Chapter 2
“ O kay, start at the beginning,” his aunt suggested with the authority of a woman who knew her request would be followed but loved him enough to add a comforting lilt at the end, telling him that he had a special place in her heart. "But give me just a minute. I need some of the good stuff to be sure my bran is firing on all cylinders." Filling her favorite Christmas mug, the one she'd been using for as long as he could remember, his aunt asked over her shoulder, "You want a cup? It's fresh. I'd just poured the water in when you came through the door." With a short gasp, she added, "Oh wait! Are you still off caffeine?"
The chuckle in her voice, the one that had been there since the first time he'd asked for decaf almost three years ago, made the left side of his mouth raise in what some called the 'Cass smirk.' Not only had she made fun of him, but all of his cousins and their Mates had laughed so loud and for so long he almost lost all willpower right then and there. Then Uncle Owen stood up for him, telling all of them to mind their own business, and Cass was instantly more determined than ever.
Of course, that drive only lasted about a year. No caffeine was a hard pill to swallow–or not swallow, as the case was for him. After all, doctors weren't meant to function without coffee. At least not when they worked the kind of hours he did. He could be stitching up bombing victims in some far-off country in the morning, then back to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, where he was the lead physician in the research to kick cancer's ass. The human race had enough problems without a fucking disease that attacked without warning and, in most cases, refused to be beaten. He'd always kept a rigorous schedule, but lately, things seemed to be compounding.
Smiling because of all the happy memories being back at the MacAllen Ranch revived within him, even the ones where he was the butt of the joke, and despite the events that had brought him back to South Texas, Cass laughed, “Nope, gave up that battle pretty much as soon as I started.”
“Thank the Heavens,” cheered Barbara McAllen, his mother’s best friend, his surrogate mom, and the Mate of his Uncle Owen. “And I think lasting as long as you did is a testament to your gumption and stubbornness. I just can’t figure out why anyone with our metabolism would ever deprive themselves of something they loved as much as I know you love your java.”
“Well, it was something I tried when I was…”
“When you were havin’ trouble sleepin’? I mean, the last time, not the first.”
"Yep. I see you remember." Happily snickering, he added, "Well, you pretty much remember everything."
“I do, and sometimes it’s a curse, but I like it more than I hate it.” Without pausing, she returned to the subject at hand. “So, did you find out caffeine wasn’t the problem? It wasn’t keepin’ you up at night?”
“You know I did.”
"Because you went to see Bane, the Leader of the Brotherhood of the Dragons? And that Ancient Healer, Doctor, and Seer was able to tell you why you couldn't get a good night's sleep by sharing what he 'saw'?"
"You know I did, and he did," he repeated with a snort of laughter. "And before you ask another question that you already know the answer to, let me just say, yes, I asked him about my insomnia, along with other things, when I went to see him instead of just calling because you told me I needed to speak to him face to face."
"See?" Turning toward him with two mugs of steaming, wonderfully aromatic coffee, his aunt's special blend, she closed the distance. Placing one in front of him, she stepped back toward the closest chair, sat down, and took a sip of her coffee–never breaking eye contact. "Now, was that so hard?"
“Not at all, Aunt Barb.”
“You always were my favorite.”
“Yeah, right.” He scoffed, unable to contain his smirk. “That’s what you say to all of us when we do what you tell us to.”
"Works every time." Winking, she took another sip, then set her mug on the table between the bowl of fruit and three loaves of freshly baked bread he was sure had been made because she knew he was coming home. Leaning forward, she laid her left hand on the highly polished wood and grinned. "So, spill, Cass, my love. Confusion and frustration are written all over your face, and I just can't stand when any of my boys get all tangled up in their BVDs."
“Well…” He forced out a long-suffering breath before continuing. “It’s like I was trying to say–but failin' miserably–wh en I walked in. The birth of the babe went off without a hitch. It was the easiest delivery I've ever had. I mean, there were more Doctors, Healers, and Elders in the room than there are at most hospitals these days. We outnumbered everybody else at least two-to-one. Besides, I'm pretty sure Sam could've done it all by herself if Lance hadn't put out the old, mental all–call. As a matter of fact, I'm also pretty sure …"
“She would’ve preferred to do it herself because then there wouldn’t have been an audience?”
“I see you’ve met her?”
"I have, and I loved her at first sight. I love all of them. We may come from different parts of the world and different walks of life, but we’re all joined by…”
“We’re all joined by one simple belief,” Cass reiterated what he’d been told every day of his life for as long as he could remember. “There are no coincidences. The Universe does not make mistakes. Fate will not be denied, and the Great Creator sees us all as Their children. We are one Family under the Sun, Moon, and Stars.”
Smiling brightly, her eyes shining with a love that reminded him of his mother and made his heart swell three times its size, just like the Grinch's in his favorite holiday cartoon, she winked. "See? You got it in one."
"Yeah, well, here's the freaky part, the one I was trying to tell you about when I first walked in. The one that has me so confused I'm really not sure which end is up."
"Oh, yes." Sitting back, she crossed her legs, picked up her mug, and with her free hand pointed. "With all the talk of babies, I almost forgot. I really need grandchildren, ya’ know that, right?” With a wistful sigh, it only took a second before she was once again focused on him. Clapping, she assured, “But that’s a story for another day. Right here and now, I’m all ears. You have my full attention. Tell me what happened that has you so upset.”
"It's not that I'm upset." He stopped, ran the fingers of his right hand through his hair–something he only did when he was trying to solve a puzzle or find an elusive answer to a pain-in-the-ass question that refused to leave him alone–and sighed for what seemed like the umpteenth time. "It's more like I'm out of sorts… Confused… Completely out of my depth."
"That just can't be so." Shaking her head, Aunt Barbara uncrossed her legs and sat up so straight it was as if she was a puppet, and someone had pulled her strings. "You are one of the smartest people I've ever met, and that's sayin’ something, sir. I’ve met a lot of brilliant people in all my years, a lot of clever Beings with minds like steel traps.” Wagging her finger at him in fun, she added, “And if you ask me the number of those years, I will kick ya’ in the shin and refuse to feed you.”
Hands up in mock surrender, Cass tried not to laugh as he solemnly replied, "No way, no, ma'am. You taught me better than to ever ask a lady her age or her dress size."
“See? You really are my favorite.”
“And that’s the way I like it,” he chuckled.
“Well, it’s just because you’re so damned smart.”
Holding up her hand when Cass was about to interrupt, she kept right on going. “And I do not say that just because you’re my nephew by marriage and the son of the best friend I ever had.”
She winked and crinkled her nose, an expression that had always made him feel better even when he'd just fallen out of the tree, broken his arm, and bent the wing of the model airplane he'd paid for with the money he'd gotten for his eighth birthday .
"It's because it's true. You were smart as a whip from the day you opened your eyes. There was never a child born who could figure something out faster than you–not even one of my own. Not to mention, you've been a doctor since before your twenty-first birthday and healed and saved people of all shapes and sizes in more places and eras than most. So, if you're flummoxed, well, you better tell me the whole story. Then once we have all the facts, we'll spread them out and connect them one at a time like those blasted million-piece jigsaw puzzles you loved as a kid. Sound good?"
“It does,” he readily agreed, truly meaning every word.
There hadn’t been a time in his life, even when his parents still walked the Earth, when his Aunt Barbara and Uncle Owen couldn’t make him feel better. So, after taking a drink of coffee and accepting a plate of Barbara MacAllen’s special peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, he started to tell her everything that had happened.
“I got to the Lair of the Golden Fire Clan without a problem. Flew through the night and landed after lunch. I went straight to Commander MacLendon’s house and was welcomed just like I was home.”
“I told you Kyndel and Rayne were good people.”
"Oh, yeah, they are. I knew they had to be, but I'm not afraid to admit that hearing the Southern in Kyndel’s voice felt good. She didn't even get mad that I kept calling her ma'am."
“She’s good that way.”
“She sure is.” Pausing for a second to get his thoughts back in order, Cass started again. “So, after I got introduced to everyone, of course, they wanted to know why I was there. I explained that I thought they were expecting me because it’s where Bane said I was supposed to be.” Pausing for a spilt-second, he shook his head and gave a quick chuckle. “Well, they were confused, and rightfully so. Uncle Owen hadn’t gotten around to calling and telling anyone I was coming. And, apparently, Bane hadn’t either.”
“I understand Bane not callin’ but that husband of mine.” She shook her head and smiled. “You just gotta love that Uncle of yours," Barbara chuckled. "I knew I should've done it. I even suggested it, but Owen said he needed to talk to Rayne about something, and it was as good a time as any to get it all taken care of in one call. So…"
“So, you left it up to him.”
“Yep, I did.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter,” Cass acquiesced. “I repeated that Bane said I needed to go to the Golden Fire Clan because a woman from their past was coming home. I went on to say that she was bringing my Mate with her, and for some reason, I needed to find the woman made for me sooner rather than later."
Stopping, he took another drink of coffee, looked out the window, and, after a few seconds of thinking back over everything that had happened, continued. "I was just about to finish by saying, 'And that is as far as Bane could see into the future,' when Lance yelled that the baby was coming. In the middle of that, their daughter, Sydney, arrived, and we were all runnin’ quicker than a cat dances on a hot tin roof across the Lair to help.”
“I do love it when your Texas comes shinin’ through.”
“Well, then you’ll love what comes next.” Turning so he could look his aunt in the eye, Cass went on, “Two steps out the back door, I realized Sydney was who I needed to talk to. She was the person from the past coming back to her home, the Golden Fire Clan, that Bane saw in his vision. I told my rascally Dragon King, Blár, that we needed to speak with her as soon as we could, and…”
“And I agreed,” the Dragon King’s voice came out of Cass’s mouth without a break or pause in the conversation. They had been together so long that Cass was used to anything his alter ego did and took it all in stride. “Also, I would like to take this time to say a proper hello to you, Barbara Anne Thorntree MacAllen, Luna Wolf of the Thorntree Timber Wolf Pack, Daughter of the Great Chief Cheveyo and Ghigau of the Thorntree Cherokee Nation. It is always such a pleasure to be in the home of 'the One Who Speaks With the Great Spirit.' I have greatly missed our talks and look forward to more."
"It is just great to have you here, King Blár. I, too, have missed our talks, but you have to stop with all the formality. I'm just Barbara MacAllen, or Barb, if you like. I know you and your kin are big on formality, but 'round here, I'm just Barbara, Aunt Barb, or Mom." She chuckled. "However," With a wink and another crinkle of her nose, she got closer and, in a faux conspiratorial whisper, admitted, "It does always do my heart good to be greeted in the old way every once in a while."
“Then I shall strive to always do that for you, Mo charaid ghràdhach ,” the Dragon King answered, the brogue of the Isle of Skye where the Universe had breathed him into existence thick in his voice, before he returned to the back of the Guardsman’s soul.
"Well, now, haven't I been put in my place," Cass chuckled. "Sorry about that, Old Man." Then, to his aunt, he also said, "Sorry, I was…"
"You were all consumed with whatever happened at the Golden Fire Lair and didn't think of letting King Blár speak to me." Nodding, she went on, "It's okay. He and I will speak later. You keep going. I'm on the edge of my seat over here." Snickering, she added, "Even though I do love that old Dragon King of yours."
“And he loves you.” Another sip of coffee, and Cass started where he’d left off. “Like I was sayin’, we were all runnin’ at top speed through Kyndel’s garden and across the pasture. It reminded me of the All Dragon Games from when I was a young’un. Anyway, about halfway between the MacLendon’s house and the Clinic, Sydney just disappeared.”
“You mean, she went a different way.”
"No," he insisted, "I meant what I said. She. Disappeared." Up on his feet in one fluid motion, Cass spun on the heels of his boots and started pacing the length of the massive kitchen that felt more like home than his own ever had. Without missing a beat, he went on, "One second, she was running by my side, talking about how she was so excited to finally see her mom and dad again and to welcome the new baby, and the next, she wasn't. Poof! She was gone. When we got to the Clinic, I asked a few people where she'd gone, and they all said they hadn't seen her for almost ten years since she went to the Refuge in the Citadel with the Ancient One, Shavon."
Returning to his chair, he sat and grabbed a cookie from the plate. Using it like the pointer his old anatomy professor, Dr. Benedict, used to use, he went on, "Of course, my hunt for Sydney Kavanaugh was cut short when Siobhan Walsh asked me to assist Charlie O'Brien, another doctor and the Mate of Aaron O'Brien… With a single, sharp shake of his head, he added, "Why am I telling you who people are? You know everybody."
His aunt nodded, and he continued, "Always have. Always will." He forced a snicker to ease the tension beating at him from the inside out. "So, Sam was tryin' to hand out directions, do her Lamaze breathing, and shatter every bone in her husband's hand, all while having one contraction on top of another. Happily, for all involved, especially Lance's hand, if the look of utter pain on his face was any indication, the birth didn't take long. The baby was happy and healthy from the start. She literally cried for two seconds, then started cooing and smiling. At twenty-four inches long and eight pounds and twelve ounces with light brown curls, she was the definition of adorable."
“Oh, I love babies, especially the chubby ones,” Barbara swooned. “Tell me, did she have thick little thighs and cheeks you just wanted to kiss?”
“Yes, ma’am, she sure did.” Smiling, the expression and the memory making him feel a little less frustrated, Cass started to resume his account of what had taken place when his Aunt asked, “What did they name her?”
“Oh, yeah,” he snickered. “Orla Elizabeth Anne Kavanaugh.”
“What a name. It’s perfect.”
“I understood Orla because it means Golden Princess. One look and there was no denying that the sweet little girl was most definitely a princess, and we all know her daddy is a golden Dragon, so…” Shrugging, he opened his hands and nodded. “I admit, I was a bit confused about the two middle names, but Kyndel explained that Elizabeth is Sydney’s middle name and Anne is Sam’s.”
"Now, the second she mentioned Sydney, I remembered why I was really there and asked where the young lady had gone, and do you know what, Aunt Barb?"
“I don’t, but I’m sure you’re gonna tell me.”
"You're right. I am." Without so much as a breath, Cass declared, "She shrugged, turned, and walked away. "
“And you left it there?”
"Not exactly. I stayed around for another day to be sure Mother and Baby Orla were okay. I absolutely tried to talk to Kyndel again, but she had more excuses than feathers in a henhouse, always sayin' she was so busy but would be right back. As you can imagine, when she came back, she was just as busy. Where everyone was concerned, well, they just looked at me like I had three heads if I even mentioned Sydney's name."
"What about their son, Jay? That beautiful boy nearly talked my ear off the last time I saw him."
“I saw him for about two minutes in total, and that was when he and the O’Brien twins–Angus and Ashton–were raiding the refrigerator and the pantry. Those three were almost as good at eatin’ their parents out of house and home as me, Jed, and Gage were at that age. But instead of disappearing out to the barn or the nearest tree or cave, they were busy playin’ video games.” Taking a drink of coffee, he remembered to say, “I’m sure you already know, but Jay had his first Shift right before Thanksgiving.”
“I had heard that,” his aunt agreed. “I knew he would be early to embrace the Magic of his Dragon. I bet the O’Brien twins aren’t far behind.”
“Yeah, Blár and I could feel the Mysticism of the Shift when they were anywhere around. It won’t be long.”
“Well, good for them.” Motioning with her free hand, she asked, “What about Rayne? He’s always been a straight shooter. I remember your Uncle Owen asking him about something many years ago. Even though whatever was happening was top secret, the Commander told your Uncle that he couldn’t explain at the time but would as soon as he could. We both respected him for that. Then true to his word and his character, he called a week later, after getting permission from the Elders, and answered all our questions.”
“I knew Rayne would at the very least tell me to mind my own business, but he was nowhere to be found,” Cass explained. “Nether were Aidan or Aaron O’Brien. I asked their Mates when they would be back, and they were as tight-lipped as Kyndel. Now, you know me, I tried to be patient, but I was not blessed with very much of that particular virtue. I know you know how antsy I get when I have something on my mind and have nothing to keep me busy.”
“I do, better than most.”
"Yeah, well, I just said my goodbyes and thanked everyone so much for their incredible hospitality. I dropped by to check on Sam, Lance, and little Orla and then went to see Bane. Thankfully, he was back in Houston, looking at the results of our latest research."
“How did that go?”
"Well, he liked what he saw with the gene splicing. Just like we suspected, Dragon DNA perfectly integrates with human DNA, and without the Magic of the Ancients and the Universe, there is no chance of them Shifting and becoming a Dragon Sylph. The Heavens know we do not need Elemental Air Dragons with no soul or moral compass roaming the Earth–no matter how much I hate cancer and what it does to the humans."
“Well, that’s good news.”
"It is." He nodded. "My professional life is going great. As far as my personal life is concerned, well, I tried to catch up with Bane after our meeting at the lab, but as usual, he was gone. So, that's why I'm here. Apparently, he went straight out to the middle of the Chihuahuan…" Throwing his thumb over his shoulder, he continued. "Okay, well, he's out there under the Desert, working with Declan of the Blue Thunder Clan, the Big Cat Pride, and a few others to remove the frozen creatures from the ice."
“And you’re here because…?” She drew out the words while trying not to laugh. Watching the effort, it took his aunt not to let go of a good guffaw, Cass started to chuckle even though he had a cookie in his mouth.
Swallowing the most wonderful confection he'd ever tasted, he took a sip of coffee before answering. "Because it is almost Christmas, your boys are all Mated, and you need help decorating this big old house–inside and out.”
“Oh, I see, and you’re hoping for an invitation to Christmas Dinner, and since your birthday is the same day, you’re thinking there might be a big, ole Texas sheet cake on the dessert table?”
"Absolutely!" Nodding, Cass picked up another cookie. Unlike before, he didn't wave it around. He simply held it between them as he added, "As well as Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, and any other days with food involved in the celebration."
“You’re only here to eat my cookin’? It has nothing to do with finding your Mate?”
"You know I would walk a hundred miles, barefooted in the snow, to eat your food. You are one helluva cook.”
“Why thank you, Caspian, my boy.”
“And to answer your second question, no,” he adamantly denied, meaning it with all his heart. “Why would I come here to find her? I know Bane said it was a matter of some urgency that I find her, but he also said that my Mate would be with Sydney Kavanaugh. Now, since I have no idea where in all of God with a capital G’s great green Earth she is, nor do I want to take my happy heinie how ever many miles under the sand into some frozen cave to find out if Bane’s had another vision or prophecy or whatever the hell it is he has when he sees the future, I came to see you, one of my favorite people in all the world.”
"Hey!" A deep, rumbling voice floated from the backdoor a second before the thud of boots on the hardwood floor followed. "Is that the one and only Caspian MacAllen trying to sweet talk my Auntie Barbara?”
Getting to his feet, Cass smiled wide and put out his hand as Jed slid his in for a shake. As they shook, the Guardsman felt the connection of not only their heritage but their combined history, respect, and brotherly love.
Being older than all the MacAllen boys, Cass and Jed spent many good times exploring the MacAllen Ranch with Owen and Barbara before Gage came along. Then they became the Three Musketeers, and the real fun began.
Cass and Jed even experienced their first Shifts within hours of one another, under the full moon, in McKitterick Canyon, halfway between the back fence of the Ranch and the Magical entrance to the Reservation. Being much younger, Gage had missed the fun, but they'd been sure to prepare him for what was to come.
Together, the three boys were unstoppable, and although Cass hadn't seen Jed in years, not much had changed. One look into the dark brown, almost black eyes of the Stallion Shifter, and the memories came rushing back.
Walking under the bright, white light of the Yuletide Full Moon, the frozen sand abraded his bare feet as the winter winds whipped in every direction, beating at the flesh of his chest. It was the seventh night in a row that he’d paced the same path, and it was the first few hours of Christmas Eve. Unable to sleep, unwilling to stay inside, he’d prayed for the December weather to wash away whatever was haunting him and allow him to once again slumber as only a teenage boy can.
Visions of the land he loved, nocturnal animals of every kind running to and fro, the lush array of foliage, and the multitude of crops of the MacAllen Ranch contrasting with the taupe, brown, and red clay of the Chihuahuan Desert filled every corner of his mind–but the view was askew. It was so different than what he knew so well. Instead of seeing it from his already six-foot stature, the fourteen-year-old was looking down from a great height, taking in all he’d ever surveyed in a single glance.
The Magic of the Ancients thrummed with a vigor he'd never before felt, and the Enchantment of the Great Creator spoke to him in ways he'd only ever heard of in the stories his mom, dad, aunt, uncles, and grandpa told. Something had awakened within him, something he'd known was coming but, for some reason, was resisting. There was a tug of war going on in his soul, but both sides were simply holding steady.
Cass thought about talking to Owen. He'd even gone out to the barn just that morning to talk to the Leader of the MacAllen Dragons. But when he opened his mouth to speak, the words refused to be spoken. Over and over, he tried, and over and over, nothing happened.
He could talk about the saddle Owen was repairing and the beautiful Mustang Mare he'd finally gotten to take a carrot out of his hand. Hell, he was even able to recount the conversation he'd had with Jed Thorntree about the Texas Baseball League finally getting a footing in Houston. But no matter how hard he tried, Cass simply could not bring himself to talk about all the weird thoughts and feelings wreaking havoc in his mind.
As a last-ditch effort, he'd gone to the Res to Chief Cheveyo and his sons, Dasan and Elan. Since his mom was one of the Tribe, and her Mating with his dad had been blessed by the Great Creator and all the Chiefs, that meant Cass was also a Thorntree Cherokee. Having such an extensive extended family had been such a comfort after losing his parents at such a young age. He'd shared everything with them. So, why was he suddenly finding it hard to talk to them about what really mattered?
No, he wasn’t the only person, or child, to lose those he held most dear to the Skeenah Legion. Jed’s parents had also gone to the Heavens during the bloodiest battle of the war. Cass believed it was one of the many things that bound them as brothers tighter than blood ever could.
During the Clash at Guadalupe Peak, the one that finally brought peace to their land, everyone who could fight did, and his parents were no different. Not only were they defending their people and their land, but they were also fighting for their freedom, their way of life, and their belief in the Universe and the Great Creator.
Too young to join the fight, Cass had been taken to stay with Barbara, who was pregnant with her second son. He would never forget looking into his father's eyes as he heard his low rumble reassuring, "Caspian Thomas MacAllen, you are the Hope. You are the best of all of us. Know that you are loved, my son. Never forget that you are loved."
Looking at his momma, he tried hard not to cry, but the tears fell when she whispered, "Oh, my little Agiyvsdi, what an amazing young man you have grown to be, and what a great man you will be. Every day and in every way, you make me proud to be your momma. Remember your Faith in the Ancients of All, the Great Creator, and the Universe. As your daddy said, you are the Hope. Know that you are loved and that one day, that Love will come in the form of your Mate. She will see who you really are and love you all the more for it." Kissing him on the forehead, she pulled back and added, "Your daddy and I will always be with you."
It wasn't until much later that Cass realized his parents knew they wouldn't be coming home. For a long time, he was angry. He resented them. He was pissed off at the people who'd come home. Well, except Owen. For some reason, that rage was never pointed at his uncle, but it was alive and well with regard to others. He could feel blinding hatred trying to take root in his soul every time he saw a mom or a dad with their child.
On one of the worst days, the wee hours of the morning of Christmas Eve, he’d gone to Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in the entire state of Texas. The trek had been hard and long. Cass had fallen more than once and thought about giving up with almost every step he’d taken, but his need to see where his parents gave their lives was stronger than all the other feelings.
Once there, he’d been greeted by a very large, obviously very lazy Black Bear. Laying there, only its eyes moving, the Yonah–Bear in the Cherokee language–did nothing more than grunt in Cass’s direction.
Halfway through his journey to the battlefield, the young man turned to find the Bear had gotten up and followed. Instantly enraged that the time he needed with the ghosts of his parents was being interrupted, Cass growled, “Go away. I want to be alone.”
No sooner had he spoken the words than the Black Bear transformed into a six-foot woman with long red curls and the stature of an Amazon. Wearing a deep, rich brown, tanned deerskin vest, leggings, and breechcloth, she was an imposing figure he instantly knew was used to being respected, if not revered.
Taking in the large, colorfully beaded chest plate adorned with hand-forged silver medallions, Cass was immediately aware that he was in the presence of greatness. Then his gaze landed on the spear carved from the holy Cedar tree with a head shaped from white granite, and there was absolutely no doubt he was in the presence of a true Cherokee Warrior, the Leader of the Ditlihi, the Chief of the Chosen Warriors.
Before he could speak, she reached into the thick fall of auburn hair lying on her shoulder, pulled out the wing feather of the Sacred Bird, a Bald Eagle, and held it in the space between them. Unsure what to do, but knowing if he didn't take the gift, he would be insulting the Great Creator's Chosen Warrior, the young man held out his hands.
Having been taught the ways of the Cherokee Nation by some of the most honorable Ani-Yunwiya, Real People to those of the Tribe, Cass accepted the token, bowed his head, and reverently acknowledged, "Thank you, Noble Ditlihi, for this gift. I shall wear it with pride and remember the day I was in the presence of the Great Creator’s Chosen Warrior.”
Gasping when just the tips of her fingers softly touched the underside of his chin, Cass allowed her to lift his face until he looked deep into her dark brown eyes. Watching gold flecks swirl as a Magic that could be none other than Mother Nature's wrapped over and around them with the unconditional love and acceptance that can only come from an adoring Omnipotent Being.
“Can you feel that, Uktena?" Not waiting for an answer, she continued, "You are loved. Like the Eagle from which that feather fell, you are strong. You have great courage. You embrace your freedom and want the same for all others. You were blessed by the Sacred Bird at the moment of your birth."
Without another word, she let her hand drop and took a step back. Raising the spear she held at her side, she pointed toward the Reservation. "Those are your people." Then she turned and pointed to the MacAllen Ranch. "Those are also your people."
Returning to face him, she stood perfectly still for what seemed like forever but was truly only a second. When she spoke again, Cass could feel the magnitude of her words. “In your heart, all are your people. In the days to come, you will be asked to make a choice. It will not be concerning who you love, who you protect, or who you call Family. Neither the Great Creator nor the Universe would ever be so callous. They know your heart and have seen you are more than worthy.”
Smiling, the expression brightening not only her face but all of Guadalupe Peak, she continued. "The decision you will be asked to make–the choice–will be simple. No sooner will the question be asked than your heart and soul give you the answer. Trust your heart. Listen to your soul. Believe in all you've been taught. Know that you are loved, Caspian Thomas MacAllen. Believe that you are the Hope."
Before his brain had time to catch up with his mouth, Cass blurted out, "That's what my mom and dad said. It was the last thing they said to me. How could you have known?" Shaking his head and then running his fingers through the messy curls atop his head, he didn't wait for an answer but hurried to add, "It doesn't matter how you knew. I came here tonight to… to… to…"
Once again, closing the distance between them, the Ditlihi laid her hand on his shoulder. "You came here for answers, and I came here to give them to you."
Taking her hand off his shoulder, she motioned toward the battlefield where his parents lost their Earthly lives and ascended into the Heavens. “Your mother and father were great warriors. Esta Evilhawk and Thomas MacAllen, their names will forever be written on my heart. I was there that night. I had the honor of not only calling them Sidanelv, my Family, but seeing how very much they loved you."
“But they… they….:
"No, Caspian, you are wrong," she corrected when he couldn't say the words. "They did not choose to leave you; they chose to give you life. They made the ultimate sacrifice, not of their own lives, but of a long life with you to preserve the Light and extinguish the Darkness. They willingly, bravely, and with all the faith I have ever seen in my long life ran toward the enemy, toward The Skeenah Legion, when they realized that I, along with the N?nn?’h?, could not save every Warrior of the Light. They fought more courageously than any other I have ever witnessed, and they look down from the Heavens every minute of every day with love and pride at the man you are becoming.”
He didn't have the words. His mind had sufficiently been blown. This woman, the Warrior, the Being, who was chosen by the Great Creator to protect all Ani-Yunwiya, had come to this place on this night to speak to him about his parents. She was there to…"
“I am here to prepare you for the decision you must make and ensure that your heart is without doubt, fear, or hate, and you do not blame your parents for the choices they made. I have been sent by the Great Creator and the Universe to be sure you see the Truth.”
Slowly nodding just once, she speared him a look that he felt in every fiber of his being. Time stood still. Cass didn't move. He didn't blink. Hell, he didn't even breathe.
Finally, when he was sure he would pass out, the young MacAllen exhaled as the Ditlihi added, “You are loved, Caspian MacAllen. You are the Hope. Watch for the signs. Follow your heart and soul when faced with decisions. And always look for the N?nn?’h?. One of those very special People Who Will Live Forever is the key to your happiness, to your happily ever after.”
Before he could take another breath or say a word, the Warrior was gone. Not even the Black Bear remained. Cass was alone, and for the first time since he'd lost his parents, it didn't bother him at all.
Walking to the center of the battlefield, he saw the outline of the crater that had opened up and swallowed The Skeenah Legion. As far as the eye could see, the echo of the souls of the righteous who had fought to protect the world cast long shadows. They didn't move. They didn't moan. They were nothing like the comic books or stories would have people believe .
No, they were stoic. They stood tall. They stood guard. They were the Favored. They had been called to defend the Light and had run headlong into the Darkness with no thought of their own wellbeing.
Slowly traversing the entire area, he prayed to see the shadowy figures of his parents. His heart and soul willed it to happen, but it was not meant to be.
As the winds became stronger, some of the gusts nearly knocked him backward. The temperature dropped, and the mercury flirted with that elusive zero mark.
Heading back to the trail, he slowly and carefully inched his way down. Ascending had been much easier than descending. Gravity was a strange and unforgiving Mistress.
The sharp, narrow turns, no wider than two feet, were nearly impossible. With the wind pushing and swirling in every direction, his fingers and hands were raw from grabbing the jagged, sharp limestone and sedimentary rock that formed the massive formation.
When the balls of his feet finally touched down on the ice-covered sands of the Chihuahuan Desert, the pounding of running footfalls cut through the blustery breeze. Turning one way and then the other, he finally caught sight of Jed Thorntree racing toward him, his long, dark hair flowing behind him like the mane of a great Stallion.
The moment the boys were within shouting distance, a flash of bright white light followed by a blazing bolt of Ancient Magic shot from the Heavens. Eyes locked on the glowing sphere rising from the sand, Cass could not believe what he saw.
Then a deep baritone with a thick Scottish brogue that reminded him of Grandpa MacAllen spoke from somewhere deep within him, asking, “Tell me, Caspian Thomas MacAllen, do you choose Uktena or will your Fate and your Destiny belong to the Wa ya?”