Chapter 12
- Arelion -
Maeve falls asleep.
I stroke her hair, the profoundly alien feature that quickly became one of my favorite things about her.
A part of me knows this is beyond irresponsible. I have my own mission, my own problems to solve. I can't get involved with an alien who's on some kind of suicide mission.
But I don't see how I can send her on her way now. What would my victory be worth, if she's not by my side? I've never had anyone react to that sculpture like she did. It must mean something.
I was wrong about her in the beginning. She does seem trustworthy. She may be right that the Bululg have spread false rumors about her kind.
Looking down at her face and her body, a surge of heat goes through me. She is a beauty, although she doesn't seem to know it. Her beauty is so different from that of Eoans! She's less colorful and adorned, but she has a simplicity to her that doesn't need feathers or colors or huge wings. Her beauty is more honest, in a sense. More real, less disguised.
I've never found any aliens attractive at all. But then Maeve comes along and turns everything upside down.
I yawn and make myself comfortable. I will have to make a decision about this. But not right now.
- - -
" I got the feeling Archmagus Yomeran was being serious," I state. "He wanted me to go to Sprenk. What do we know about that place?"
I left Maeve in the tent, wanting her to get her rest. The other few people who are at Gigori are gathered in the common room, among many crates and military equipment we've made ready for the struggle ahead. Virlu stands solidly on the floor, Peroena sits in a chair and makes it look graceful, Cerak is his usual, cylindrical self, and Sponz is probably somewhere in the room, although he's hard to spot.
Peroena frowns. "Sprenk? I've heard of it, but that's all. A mine, I think? Didn't Colonel Creomoa beat a force of Druptis in that solar system centuries ago?"
"Sprenk is a mining colony," Virlu says. "The miners are slaves who work in the mines until they die. They live for less than a year on average after they arrive in the mines. The owners of the mines are called the Bululg. They are a species of alien that invades other planets and enslaves the population?—"
"Wait," I interrupt. Virlu possesses an astonishing amount of knowledge about the strangest things, but once he gets going on a topic he doesn't know when to stop. "The Bululg are the aliens that have invaded Maeve's planet. Why would the archmagus want me to go to another planet owned by them? "
"Only he knows," Peroena says. "The Fire Mages are unpredictable. Their reasons are often impossible to understand."
Sponz spreads a specter on the wall, just to show us he's there. " The Bululg are a plague on the galaxy," his voice comes as a ghostly whisper from nowhere in particular. " Any effort to destroy them is good. Whether on Sprenk or elsewhere."
Sponz almost never speaks, but that was almost exactly what I was going to say next.
"I say forget the archmagus and his nonsense," Cerak chimes in. "Send a small team to kill Buroteo. Problem solved. I'll do it myself. Or send Sponz. Nobody will know what hit him."
The room goes very quiet.
"Cerak, where exactly do you come from?" Peroena asks sweetly, which is always a sign of danger. "It would be interesting to know. Because what you suggested would not work on Eo. I mean, of course we could assassinate Buroteo. But that would ruin any of Arelion's claims to legitimacy. Our kind really abhors underhand methods. We prefer things to be done openly and proudly."
"Where I'm from?" Cerak asks, his voice more metallic than ever. "I was manufactured on a spaceship owned by the Mestoruran Confederacy. I hold no particular loyalty to them, though. Mostly because they tried to crush me as a reject. I was too smart to be a good trash can, you see. They installed the wrong chips in me. I escaped and wandered the galaxy until Arelion gave me a ride, and then he allowed me to travel with him, in his ship. I have tried to be useful to him. I might even call him a friend, if friendship were possible between an organic and a synthetic."
"Cerak has been a good help in certain situations," I tell them. "His ways may be effective, but sometimes they don't match the Eoan ways. Very well, we'll go to Sprenk. And the archmagus will hopefully be as good as his word and acknowledge my claim to the Supremacy of Eo. We'll avoid a terrible, illegal war, and we can start rebuilding our planet after Buroteo's rule. But in case we don't get the support of Archmagus Yomeran, we have to plan for the worst. How many soldiers do we have now, Peroena?"
"Off Eo, we have six thousand, four hundred and forty. Most of them are just waiting for your order to go. We can equip about eight hundred more, but we don't think we can find more of our kind out in space. Buroteo has made it impossible to leave the planet. When we land on Eo, we can recruit all the soldiers we want in a matter of seconds."
We discuss army matters for a while. It's obvious to us all that we'll win any war with Buroteo, but he and his aliens will resist to the last. If we don't get the archmagus to support my claim, the near future for Eo looks bleak.
Finally I get up. "I think we're mostly ready. There's no reason to keep waiting to attack."
" Something has been bothering me since you came here," Sponz says, sounding like a breeze blowing through the room. " You say you were attacked by the Bululg, dragged out of hyperspace. That should not be possible. Certainly they have the technology to do it, but they would have to know exactly where you were. To the very fraction of an ell . If not, it wouldn't have worked."
I try to focus on the small rainbow between me and the wall, finding it an exercise in frustration. "What are you saying, Sponz?"
" Must I spell it out? Someone told them."
"Yes, and it was the Fus gang who own Maranar Labs," I patiently repeat. "They alerted the Bululg, who happened to have a ship nearby."
" And then? That gang couldn't possibly know exactly where in hyperspace your ship could be found. Not with the precision needed. The Bululg ship would need constant updates from your ship itself."
"It was an old garbage hauler," Cerak says, sounding exasperated. "You can bet it was leaking radiation signature from here to the galactic center. Let's not see ghosts and specters where none exist. No offense meant, Sponz."
There's no reply.
"And anyway," Cerak goes on, "it didn't exactly end well for the Bululg. They lost that saucer."
Sponz remains silent, and the room is tense as we all look thoughtfully at Cerak.
Peroena looks past me. "Hi, Maeve."
I turn, already smiling because there's nobody else I'd rather see.
She shyly walks in the door, returning my smile and giving everyone a little wave. "Hi."
"There you are," I greet her. "You must be hungry, and that Bululg ship doesn't make the best food. We have better stuff here. Cerak, would you be so kind?"
"You're being polite, all of a sudden. I wonder why." The robot rolls over to the kitchen area.
I stretch my wings, having sat still for too long. "I think we're finished for now. We'll launch the war when you return, Peroena."
Peroena gets up. "I will take my ship and go check on the soldiers that are training at Vareo. Will they be needed on your mission to Sprenk, Supremacy?"
"Probably not," I quickly decide. "I want to save them for the main landing on Eo. I don't want them risking their lives for other causes than the freedom of Eo itself. The archmagus can't expect me to bring an army to Sprenk. Maeve, we have a chair that should suit you better than these other ones."
Virlu quickly brings the chair over. "A chair is a piece of furniture for humanoids to sit on. It provides a seat for one person, as opposed to a bench or a couch. Most chairs have a seat, a backrest, and legs." He sets it down on the floor beside me. It's a military-style foldable that is designed to suit several sizes and configurations of limbs.
"Thank you, Virlu," Maeve says and gingerly sits down. "That's very kind of you."
Virlu stands there and stares at her. "Beauty is a subjective concept that mostly concerns aesthetics, both visual and auditory. Often, a harmony of grace, refinement, and sophistication can be said to be beautiful. It is culturally dependent?—"
"Yes, thank you, Virlu," I say with some sharpness. "Maeve knows she's beautiful. There's no need to embarrass her."
"Thank you, Virlu," Maeve says with a sweet smile. "It is culturally dependent. For instance, on Earth, you would be considered a beauty. Many of us really like strong males."
Virlu's jaw drops, revealing fangs that I didn't even know he had. "J-joy is a feeling of d-deep happiness and delight," he stutters. "Often, surprise is an element of joy and strengthens the emotion."
I chuckle at his confusion. "I think you just made a friend, Maeve. Anyway, we're just finishing up here. Peroena, do you need anything from me?"
She thinks about it. "Record some words of encouragement and confidence, Supremacy? That I can show the soldiers to strengthen their resolve? It's not that they need it. But they should be as motivated as possible, this close to the final battle."
"Good point," I tell her. "I sometimes wonder what good thing I did in my life to be able to recruit you to my cause, Peroena. You have been entirely loyal, even when everything looked dark. Without you, I would have no army to fight with."
The strangest thing happens: General Peroena, veteran commander of several battles and a one-time death commando, blushes . "Thank you, Supremacy. I only work for what I know to be right for Eo and its people."
"As do we all," I tell her. "I shall record a message now. Maeve, eat something in the meantime. You've been asleep for nearly twelve hours."
"Sorry," she says. "It's the first time since the Bululg invasion I've slept in a truly safe place."
Peroena goes over and takes her hand. "From what I hear about you and your Resistance movement, I would hate to be on the opposing side. I think your planet will soon be free and safe again."
Maeve puts her hand on Peroena's. "Thank you. I think you're right."
I get the feeling that an immense amount of meaning and understanding passes between the two females as they look into each other's eyes, but I have no idea what exactly it is they understand.
I leave them to their mysterious ways, go to the art exhibition, pick an artwork as background, and record a suitably motivating speech for my soldiers, emphasizing the great work that lies ahead to return Eo to its freedoms and its prosperity. When that's done, I hand the data crystal to Peroena. "I hope that keeps them strong. We shall stay in touch, General. You are the life and soul of our army."
She salutes tightly. "Yes, Supremacy." She leaves the common room, heading for her gunship.
Maeve stares after her. "That's an unusual general."
"Probably the best Eo has seen," I tell her. "Don't be fooled by her beauty and grace! She has a great strategic mind, and I rely on her to plan the final battle. We shall soon see her again." I look around the room. "Virlu, Sponz. Nobody expects you to risk your life on a planet that's not your own. I may not survive the fight ahead. Tell me how I can reward you for your friendship, before it's too late!"
Virlu bares his fangs and lays his ears back. "Friendship is a close personal relationship between two or more people," he snarls, "characterized by mutual affection, trust, and loyalty! It is entered into freely and without any expectation of rewards or payment!" His fur bristles, making him look twice as wide.
I lift my hands and take a step back. I've never seen him angry before. "Of course, Virlu! I expected no less. I'm sure you'll be a great asset in the fight."
He visibly calms down. "Worry for the well-being of a friend is a natural emotion among sentients. It's especially common when that friend is entering a dangerous situation and may include feelings of sadness, fear, or great unease."
"I understand, Virlu. I appreciate your concern. Keep in mind that I'm doing this for the people of Eo and that if I perish, it shall be while doing something vitally important. It's not a bad way to go!"
" I sincerely hope you will be victorious quickly," Sponz breezes. " I shall do what I can for your cause in other places than Eo."
"I know you will," I tell the specter. "You've never faltered, Sponz. Cerak, the same applies to you, of course. I don't expect you to follow me into battle. You obviously weren't designed for it. Let me know what I can do for you."
"So it's now, close to the final triumph, that you want me to get lost," the robot says drily. "How am I not surprised? No, I think I'll stick around. You'll need somewhere to put your trash, I'm sure."
I'm not surprised at his sour tone. "You have been useful in many other ways, too. But I appreciate all the support I can get. And I do consider you a friend. Anyway, I won't be leaving just yet."
Maeve munches on some of the food that Cerak's made. "This is good. What is it?"
"Apparently it's a military ration, high in protein and energy," Cerak replies. "I just heated it up."
I feel my loins heating up, just looking at Maeve. "I need a break from all the planning. Will you accompany me while I relax and look at more artworks?"
She drains a container of sweet juice. "I'd love to."
This time we walk down the inside of the tightening spiral instead of up.
"You have some good friends," Maeve comments as we stroll slowly past a crystal sculpture. "It looks like you're a good friend to have, too. Were you always into politics?"
"Politics?" For a moment I don't know what she means. "Oh, the Supreme Leader thing? I never wanted to be. I was in our military for years. I commanded a squadron of gunships in space when Eo was attacked by a swarm of aliens. Not the Bululg, and not really like them. These ones didn't want to invade, just to plunder and destroy. My squadron was the only one defending our planet."
"Why?" Maeve asks, reasonably enough.
"Nobody had tried to invade Eo for a long time. We knew there was a swarm on the way, but we assumed they would keep their distance, like everyone always does. The attack was a surprise to us all. Anyway, we won, and I became famous. Many wanted me to be Supreme Leader after that. I felt I was too young, but then I also felt that the other candidates were too old. So I signed up without any expectations, mostly so my friends would shut up about it. I just wanted to lose the election, so I could get back into space with my squadron. But to my great surprise I won. Before I could get much done, Buroteo invaded Eo with his army, and you know the rest."
"You went off to find the archmagus. And then you rescued me from the Krunku."
The next artwork is one I don't like much. It's just thousands of long, black threads hanging from a frame and moving as if there's a wind blowing through them. But no breeze can be felt.
"Actually, the search for Archmagus Yomeran took a year before I ever met you. But when Cerak came aboard, things happened quickly."
"I'm glad they did." Maeve looks at the piece, staying at a safe distance. "Oh, that's scary. Like a ghost moving through dark woods."
"That's what I think, too."
We turn our backs to it and walk on.
"Do you think you can help me find Tara?" Maeve finally asks.
I've been thinking about it myself for a while, but I haven't found a real answer. "I will have to follow my plan. If I'm able to chase Buroteo off Eo, and I survive that war, then… well, I'll have to set things right on the planet first. I can't go running off immediately. My people wouldn't understand it, and they would be right. If I succeed, the job has only just begun."
"It sounds like you're saying ‘no'."
"You asked if I can help you," I point out. "If I win, I will be able to help you much better than I can now. As Supreme Leader, I can command a part of our navy to assist you with your mission."
"But you won't be there."
We stop at another artwork. It's the only one that's only a flat piece on the wall, a picture of an alien.
Maeve gasps. "That's from Earth!"
I frown. "That? Surely not. He's much more colorful than you. And the eyebrows go all the way across his face."
"That's not a 'he'. That's a 'she'. It's Frida Kahlo! It's a self portrait! "
" Sefporet. " I thoughtfully repeat her alien words. "Yes, I always suspected it."
She looks up at me. "You did?"
I nod. "It's obvious. Very sefporet. "
"I think you're joking with me." Maeve gently cuffs my shoulder, then reaches out and touches the picture with one fingertip. "It's a picture of herself. She made many of those, sometimes exaggerating her features to look both male and female. She'd sometimes give herself a mustache, for instance. And she sometimes wore clothing that was traditionally male, too. She was actually very beautiful. She had lovers everywhere. Men and women. All these colors are just the flowers around her face. She did it as a protest, you know? They hated her because she was a woman and Mexican and… all the things they didn't like. This painting must be from the forties, when she was getting really sick. You can see the pain in her face. But she didn't give up. At her last exhibition, she moved her sick bed from the hospital to the gallery so she could be there for the opening. It was her first and only exhibition with only her paintings…" Her voice trails off.
"You know everything about her," I state into the silence.
"It's art," she says absentmindedly. "I studied it to take my mind off the Bululg invasion. When they made us slaves, I started to love everything that was made on Earth before they came. Some artists especially. Mostly those who rose in defiance. Frida was one."
I don't necessarily see why the creator of this strange painting should be worthy of such admiration, but this is obviously important to Maeve. "A remarkable artist."
Slender fingers trace the alien frame. "I'm glad that she's representing Earth here. She was fearless ."
"The alien who collected these works of art was surprisingly well traveled," I state, delighted that one of these is from Maeve's home planet. "And they had good taste. But she was oppressed by ‘them', you say? Meaning the Bululg?"
"No, she lived before that. Those who wanted Frida silenced were nowhere near as bad as the Bululg invaders."
Maeve suddenly spins around and grabs both my wrists. "Help us against them, Arelion! Help me! Any little thing you can do will be worth so much to us!"
There's fire in her eyes. I recognize the Maeve who gave me an angry lecture about prejudice, and my crotch swells immediately.
I grab her hands and pull her in close. "My love is a warrior."
She breathes heavily, her skin flushed. "I'm an art historian. But I can fight when I have to."
"I think you like it." I pull her in and unfasten the alien closure mechanism of her suit, thrusting my hand inside to cup a soft breast. "It's who you are. You resist. You fight. You win!"
"Yes," she gasps. "I love it. I love resisting those fuckers. I love being free! I love you , Arelion!"
I pull half of her suit off, baring her upper half except for the garment across her chest. I impatiently push it up for better access to her soft, smooth breasts. The sight of them intoxicates me and takes away the little self control I had. I take one nipple into my mouth and swirl my tongue around it.
Maeve shudders and arcs her back, offering her bare chest to me. I push the garment up and off her, loving her cooperation when she stretches her arms over her head to help.
She claws at the edge of my pants. "Come on ," she moans impatiently.
With one hand on her breast, I use the other to unsnap the fastening. My cock fights it way out of its confinement until the tip sticks out above the waistband. I push the pants all the way down and kick my boots off.
Maeve looks up at me with glassy eyes. "I'm ready. Take me."
I'm distantly conscious that this is not the most comfortable place, but the urgency is too great for both of us.
She discards her final garment and stands bared for me, an image of simple beauty, more profound because she doesn't need more adornment to be absolutely ravishing. In my younger days, when I thought I could make art, this is what I was unknowingly striving for: Pure beauty without all the unnecessary additions that can only subtract. I absolutely understand why Earth females are so attractive and so expensive. And this one… I have to own her.
"My love is exquisite," I rasp in a dry throat. "I will make you mine."
"Yes," she agrees, staring at my hard manhood. "I want to be yours!"
I place a hand under her chin and lift her face to kiss her. She responds with a feverish urge, clinging to me, welcoming me. We're both just as much filled with need as we were back in the jungle experiment, but this time it's all real. It all comes from us, not from some fake chemicals that are imposed on us.
I can't wait anymore. My need to plunge into her warmth is overwhelming. I grab Maeve and lie her down on the hard floor. Balling up her suit, I put it under her head.
She keeps her knees together, but I push them apart and open her for me. "No need to fight me ," I growl. "We win together."
"Yeessss," she purrs breathlessly, small mouth falling open.
I check with one finger, although the scent in the air tells me all I need to know about her readiness. Impatiently pushing her legs further apart, I enjoy the sight of glistening pink framed by dark hairs. She's so alien, and at the same time so incredibly alluring…
Sliding the tip along the edge, I ready my spear with her own juices. "And we will enjoy it." I'm not sure what I'm saying - I'm too aroused to think.
Inserting my cock between her lower lips, I look into her eyes. There's the usual wince when she feels me slide into her sex, not having to push much because she's so ready.
"Ooooh…" she groans as I slide all the way in. She's warm around me, welcoming and slippery, smooth and tight. I stay in her depths, partly to let her get used to the penetration, but mostly because being deep inside her secret female center is an incredible feeling.
Maeve stares up at me, mewling and moaning. "More."
I pull halfway out and slide back in, calmly, taking my time and fully sensing her fast heartbeat, her intoxicating scent, her little moans and whimpers, her full cooperation with this deepest of invasions.
It's otherworldly, wonderful in every way. The heat is rising in me as I mate with her, calmly but relentlessly-
I want to make her mine . I want nothing more than that. It is the only thing I want.
The world goes away in a haze, and all that exists is Maeve and me.
I'm feeling strange. Hot and strong. Invincible!
It comes over me as a huge wave of heat. My skin is going black, as if I'm about to go to battle. My wings unfold all by themselves, spanning the two of us and casting us in the shade.
I will make Maeve mine. Now.
"Harder!" she begs. "Faster!"
I speed up, but my mind is taken over by the immense need to do more.
This is it, I know. I have no choice in the matter. This was decided before I was born.
Maeve starts shaking, arches her back and screams out her climax.
I put one hand on her hip, which is the only place she has room for this.
My own orgasm is coming on, hard and strong. But there is so much more this time.
It's like soaring on my wings. Maeve's face spins in front of me, we merge completely as I spray inside her. My hand is one with her, searing hot, no longer mine. It's under the control of something much bigger, and I see it glowing red
This is it. This is the only time in my life that this will happen.
I'm Marking her.