Giant, monstrous, black hound which roams the wild places of Faerie. Has large, bat-like ears, and survives by eating the souls of other animals and fae. Notable for being part of the Wild Hunt.
(Plural: cait-shìth) Giant feline with pointed ears and a white star on its chest. Native to the Winter Court.
Wingless dragon, native to the Fomorian Mountains.
Horse-type creature which can be bargained with for passage across bodies of water. Will drown its riders if they’re not careful with their wording.
Noxious rodent, a little larger than a rat.
Enormous venomous snake. Its venom has no cure and sentences its victim to an incredibly painful death.
Tunnel Wyrm
Large burrowing serpent with a mix of feline and snakelike features native to the Fomorian Mountains. Has paralysing breath and venom. Afraid of fire and chickens.
(Plural: valravne) Highly intelligent, carnivorous birds who fly alongside The Wild Hunt. They are far larger than any normal bird, but closely resemble a raven with teeth. They eat the bodies of the dead, and despite being able to talk, are distrusted by most fae.
Small creatures which manifest as glowing balls of light and emit a soft, chiming sound. Generally playful and can be found around graveyards. Believed to keep young spirits entertained while they wait for The Wild Hunt to take them to the Otherworld.
Bitterblue Mushroom
Phosphorescent blue mushroom, native to the Fomorian Mountains. Edible but with low nutritional value.
Corcrannach Tree
A corpse eating tree native to the Autumn Court.
Echo Berry
Pink, berry-like fruit which tastes different according to the emotions the person feels at the time. Grows on vines in the eastern regions of the Spring Court.
Small, yellow mushroom native to the Autumn Court and Elfhame. Edible and filling.
A herb which, when made into a tea, has the power to increase a person's resistance to cold temporarily. Found across the north of Faerie.
Siabethan Nightshade
A climbing shrub native to Siabetha, which features brightly coloured, trumpet-shaped flowers. The scent of the flowers is a powerful natural aphrodisiac, but the flowers themselves are incredibly toxic.
People of the realm of Faerie, created by the Goddess Danu.
Many sub-species of fae have different traits, but a few are universal:
1) Fae cannot lie.
2) Iron is lethal to them.
3) Bargains made with them, or in their presence, cannot be broken.
4) When a fae gives someone their full, true name, that person may use it to command them.
5) All fae can use glamour—a kind of low-level illusion magic—but to different degrees.
High Fae
Fae whose appearance is closest to humans. Their distinguishing traits are their pointed ears, slight fangs, and delicate bone structure. Some high fae have wings, and thus the ability to produce fae dust, which is an aphrodisiac to other fae but addictive to mortals. High fae are normally members of the nobility and can be quite judgemental of their under fae counterparts.
High fae who are able to remove their heads and summon bone weapons. They have an intense magical bond with their horses, leading them to become known colloquially as headless horsemen. Considered extinct.
High fae who are able to take an animal form at will.
Under Fae
An umbrella term for all species of fae who aren't high fae. Under fae often have visible differences from their more human-looking high fae counterparts. These can include more defined traits such as fur, tusks or horns. Or they can be more subtle, such as bright colouring or markings. Some under fae, such as Redcaps and Selkies, have specific appurtenances which set them apart.
Renowned for their prophetic screams which foretell death and misfortune for someone close to them. Their faces and bodies are skeletal, and they have the ability to hover a short distance from the ground, covering immense distances at speed. They also possess a secondary row of teeth.
Distantly related to gnomes. They have white fur, a long beard, and enormous feet. They prefer to live in isolation in the mountains where their feet function as natural snow shoes.
Small, bipedal beings with a thick coat of fur, sharp teeth and flat, catlike noses. Naturally gifted at moving silently and remaining hidden .
Dryads are under fae whose appearance is generally halfway between tree and human. They have bark for skin, and leaves for hair, and live in large family groups called Groves.
Fae with the legs of a goat. Male fauns have horns of various lengths, shapes, and sizes. Excellent pipe-players and fond of parties.
Under fae with a deep connection to the earth and growing things. They enjoy gardening, food, and a simple life. Physically, they rarely get above two feet high and are often rotund.
Small, stooped under fae with greenish skin who are particularly obsessed with gems. They have large ears, flat noses, and small black eyes. At milestones in their lives, they receive symbolic piercings. Produce a mating musk when aroused that is revolting to all other creatures.
(Plural: kikimory) A type of under fae who inhabit swamps and bogs and is able to give those who intrude on their domain nightmares. Usually soggy, with matted hair and a love for the clanging sound of metal on metal.
Fond of tall hats, gold, and liquor. Fae superstition says that it is impossible to cheat one out of money.
(Plural: leshens) Forest under fae who are considered protectors of the natural world. Like the Kikimory, they are fiercely territorial but generally helpful to strangers, provided they do no harm while in their forest.
Green haired fat with a humanoid upper body and a green scaly fish tail. They can only come on land if they manage to procure a redcap’s hat.
Large under fae with horns and orange/peach skin tones. Smaller than trolls. Tend to use their strength in labour-intensive work and prefer warmer climates.
Small, carnivorous fae with colourful skin and wings. Have been known to eat their enemies. Usually live in large family groups called swarms.
(Plural: púcaí) Known for being able to physically manifest their tattoos. They're born with their first tattoo, which is always an animal. They can borrow physical traits from their animal tattoo such as ears, wings, etc. As they age, they gain new art, dependent on their personality. Their tattoos can move to new places at will, giving them a disturbing, ever-changing appearance. A púca must be able to touch their art with their hands in order to manifest it.
Fae who dip their hats into blood to survive. They're often considered crazed or psychotic. Their eyes are blood red, and their hats themselves are powerful magical artefacts, capable of changing size and shape and storing items.
Seal shifting fae. They cannot shift without their skin, which is considered their external soul and is nearly indestructible. Anyone who steals the skin of a selkie is able to compel them in much the same way as they would had the selkie given them their full name.
Large, simple-minded fae with immense strength. Trolls are useful for their size. They have an immense appetite and are easily swayed by the promise of food. Often considered only one step higher than intelligent animals.
The sworn enemy of the Fae. Live across the Endless Sea and often raid settlements on the northern shore. They have skin in various shades of blue-teal-grey, white hair, and colourless eyes. They have double points to their ears, and cannot use magic but are great tinkerers, inventors, and ironsmiths. Biologically compatible with fae.
Spring Court
Capital: Pavellen. Ruled by: Queen Aiyana. Low-lying territory to the southeast which includes the riverlands. Its borders are marked by the Oratha and Findwellyn rivers.
Summer Court
Capital: Siabetha. Ruled by: King Eero. Southwestern territory mostly settled along the coast. Its borders are marked by the Findwellyn and Apporas rivers.
Autumn Court
Capital: Illidwen. Ruler: Queen Cressida. Forest-dominated territory in the northwest. Its borders are marked by the Apporas and Torvyn rivers.
Winter Court
Capital: Calimnel. Ruler: King Cedwyn. Freezing, mountainous territory in the northeast. Its borders are marked by the Torvyn and Oratha rivers.
Capital: Elfhame City. Ruler: Nicnevin Rhoswyn. The only place in Faerie that experiences all four seasons. An island in the centre of the four courts.
Fomorian Mountains
Capital: Fellgotha. Ruler: King Elatha. Kingdom of the Fomorians across the Endless Sea. Inaccessible to fae.