Chapter Forty-Eight
Five years ago
She’s sitting in the jacuzzi on Island Queen ’s sun deck with a glass of wine beside her. They have a day between charters and the crew have some time to relax.
How was the holiday?
They hadn’t been able to speak on the phone over Christmas. In fact, the Wi-Fi had been so dire in Lapland, they’d hardly been able to message at all. However, he had managed to on Christmas Day, saying he wished she was with him.
Christmas was fine is his reply.
Thinking of her fantasy of kissing him under a dancing curtain of green at midnight, she asks:
Did you see the Northern Lights?
It was the best time of year to catch them.
So, you did?
Is it just her, or is he being oddly short and to the point? A tiny quiver starts up in her belly. Is it happening again? Is he losing interest?
How about you? How was your Christmas?
She sighs. Pretty much the same as it always was on board. The crew did some things to cheer themselves up, even though they were working, and the guests were lovely, but it’s hard being away from the people you love.
The usual. Glad it’s all over now.
They fall into easy conversation, the same way they did before the holidays, and after they finally say goodbye, she stares up at the cloudless blue sky, imagining herself in Lapland with him, his arm around her as they gaze up at the aurora borealis while snow falls softly around them.