Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty
Wedding of Their Dreams
It was almost time to go down to the courtyard. Kaitlyn was pacing. "Where is Tallie? She's been gone for hours."
Makayla turned from the window to reassure her sister when the door swung open and the missing woman walked in. "I've got it! I've got it all. The six-piece money, the borrowed thing, and the blue. The blue was the easiest. I just had to wrap them," Tallie said.
Giggling, Kaitlyn hugged her friend. "Where have you been? You didn't need to worry about that silly poem. I was afraid you wouldn't get back here in time."
Tallie hugged Kait back and waved the other girls over. "Sit," she commanded. "Open these first." And she handed out small packages to each one of them. "I brought these with me. They are your wedding gifts."
As each of them opened their packages, the silk spilled out. Making them gasp in excitement.
"Tallie, this is beautiful. Thank you so much!" Kaitlyn gushed. Lauren and Makayla followed with their comments.
The slender woman with the bobbing pink tuft of hair grinned. "I thought they would be a great wedding present. That you could use them in your home or wrap them around you. And now they are perfect because they are blue. Here is your something blue!"
"This is amazing," Lauren sighed. "Look... it is beautiful wrapped around my hips like a bit of a belt. It makes this dress perfect."
Kaitlyn twisted hers into a gorgeous bracelet. She held out her arm. "Tallie, tie this end for me, will you? I love this. It looks fantastic!"
Picking up her bouquet, Makayla tied the silk around the base and left the blue fabric ends streaming down. "They are each unique, and yet are made from the same shades of blue. This is the perfect finishing touch, Tallie. Thank you!"
"Not the finishing touch. This is the blue. I have the six-piece and borrowed—even though they are the same thing. I asked the Dragon King for some money. And told him why I wanted it." She handed out a tiny gold coin, each one embossed with a picture of Daxter on the front. "He said these were Daxter's birthing coins. So, you can put them in your boots... and be ready!" Tallie beamed at them.
Lauren looked at her coin, thinking sixpence but not saying it. She laughed. "This couldn't be more perfect. Oh, I am so ready!"
Makayla nodded. She walked over to the window and peered down. "I think they are waiting for us. The sun will set soon and there isn't an empty seat out there. Natacha is standing in front. She looks amazing. She was definitely the best choice for the ceremony."
Tallie grinned. "She is. Nat just always knows how things will go and what to say. She is so... spiritual. I'll go stand with the other girls and let them know you are coming."
As soon as they were alone, the sisters hugged one last time before they prepared to walk down the aisle.
Lauren took a deep breath and held out a hand to each of her cousins. "This isn't an end for us. It is just a new beginning."
Kait and Makayla nodded and smiled. Then each one of them put their hand over their tummy.
As they went out the door, Makayla's heart was so full. The three of them were safe. They were happy, healthy, and knew exactly what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives. They each were going to marry a man they truly loved.
Makayla had done her parents proud. She upheld the promises she made to take care of the girls—even when she had to follow them into space to do it...
All three women were dressed in their wedding finery, with their boots, their blue silk accents... and they were going down to a wedding that was designed around the things that meant something to them.
There were serving brisket at the wedding. Texas bar-b-cue. And they had a playlist of songs for later—so they could show their mates how to line dance.
You could take the girl out of Texas... but you couldn't take Texas out of the girl. It was the wedding of their dreams.