40. Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Five
J esse had debated how to have the wedding. At first, they were just going to have a Justice of the Peace and a small ceremony. Beth had been the one to look at her and have her close her eyes, then picture her perfect wedding. When she'd opened her eyes, she'd known what she wanted. The perfect dress, food, her family, and her friends.
The dress had been easy. Her mom's clothes were still in storage. Jesse had looked until she'd found one of the dresses her mom had worn to a dance. A tea length, white lacy dress that swirled when she turned. Her hair down but curled thanks to Sarah. She'd wanted Cannon in dark jeans with a white henley and his cut. The girls were in jeans, baby motorcycle boots, along with pink shirts matching the flowers she was carrying and their cuts. Hank was in jeans, motorcycle boots, and a white henley to match Cannon. His little property cut had arrived yesterday. Even though Hank hadn't understood the concept of the property cuts, he'd understood when they all matched. She'd called Cannon's therapist and asked if Hank would need a therapist. He said he didn't specialize in children, but he'd have one of his colleagues who did give Jesse a call next week.
October could be snow and freezing or eighty-degree weather on a whim. Today, she'd lucked out because it was a beautiful fall day in the sixties. She'd debated where she wanted the wedding, but with the worry about the weather, she'd picked the snowplow barn. How could she choose anywhere else? Her family had moved the equipment and cleaned up enough to fit the hundred and twenty-five chairs. Plus, if they needed, she knew the men would stand along the back. She hadn't chosen attendants because she didn't want to wait for anyone to find matching dresses. Besides, the day was about them. She did want her daddy to walk her down the aisle.
She stood waiting with Locks at the doorway. Flick and Scoop would open the doors when the music started. Cannon had asked if he could pick the music. She'd said yes because the music seemed to mean a lot to Cannon. She loved listening to him sing to the kids. He had a wonderful voice but rarely used it around others.
Flick smiled and opened the door as the music started. Someone was singing a song she hadn't heard. As she looked down the aisle, she realized it was Cannon. Each word he sang sank into her heart. As he sang the next verse, she recognized it as Give Me Your Worst . He'd been singing it last night after supper as they danced in the kitchen with Hank and the girls. He was going to make her cry. She walked down the aisle, seeing all her family and friends there to celebrate the day with them. Cannon finished as she and her dad reached him.
As her dad put her hand in Cannon's, he kissed her cheek and whispered, "You've got a love like your mother's and mine. Cherish every moment." Then he leaned toward Cannon. His whisper carried to her. "I'm proud of you. I couldn't be happier to call you my son," as he patted Cannon's shoulder.
The minister started, and she handed her flowers to Clara and accepted Ginny in her arms. Cannon picked up Rissa from Regina. Then Baron moved the small box between them. Hank was helped up there with Cannon holding one hand and Jesse holding the other. Their vows were about pledging themselves to each other but also to their children. When it was time for the rings, Hank pulled them from his pocket. He'd been so excited to help today.
As the minister said you may kiss the bride, Cannon brushed her lips and whispered, "I love our life." She nodded because she wasn't sure she could talk past the lump in her throat. Then they both leaned down and kissed Hank's cheeks. They turned to the congregation and Cannon picked up Hank in his other arm and whispered to Hank. When he nodded, Hank and Cannon both yelled Mine. She adored Cannon including Hank, so he'd know how very special he was to them.
The minister directed everyone to head back to the clubhouse where there would be food and dancing, and they could greet the couple. She wanted a couple of family photos to commemorate this day with her family.
Cannon stood in the clubhouse and thought back to all he'd experienced at Bluff Creek. Each of the couples had some type of adventure during their love story, but they'd come through it. And the guys might tease him about calling it their love story, but he didn't care. He'd read a couple of romances that Jesse had, and he realized he liked them. He'd also found he enjoyed the Hallmark movies because it did his heart good to know they were getting the type of love he had.
He glanced across the room and stared at Dex, Booker, and Twist. Jesse had told him that she and her sisters thought Booker looked familiar. As Cannon stared, he realized where he'd seen Booker before. It was on the cover of one of Jesse's books on the shelf. Maybe he'd keep that little tidbit to himself until he royally ticked off his wife, yes, his wife, and needed a get out of the doghouse card.
Their friends were enjoying the food and music. Some of the couples were dancing, but most people were enjoying catching up with their friends. Hank came running over to him, tugging on his jeans. Cannon leaned down and picked him up. David and Grant were running up behind him, smiling. Oh, he could see the trouble these three would get into over time. Oakley came walking slowly behind them.
"Cannon, Hank's our fwiend," Grant said.
"Yes, he is and I'm so happy he's your friend."
"Fwiend's help each othew," Grant's little pouting lip was telling Cannon he might not appreciate their help.
"Yes, they do. Are you guys trying to help him?"
They all three nodded.
"He needs a cat," David said.
"He needs a dog," Grant said.
Cannon didn't even know how they'd add one more thing to take care of. Jesse walked up as he was trying to formulate a response.
"You guys are such good friends. Cannon and I have to figure out what pet Hank might want, but first, we have to work on getting his room the way he wants it. He's only been here a few days, and you remember how Blake and Oakley waited for pets when they got here."
Oakley nodded and then Grant and David rolled their eyes. Cannon fought not to laugh. He looked forward to the time that Hank felt comfortable enough to roll his eyes at an adult.
"It's a latew thing. Let's go. C'mon Hank," Grant said.
Cannon wondered if Grant would be the ringleader of their group as they grew. He let Hank down and watched him run after the other kids.
Jesse's arm slid around his waist. "I don't think I can handle one more thing for us to take care of. How long do you think we can put him off?"
Cannon chuckled. "Completely agree, but knowing Locks and Clara, we'll just come home and Hank will have an animal."
And Cannon wouldn't grouse much about it because with family, you loved them through it all.