sick to catch a Smiths reference!
We still on for your birthday tomorrow night?
Saving your present for when you're here because I MUST see your face up close when you open it
Even if you hate it
Especially if you hate it
I guess you're asleep already
So I should probably stop texting you
Though if you're asleep I guess it doesn't make a difference because you're not hearing the beep
The worst would be if you're awake with a bad headache and every beep is like a spike through your face
Jfc I go to the kitchen for Gatorade and come back to 9 messages
Better than 0 messages right?
Any cicadas yet?
No it's been weirdly chilly so they're late. I didn't live in this area in 2004 but my neighbors promise there'll be tons. Plus I've seen their chimneys
Cicadas sometimes build little columns of dirt outside their tunnels so the rain doesn't drown them
Genius. I hope they wait for me
They won't
But I will
Loved "But I will"
Omg you're right that is annoying
Laughed at "Omg you're right that is annoying"
The fact you're doing it manually by copying and pasting is sad