Chapter 39
chapter thirty-nine
‘Three years ago, this Savannah Pagonis, who at one point went by the name Savannah Smith and may have other aliases, was selling fraudulent tennis memorabilia on the internet,’ said Ethan to Christina.
‘Okay then,’ said Christina. She sat back in her chair, tapping her pen against her teeth. ‘Tennis memorabilia. She clearly didn’t pick the house at random the way she said she did.’
‘She was trying to scam them?’ guessed Ethan. ‘Something to do with the tennis school?’
‘Maybe,’ said Christina. ‘And maybe she was successful? Because whenever I hear the name “Savannah” from anyone in that family I get the sense she had some kind of emotional impact.’
‘Like they’re angry with her?’ asked Ethan.
Christina considered his question.
‘No,’ she said finally. ‘More like they’re sad and possibly . . . guilty?’