Alpha: Dominant and territorial. They experience a rut and can knot when in the presence of an omega in heat. Many, but not all, retain a permanent knot after bonding.
Beta:Most common dynamic. Minor general improvements to the individual.
Controller: Elite alpha soldiers who are given the privilege to train and control omegas deployed in the war.
Copper virus: DNA altering virus. The virus may enhance characteristics already present in an infected individual.
Dynamic:If the Copper virus hosts, it changes the individual into a dynamic. There are twelve viral-induced dynamics, alpha through to mu, and omega. Each dynamic offers different physiological benefits: intelligence, strength, memory, natural leaders or followers, or heightened skills such as mathematics or art.
Empire: Governing Council of the United Planetary System.
Healer:The most common omega type who can heal physical and mental trauma, more often through contact.
Non-dynamic:If the Copper virus does not host, the individual remains unaltered, also known as a non-dynamic.
Singular:Rare omegas with unique traits known as singularities. Predominantly psychic, although other physiological changes may occur.
Theta:Hyper-intelligent dynamics who are often driven toward the accumulation of wealth, prestige, or both.
Uncorrupted:A faction formed by those who fled the Empire during the first mass viral awakening. Many non-dynamics leave the Empire to join them.