Trans: i.e. transgender, used to describe a person who identifies as a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth
Trans man: a trans person who identifies as male*
AFAB: assigned female at birth
FTM: female to male; used to describe AFAB folx transitioning to male
Pronouns: a person's chosen terms for themselves that reflect their gender identity and expression (e.g. he/him)
Deadname: a trans person's name given at birth that they no longer identify as or use
Cis: also cisgender, used to describe people whose gender aligns with the one they were assigned at birth
Hetero: also heterosexual, used to describe a male or female whose attraction lies with the opposite sex, generally along the gender binary*
Gender Binary: an outdated method used to classify humans as male or female, essentially erasing the beauty of those elsewhere on the gender spectrum
Gender Spectrum: a term used to describe the beauty, fluidity, and nuance of gender expression with the acknowledgment that gender is not only male or female
T-dick: a colloquial term for a trans man's penis
Bio dick: short for biological dick, i.e. a dick a person was born with
Transition: the self-chosen methods and actions taken by a trans person for them to present more closely to their gender identity; may be physical, social, or emotional
T: stands for testosterone; taken by AFAB, typically trans (though not always) humans, usually with the goal of transitioning away from fully female presenting
HRT: hormone replacement therapy, the general term expressing hormones trans humans take with the goal of transitioning away from the gender they were assigned at birth
Top Surgery: a surgical procedure where the chest is modified to reflect a person's gender identity; in this book's case, used to describe AFAB chest masculinization
Bottom Surgery: a surgical procedure where the genitals are altered to reflect a person's gender identity; in this book's case, used to describe AFAB genital alteration
Phallo/Phalloplasty: a surgical procedure to construct or alter a penis; in this book's case, used to describe the construction of a penis for AFAB humans
Transphobia: used generally as the behavior, expression, language, or thoughts displaying the fear, demonization, fetishization, erasure, misgendering, or any cis-normative assumptions of or about transgender humans with the consequence (even if not necessarily the intent) of causing harm
Homophobia: used generally as the behavior, expression, language, or thoughts displaying the fear, demonization, fetishization, erasure, or hetero-normative assumptions of or about LGBTQ+ humans with the consequence (even if not necessarily the intent) of causing harm
Dysphoria: the feeling of discomfort caused by attention being called to the misrepresentation of a trans person's gender; commonly thought of in regard to physical characteristics but can also be caused by misgendering or deadnaming
Gender Euphoria: the feeling of joy associated with acknowledgment and affirmation of a person's gender identity
Bottom: used to describe a person who prefers to be on the receiving side during sex
Top: used to describe a person who prefers to be on the giving side during sex
Vers: defining oneself as neither a strict bottom nor a strict top
There are so many other relevant terms here, but these included were either used directly in the book or are helpful context for the story. Please continue to do your research regarding LGBTQ+ humans and how they express themselves as a manner of respect.
*Definitions are always changing, and labels are fluid. Everyone has the right to their own gender expression, pronouns, and labels (including the right to have none). These are merely the terms I used in the way I used them—with care, of course.